Jasmine’s Pov

How cunning and mischievous can this woman be?


“What are you talking about Mom?” Jayson asked with a smug on his face as he literally pulled me from his mother and made me sit beside him in a different couch, I took in sharp breath as he interwined our fingers and placed them on his thigh, I looked at him with pure uneasiness but the smile he flashed at me made me somewhat relaxed

“Your past, well our past….. you see your friendship with each other only blossomed because of the closeness between us, and your parents, we were already tight friends before we got married and even gave birth” Mrs Mantinda revealed and I furrowed my eyebrows

“Then what happened, why the sudden hatered from my parents towards you people?” I asked, feeling the ache in my chest, my whole body arched

“Yeah, I would also love to know why you suddenly told me to stop seeing Jasmine few months before her parents demise, did you guys by any chance kil…..” Jayson trails and Mrs Mantinda shot him a glare, making the remaining words stuck in his mouth

“I would never hurt anyone, same goes for your Dad, we are good people and we would never make anyone an orphan” Mrs Mantinda added slowly and I saw the sincerity in her eyes

“Sorry for even trying to say that but what really happened?” Jayson asked, his grip tightened on mine and I looked at me, he wasn’t looking at me but I know he’s aware that I’m staring

“You see, we were really close with your parents Jasmine, we were friends, partners in silly crimes, business associates and most of all, we share the tightest bond…. although we got married at the same time but I gave birth first and your mother was really excited for me, she said my son, Jayson, would marry her daughter, that’s if she happens to finally conceive……we laughed it off but four years later?, She gave birth to you, the coincidence was a shocker and you turned out very beautiful and cute…..we made sure you guys grow up to see just how close we were as family, we were happy and everything was going so perfectly until…. someone introduced a stupid business deal to your Dad’s….” She paused to study us for a bit….then she leans closer…. resting both hands on her thighs

“It was a drug dealer” she whispered and I gasped…. literally as I covered my mouth, Jayson pulled me closer as I rested on his side, holding his hand tightly to myself

“Drug dealer?” Jayson questioned with disbelief and shock

“Yep, a noturios one at that, he offered such a good amount that would catapult your Dad’s into another realm of wealth, but your father, Jasmine, vehemently refused to partake in whatever the dealer had to offer, my husband didn’t take it likely and called your Dad a weakling and a coward….. from small arguments to huge fights and blood battles and we slowly departed…. your Dad vowed never to come close to us or anything that belongs to us and my husband shook his hand and we severed ties, completely since then, we started warning the both of you to stay away from each other but like an elastic rubber band, you guys still find ways to play, we couldn’t separate you both but things changed completely for when Jayson, said he wanted marry you in the future, of course my husband didn’t like it so that’s why he asked to meet with your parents near the Cafe before the accident” she narrated and I couldn’t believe my ears, so this is the reason they hated each other

“But, you guys planned the whole thing and killed my parents, we were in your car that got sabotaged, you guys did it on purpose!” I suddenly blurted out as I felt anger raising within me but Jayson held me down

“No we didn’t, the attack wasn’t meant for your parents but rather it was meant for us, my second son, Jasper, was the one who tempered with the cars, he wanted to kill us but for some reasons, our keys got inter-changed and we ended up in your car while you guys took ours….” She defended and everything started coming back to me

“Jayson, that day…. you were holding your parents car keys and I was holding mine, right?” I asked and he slowly nods

“And we exchanged it while playing but never got the chance to replace them before the argument and we had to leave in a hurry after both of our parents started bickering….” He said and my jaw dropped, I slowly released my hands from Jayson’s as I held my head with horrific expression

“I …..killed ……my ….parents” I stuttered as tears rolls down, Jayson quickly wiped them, kissing my cheeks as he cleans the tears but more came running through the line of my skin

“No, no…. don’t blame yourself, it was an honest mistake, you didn’t know” Mrs Mantinda said as she quickly walked up to me and crowded me in her hands

“No!, I forced Jayson to play that stupid game and I killed my parents in the process, if we hadn’t exchanged keys then…then…they wouldn’t have died” I stuttered as the words hung up frustratedly in my goddamn fúcked up mind

“Jasper is the brain behind your parents death, he wanted to kill us but he didn’t succeed………..”

“And he killed my parents instead…” I chimed in with tears and Jayson turned my face, making me come in contact with his brown dazzling orbs, we have a lot in common as if we’re custom made for each other, same hair color, same pulpits, lips fitting perfectly but why am I even having these thoughts when I should be crying?, I’ve really gone mental!


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