SINGLE MOM: Episode 31 – 40


{Her ultimate desire}


?Episode 38?

Zendaya’s POV:

I was preparing to go to a talk show with my manager when my trusted bodyguard told me that she saw Mikel, my husband’s head bodyguard making a call.

And from the look of it, my husband is in the state without my knowledge.

Bryce came back from China without telling me.

There was only one place that crossed my mind.

His penthouse at Greenville.

Just my luck, he was there and sitting on the couch was no one else but Penny’s son!

What the hell is wrong with Bryce, I don’t know.

Somebody please elaborate this for me.

“What is going on here?” I asked.

“Come babe, let’s discuss this in private. He is staying here because something came up.” He said and I chuckled dryly.

Something came up!

“Bryce while are you back without even informing me? Wait….don’t tell me that she is here.” I said but he kept quiet.

I was enraged.

How dare you Bryce!

“You cheating ba$tard! How dare you do this to me Bryce?” I yelled at him, throwing my purse at him.

“Calm down Zen! We can’t talk if you continue to act like a senseless teenager.” He said calmly and sat down on a couch.

I ignored him and make my way to his room.

He kept calling me but I wasn’t having it.

I pushed the door open and there she was, laying down on the b.ed curled up into a ball.

“Btch get off that be.d, out of my house, out of my husband’s life!” I yelled as I y@nked her out of the b.ed.

Her eyes flew open and when she saw me, she cowered behind Bryce.

“I can’t believe you Zen, out! I’ll be back tomorrow. Get out of here right now I won’t say it twice.” He said and I found my eyes burning with unshed tears.

He just told me to get out of our house because of this thing!

He yelled at me because of her.


“I don’t want to see your face Zen, out of here or I’ll have Mikel throw you out.” He sneered.

I really must have pissed him off.

Never have he behave this way with me before.

Did I do something wrong?

I bite back my tears and turned around then left the room.

I got to the living room but was stopped by the little boy.

“How is Arley, tell her that I miss her.”

After taking my husband’s attention away from me, now you want to have my daughter as well?
Bryce’s POV:

“You shouldn’t have yelled at her like that, she is still your wife after all.” Penny said as she drink from the juice in front of her.

“She disrespected you Penny, be it my wife or not she should have human empathy in her.” I said and groaned.

That woman be giving me headache.

“How are you feeling now?” I asked her.

“Very much better than I deserve.” She mumbled and sigh.

“Thank you for everything Bryce, without you I don’t think I’ll be a love now.” She said emotionally which hurt me so much.

“I’m here for you Penny, I will be here every given moment of the day to protect you, to watch over you.” I told her.

And to love you.

I shook away my thought and smiled at her.

“Come and see Chris, he is playing video game inside the living room.” I told her and her eyes sparkle.


I helped her up and soon we were in the living room.


“Hi baby, how are you?” She asked him.

“I’m good mommy, what happened to you? Mr King won’t let me see you.” He complains and Penny laughed.

That was a facade, a facade of her hurt heart.

She was proving to her son that she is happy but she wasn’t deep down.

“Don’t worry about Mr King, I’m here now.” She said and kssed his cheek.

She acted just like every great mother will do.

Hiding her inner struggle from her little child.

She just keep surprising me every time.

“Penny, I’ll be back in an hour. The maids will take care of your every need.” I told her and she nodded.

I walk closer to her not knowing what to do but I just did what came to my mind.

I bent down and kssed her forehead.

“You have me, Penny.” I whispered before walking out.

“Keep an eye on them.” I told a guard before leaving the penthouse.
“I can’t imagine how di$gusted I am with you, how can you take advantage of her? She is your son’s mother!” I said angrily as I watch the man that was putting Penny through all this.

He wasn’t even worth it.

He was just one piece of sht.

A real definition of con artist.

“Answer me!”

“Why? Are you interested in her? Go$h Penny, she is sweet…very sweet….you know, I took her vrgnty.” I sl@pped him hard on the cheek before he could speak further.

I was so angry.

How dare him!

“Don’t you dare speak of Penny like that!”

“Answer me, why did you do it?” I asked him but he wasn’t saying a word.

Instead he was grinning widely.

I chuckled dryly at the thought of what I was going to do to him.

“Get the iron Mikel.” Mikel hand over the iron to me and I grinned at the dkhead wide eyed.

Oh, he has a name.


“Now should we play? Or do you want to tell me why you did it?” I asked him, when he didn’t say a word I pressed the iron on his st0mach.

He cried out but I wasn’t fazed.

If he could do such thing to Penny then why should I pity him?

“Ready to speak up?” I asked him but he still want sating a word.

Sure he was a tough one.

“Fl0gger.” I said and Mikel hand it over.

I fl0gged him hard and he cried out for mercy.

“I’ll speak, I’ll speak up!” He shouted.


“Sasha………Sasha James!”

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