SINGLE MOM : Episode 41 – 50


{Her ultimate desire}


?Episode 44?

Bryce’s POV:

“Leave us Arley.” I said and she quickly stood up.

I never knew Zen can stoop so low to get what she wants, she’s so self-centered that she doesn’t care who she hurts in the process of getting what she wants.

She doesn’t even care for her own child!

Why will she care for someone else.

I stared at Zendaya in shock·

How can she even think of a thing like that, how can she do this to a woman a woman like her·

” Zen this is wickedness how can you do this to someone and use me as a bait? this is hilarious·” I said and sat down on the couch.

” I am ashamed of you Zendaya, this is not the woman I got married to. now you have turned to something else because of jealousy and I can’t even look at you in the face anymore.

Why you doing this? Its not fair!

You know that you know……that that woman that you want to kill right now she has a son, a son that’s wants her take care of him, could you be could you have a little conscience?

Can’t you just let her go because of her son? what if the reverse was the case and someone plans to kill you, will you be happy to leave our child alone?

I beg of you Zendaya please don’t do this.” I begged her.

“There’s no point in talking to you, I’ll stop her.” I said and brought out my phone from my jeans pocket.

“Nothing you do can stop this just give up already.” She said and I shook my head.

Thats never gonna happen, I’ll make sure that she’s safe.

” if anything happens to her I will personally kill you Zendaya,I promise you that.” I told her and h0rror formed on her face.

“ you’re going to kill me because of your h0e? you going to kill your wife because of someone you saw someone you cheated on her with? I am your wife I’m still your wife and nothing can change that Bryce King!” She shouted.

I don’t have the time for nonsense right now when I have the time I will let her know.

I quickly call Penny’s number but she wasn’t picking up.

what is going on?

oh my God! let it be that this woman have not entered that car.

This is a di$aster!

I tried the number again but still wasn’t picking up, so I left a voicemail for her·

**If you’re listening to this right now please stay away from the car don’t go inside don’t drive it please your life is in danger, I’ll come to you right now but please stay away from the car**

I just hope that she listen to this voicemail before going inside the car·

I just don’t know what to do anymore if I go by my car there will be hold up on the road I guess I’ll opt for the helicopter.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number quickly.

“I want the helicopter in my mansion right now.” I said and hanged up.

Please hang right there Penny, I’m coming to you.

I cant let anything happen to you.

I wont be able to forgive myself, I put you into this mess, I should fix it.

Maybe if I didn’t come into your life this wouldn’t be happening,

You would have been living your life like you used to, smooth and free from vi0lence. but since I came into your life, everything has changed.

Things are getting harder and harder for you every single day, everyday there’ll be a report of a bad thing.

I guess we are not destiny for each other, maybe it’s time to let you go Benny.

I can’t let you suffer like this anymore even if it cost me my happiness.

I would let you go and watch you from afar, take care of you from afar,and keep you safe un anonymously.

Penny’s POV:

After getting ready for work I decided to take Chris to my office since his Nanny is on break.

He was very happy when I told him about taking him today.

I guess I’ve been neglecting my child alot.

“Mom are you sure you want to take me to your company? I can stay alone.” Here he goes again acting like a big boy.

“Let’s go baby, I want you to stay withmommy today, okay?” I grabbed his lunch box and headed to the front door.

Even after Sasha went to jail my mother still treats me like an outcast.

It hurts, when my own mother prefer someone else to her child.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I sigh.

I’ll pick it up after getting inside the car.

I helped Chris buckle his seat belt and I got inside the car myself.

I turned on the accelerator and drove out of the compound.

I turned on the radio and listen to some music, I heard Bryce’s name then remember that my phone rang earlier.

I brought out my phone and checked my message.

He left a voicemail for me.

I played it and my eyes widened.


What’s going on?

My car, the car, oh my God please help me.

At that moment I wasn’t crying for myself, I was crying for my son.

If I had known I wouldn’t have brought him with me out on lucky I am.

The car started speeding up on its own.

I lost control of the wheel, I held onto my son tightly.

If I’m going to lose my life today, im not going to let anything happen to my son.

The car speed up and started violating the Road Rules.

“Mommy! Mommy!”

That was the last I heard from Chris before the car hit on a bus coming upfront.

Why is my life so difficult?

I couldn’t even have a moment of peace to myself.

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