The door opened and two huge figures walked in with a struggling Gina, Laurence held her hand as she fought tooth and nail to break free from his grip but it’s no use…… she eventually stopped as they got to me and she’s breathing like a mad woman
“Sister in-law, it’s nice to finally have you here with us, we’ve been waiting for so long” Jasper cooed and I glared at him…… his stupid smile sticking to his face as they made Gina stood straight
“Jasper, let me go, you kîlled my parents and you still want me dead!?” I snapped as the chair continue dangling, God….. I’m definitely going to throw up
“It’s not my fault you got in the way of my plan, and besides, I just need you here to lure Jayson right into my trap……. I’m sure you know what that means” he said and I couldn’t help the burning in my chest
“And you are willing going to sign these papers so I can take care of your late father’s properties when you are gone” Laurence said with a smirk and I glared at him
“In your dreams….. I’m never signing anything!” I joaked and he laughed heartily as if I just said the biggest joke of the century
“Oh you will…..or your little baby growing inside of you dies, and Gina would do it” Jasper said with a glint in his eyes as he pushed Gina forward, she’s visibly shaking as the chair jerked and slowly lowers to the ground right in front of Gina
“I’m not kîlling anyone!” She yelled and Laurence smriks
He walked towards the us with the papers in his grip and squatted in front of me
“I’m going to release one of your hands and you will sign the papers like a good girl now won’t you” Laurence said and I cocked my head sideways and leaned closer to him
“In your fùcking dreams….. bastard” and I spit in his face as he jolted backwards, wiping his face with a horrified look
“Then we’ll do this the hard way” Jasper said from behind as he approached Gina who’s shaking and placed a gun on her hand and she wraps it with shaking hands and my eyes widened
“Remember she’s the reason behind Mandy’s dèath, she also turned Jayson against you, and our Mother loves her more than her own children, she ruined our family Gina and she deserves dèath…… right” Jasper whispered into her ears and Gina slowly looks at me with a displeased look
Oh, please don’t tell me she’s falling for his words
“Sign the goddamn papers or she shoots, your choice” Laurence smriks and Jasper held Gina’s shoulder
“Remember all she’s done to us, our family….. most especially Mandy” he said and her eyes snapped towards me like a mind controlling robot as she raised the gun and points it directly at me….. aiming for my stomach
Her eyes are bloodshot, she’s no longer shaking and the gun is staring at me, she’s going to kîll me!
“You ruined me, Jasmine” her voice breaks my thoughts and she pulled the trigger and I freeze.
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