
Written by AUTHORESS Sylvia



Who the hell wouldn’t want such an offer!

Three hundred thousand dollars every month just to keep a girl who’s only being childish??

It’s a life changing opportunity, dearies! And I can’t lose it!

So, I walked out of the kitchen with the tray of food.

Almost getting to the dinning, smiling at Mirabella, I suddenly slipped and everything on the tray splashed all over the ground.

My fall was great!

I hit my poor waist on the ground and let out a loud scream!

What did I heard? Mirabella screamed out a laughter from the table.

I glanced up groaning.

“Mom!” Alberto exclaimed, running towards me.

“I fell….” I started to say when Alberto equally slipped and fell off too.

Mirabella’s laughter rang out like a bed.

“I told you mom!! You’ve brought in accident into the house! ”

” Oh no! I really didn’t do that. Promise! ” Mirabella said, looking innocent.

I gritted my teeth and smiled stiffly.

Alberto and I stood up and slowly tiptoed past the oil on the floor.

“Easy!” Mirabella sang.

“Are you okay mom?” Alberto asked and I laughed it off. “It’s really nothing. I will start getting this cleaned up. Mira honey, I will get you another plate of food. ” I said and left.


oh my God..the falling view was so fun!

It just played into my heart to spill the oil on the floor. I just wanted to laugh…is that wicked?

I was bored! I’m always bored and I needed something to make me laugh.

I thought about mom and dad. I’m missing them already and I’m already thinking of a wat to go see them.

Why did they have to send me here anyway just to get married to some guy?

Well well well…. that’s story for another day..

Right now…..I’m having fun.


” Ouch! That hurts!” I cried once I got into my room.

I applied cream on my body and stood, thinking.

No matter what that girl commits…I’m not gonna let her go.

Like… that’s throwing away one’s Fortune!!

Something came into my mind and I smiled. Yes!

I know exactly what to do. I know exactly how to make Mirabella the perfect gentle lady.

All she needs is a coordinator! Someone who’s gonna teach her how to be a woman.

And who is so befitting for this super job if not, Micelle my friend?

She’s gonna be so happy to share out of the money.



I hurriedly grabbed my cellphone and dialled her line.


I breathed in as I stared at the girl sitting on the dinning… What on earth…! Ugh!

I sat opposite her as she kept smiling at me. I smiled back. Maybe if I’m a little nicer…. She’s gonna stop causing accidents.

“Hi.” I said softly.

She blinked severally before nodding. “Hi.”

“You are…. Mirabella McMinnville, right? ”

” Yeah. The popular Mirabella. You should be glad I’m even in your house, making it lively you know. That fall was… Oh my God… A great comic show! ” She said and laughed.

I laughed too. ” But .. can you stop doing something like that? Can you stop being so cr@zy? ” I asked nicely.

She frowned deeply. Oh my God….. I started moving backwards in my chair.

“I’m not crazy! Why do people keep saying that? Even you? Are you not supposed to be my new boyfriend? ” She growled.

My eyes widened. ” Your boyfriend? I never said I wanted to be your boyfriend.” I replied.

She stood up and folded her arms, then started walking towards me. It too all the courage and strength in my soul to sit still as she approached.

She stopped in front of me and bent then sniffed my hair. “Your hair is due for maintenance. I think I can help! I’m a generous girlfriend! ” She said loudly.

I began to relax. She’s not that cr@zy after all. “Okay… Thanks.” I smiled.

“Wow! Fantastic! All we need is a comb…. Scissors and mousse!” She stated and I nodded.

Just then mom returned with another food. She placed it on the dinning.

Shocked, we watched Mirabella devour the plate of homemade cookies and drank two glasses of juice.

Belching into her hand, she shrugged and smiled at us. “Done! I’m not a slower for food!”

Mom and I smiled inwardly and stared at her.

“Mirabella offered to dress my hair.” I finally said.

“Wow!” That’s great! I will leave you two to yourself! “Mom winked at me and practically ran off.

Spoilt mom!!

“Okay… Let’s get started!” Before I could even nod, she grabbed my hand and took off.

She runs like a car!

I almost fell but but tried not to.

We got into my bathroom and she made me sit on the bathtub.

And I did.

“Okay! All you’ve got to do is to close your eyes tightly and say cheese”

And I did!

I closed my eyes suspecting absolutely nothing!

I felt a comb in my hair first then scissors then a liquid substance then scissors then a comb again!

“Okay! Open your eyes now!” She laughed.

I gasped. Mirabella laughed! Oh my God….. I slowly began to open my eyes and stared into the mirror she held in front of me.

I stared at myself. No.. this is not me!!

Mirabella has killed me!

I couldn’t cry… Nor laugh or shout.

I just fainted right inside the bathtub!!


What has she done with Alberto’s hair??

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