SINGLE MOM: Episode 31 – 40


{When love decides
To take over}


(Stay away from my man)

?Episode 34?

Penny’s POV:

I dropped my bag on the couch and sat down on my chair.

I feel so dull this morning.

A small knock came on the door and it was pushed open.

“Have a cup of coffee Miss James.” A junior accountant said and I smiled at him.

He was really my favorite among the other accountants.

He was funny, hardworking, and diligent.

He knows what he wants doing.

“Thank you Marcelo.”

“I have been meaning to ask you a question Miss James, hope you dont mind though.” He said with a smile.

“Of course not.”

“I saw you yesterday at the first hospital with a little boy holding your hand, don’t wanna prey on your private life but is he your son? Are you married?” He asked. My eyes goes blank.

It wasn’t because I was angry with him, it was because I’m trying to understand why he is so respectful towards me.

I see him as the younger brother I never had.

“He is my son and no I am single.” I retorted, he grinned and nodded his head.

“See you later Miss James.”

“Penny is fine by me.” I told him before he walked out.

Now another hectic day at work.

I warm up my laptop and checked the email the project manager sent me last night.

I bought out my phone from my bag and unlock it with my finger.

“1.5billion dollars, i think it will benefit the two companies.this is a huge contract.” I mumbled to myself.

That must be the reason why Bryce left.


When I saw his text message earlier this morning, i was surprised.

I was scared to open the text first but then I later did.

My thought about Bryce is tgat ge is a good and decent man.

Even though he knew about my feelings for him, he refused to cheat on his wife and rather remain friends with me.

Men like him are rare.

Rare to find.

Now stop thinking about him.
I open my amazon app and ordered for PS5.

I’m buying it as a December present for Chris after which we will fly to Disneyland in the next week.

I can’t wait to tour around with him though.

Anything that makes him happy is my ultimate happiness as well.
Just like i thought earlier, I couldn’t concentrate on anything that I was doing so I left.

I drove back home to take a rest.

I drove inside the driveway just as a car was about to leave.

Who is this?

I got down from my car and knocked on the car window.

The door was pushed open and Zendaya King climb down.

What is she doing here?

My heart skipped a bit.

Did something happened?

Am I in trouble again?

“What are you doing here Zendaya?” I asked, i thought that my voice will sound weak but I was surprised at how fierce I sound.

It was a surprise to even my own ear.

“You dont look pleased to see me Penny and that’s not a tone to use at your boss’s wife.” She said and I scoffed.

“Our last meeting wasn’t pleasant Mrs King, to what do I own this one.” I replied respectfully.

“Bryce, I don’t know if you know this Miss James but he is my lawful wedded husband. He is mine Penny.” She said and I sighed.

The old story again.

“I didn’t say that he wasn’t yours Mrs King, and im not dragging Mr King with you. We are just friends.” I retorted but she wasn’t having it.

“Stay away from my man Penny, and oh dont think of going to work tomorrow. You just showed your incompetence by leaving during work hours.” She said and my eyes widened.

“I am not feeling too well Mrs King that’s……”

“Save the small talk, and stay away from my man.” She cut me off and entered her car.

“Out of the way.” She yelled out to me.

I went back into my car and empty the driveway for her.

After parking my car I walk inside the house.

I dont just understand this.

What if am friends with Bryce? Or doesn’t mean that we’re lovers, and i can never be with a married man no matter my feelings for him.

I wont be a homewrecker.

“You’re back Miss James.” Chris nanny said.

“Yes, please make me a soup. I’m not feeling too well.” I told her.

“Right on it Miss.”

I went inside my room and throw my phone on the bed.
I removed my jacket and camisole, then my skirt.

I walk inside the bathroom and walk under the shower .

I turn on the faucet and let the cold water cascade down my body.

This is what I needed right now, after bath eat and sleep.

After taking my bath I sat down before the vanity mirror and picked up my face cream, just then my phone dinged.

Indicating a new message.

I picked it up and read the message.

?Pee,let’s meet up love.Sky rock hotel. Room 225, 5pm?

Only one person call me by that nickname.


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