They rode in a car that was parked near the portal, the car was there on purpose in case something like this comes up.

“Where are we going now, boss?” One of Mr. Fuente’s men asked.

Mr. Fuente looked at the man sitting in the passenger’s seat.

“Give me your phone, I will call Chase,” he said.
The man gave his phone to Mr. Fuente.

Mr. Fuente took it and dialed Chase’s number but, he couldn’t reach him!

“Argh!” Mr. Fuente ?r??n?d in frustration. He tightened his grip on the phone and suppressed himself from smashing it.

After a while, the phone rang indicated that there is a notification. Mr. Fuente gave back the phone to its owner. The owner took it, he checked the notification and realized that it is a notification from online news. The man clicked the watch button and watched the news, but then, the man’s expression slowly changed.

His eyes went wide open as he turned his head to Mr. Fuente. “Boss, there is bad news!” He said.

“What is bad news than this?!” Mr. Fuente said sarcastically.

The man gave back his phone to Mr. Fuente and he let him watch the news.

“Mf” Mr.Fuente cur$ed!

He couldn’t hold his anger as he watched the news about Chase being arrested during the raid in the gambling.

“Stop the car!” Mr. Fuente ordered.

The driver instantly pulled over the car.

Mr. Fuente got off the car and slammed the car door. He wasn’t satisfied, so, he smashed the phone on the cement ground which made the phone parts scattered.

His gaze sharpened as he gritted his teeth. His breathing increased and his ?h?st darted up and down and his eyes are bIoodshot. He felt like he is about to explode.

If they think that this can stop him, they were wrong. Nobody can stop him!. He will end this, without getting caught.

I will finish that woman.



Kira let Tim rest the whole night, she was worried that his body couldn’t take the exhaustion, and he might get sick.

Kira offered to look after Aileen in the hospital, but Tim wouldn’t allow her. He doesn’t want her to go out knowing that there are threats in her life. The house is the safest place for Kira to stay.

Kira did not insist, fortunately, Drake was there to the rescue, he offered to look after Aileen instead.



The next morning,

Tim raised his body, he turned his head to Kira and Yana who was sleeping beside him. Yana slept with them because Aileen was not home and Yana couldn’t sleep alone in her room.

He raised his hand and ?ar?sses Yana’s hair. Then his gaze turned to Kira who was sleeping next to Yana. He got off the bed and walked to the other side. He kssed Kira in her forehead which woken her up.

She opened her eyes when she felt Tim’s lips on her forehead.

“Good morning,” Tim greeted her.

“Good morning,” Kira replied with her groggy voice.

“Why did you woke up so early?” Kira asked after a while.

“I have to go to the police station to check on something,” Tim replied.

“Uh,” Kira blurted out.

“Go back to sleep, ” Tim said.

“Tim,” Kira called,


“Can I visit mother-in-law in the hospital?” She asked.

Tim was silent for a moment as if he is thinking about whether to allow her or not.

“I just want to see her,” Kira added when she did not get any response from Tim.

“I’ll be quick, promise!” Kira raised her right hand like a child making a promise.

Tim stared at Kira, he is afraid to let her out, Mr. Fuente’s men might just be waiting there to attack her. But the other side of his mind felt guilty. All Kira wanted was to see his mother.

Tim took a deep breath, all he wants is to keep her safe, but he doesn’t want to make her like a prisoner.

“Alright,” Tim replied after trying to make up his mind.

Kira heaved a sigh of relief. She thought Tim would not allow her to go out.

“But you can’t go alone, you have to bring at least two bodyguards with you,” Tim added.

“Alright,” Kira replied.

“And you can’t go anywhere else, you have to come home immediately after visiting my mother,” Tim reminded Kira.

“I understand,” Kira agreed. “Thank you,” She said after a while.

“What for?” Tim asked with knitted brows.

“For assuring my safety,” Kira said. She then raised her body and held Tim’s hand.

“I will be careful, for you and Yana, and for the people around me,” Kira said.

Tim just smiled and embraced Kira.

The two of them left the Villa at the same time but they used separate car.
Kira and her bodyguards did not notice the car tailing them.

Tim headed straight to the police station.

“Good morning, Officer, is there any development about the case?” Tim asked the police officer.

“Mr. Tan, good thing that you are here,” Officer Ibano said.

“We have conducted a raid in the building that Santino told us and we were able to capture the gangster Chase.” The officer said.

“Really?!” Tim asked in surprise!

He felt a little bit enlighted!
“How about Mr. Fuente?!” Tim asked.

“Oh,” Officer Ibano’s expression changed.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Tan, but the group of policemen who conducted a raid in Mr. Fuente’s mansion did not succeed, they did not capture Mr. Fuente and the bad news is…” Officer Ibano’s expression becomes sorrowful, ” Five officers of the team were killed due to explosion,” He added.

“W-What?!” Tim was stunned!

“We tried to question this Chase to confess, but he refused to speak as well as his men,” Officer Ibano said.

“What should we do to make him speak?!” Tim asked he got even more anxious now that Mr. Fuente is still free. He knows Mr. Fuente’s attitude! He never accepts defeat!

That raid might have triggered him, and the worst thing might be coming on Kira’s way.

“We can’t force him to speak for now,”

“Then why won’t you try harder?!” Tim was frustrated now!

“I’m sorry Mr. Tan, but he also has the right to remain silent, but if he continued to not cooperate with us, we will take legal action against him,” Ibano replied.

Kira arrived at the hospital, and so the car that was tailing them.

Kira’s bodyguard parked the car in the basement parking area of the hospital. It was still early, so, the car park was uncrowded and there are only a few cars that were parked.

Kira’s bodyguards got off the car first before Kira followed. They headed to the elevator and waited for it to open.

“Ding!” The elevator opened and Kira and her bodyguards rode on it.

In just a few minutes, Kira and her bodyguards arrived on the second floor. She went straight to the ICU, while the two bodyguards stayed outside to make sure that no stranger can come close to their master.

Kira entered the ICU. She took steps to the hospital bed where Aileen was lying with an oxygen mask in her face and medical apparatus connected to her body.

She held Aileen’s hand, “Hey, Mother-in-law,” She greeted as if Aileen could hear her.

Guilt started to form in Kira’s face as she stared at Aileen on the bed with her eyes shut tightly.

“I’m sorry,” She said. “I was supposed to be the one lying in there, ” Kira said with guilt.

Yes, she felt guilty. If she didn’t tell Tim to bring Yana and Aileen at the school that afternoon, perhaps, this thing wouldn’t have happened.

She got even more guilty when she learns that she was supposed to be the target, but Aileen got hit instead.

“Mother-in-law, please fi ght, You have to come back to us,” Kira’s tears started to fall.

“Tim still needs you, Yana still needs you, all of us needs you, mother-in-law,” Kira tightened her grip to Aileen’s hand.

“Don’t worry mother-in-law, I will find justice for you, I will make that man pay for what he did to you, he only wants me dead, but I won’t allow him to succeed without fi ghting back,” Kira spoke again.

She is tired of this, she is tired of living in fears!
All she wants is to live peacefully with her loved ones, she doesn’t know why Mr. Fuente hated her so much to the extent!

Perhaps, Tim was right, Mr. Fuente has another reason why he wants me dead.
But, what could it be?

“Mother, we will wait for your return, hopefully, when that time comes, everything would be alright,” Kira wiped her tears..

“I can’t stay long, mother, I promised Tim to return home quickly, I just want to check on your condition, I will be back next time, but hopefully, I can hear good news when I came back,” Kira let go of Aileen’s hand. She wiped her tears before she turned to leave. She did not see when Aileen’s finger moved a little.

Kira got out of the ICU, “Let’s go,” She said to her bodyguards, her bodyguards instantly followed her to the elevator.

After a few minutes, the elevator arrived in the basement parking area.

“Ding!” The elevator opened and the three of them got out. They walk straight to their car, but before her bodyguards could open the car, two strangers suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“Gasp!” Kira gasped due to fright!

Before her bodyguards could defend her, another two strangers popped out behind them, and without saying a word, they held the two bodyguards in their neck and injected something on them which made them lost their consciousness.

“Hey!” Kira yelled with her eyes wide opened as she saw her bodyguards’ bodies slumped on the ground with a sound “Bog!”

“Don’t try to fight back, lady, you’re not gonna win!” One of the men said to Kira.

Kira got alarmed!

She balled her hand, there’s no need to question who these men is, they are Mr. Fuente’s men!

Kira glanced at the two bodyguards lying on the ground. Now, there is only her against these four people standing around her.

How could she win against these men?
How will she defend herself?
Yes, she may know self-defense, but she wasn’t an expert to defeat these mon$ters!

Kira looked around, hoping to find someone she could call for help, but unfortunately, there’s no one around except for these four thugs.

Kira still not lost her hope, until she remembered the watch that Tim gave to her!

‘Just turn on the button, I can find you wherever you are,’

“Come on woman! Don’t exhaust yourself on fghting with us!”

One of the men said with an ev!l smirk on his face.

“Don’t come near me!” Kira warned, but the man just grinned ev!lly!

He still comes close to Kira and holds her arm, but Kira $Iapped the man’s hand!

“Let go of me!” Kira demanded.

“You dare to sIap me?!” The man yelled furiously!

He lifted his other arm to sIap back Kira, but Kira wouldn’t allow him to hurt her. She is one step ahead of him!

Kira was able to hold the man’s arm before his hand could land on her face. She twisted the man’s arm to his back and she stepped on his back. Her high heeled sandals dug into the man’s back!

“Ahh!!” The man cried due to pain.

“Hey!” The other man attacked Kira from behind.

Kira doesn’t have a choice but to let go of the first man and faced the second man!

“Why are you just watching?!” The first man yelled at the two men who were standing near Kira.

They were stunned as they looked at the first man who was in pain.

“Catch her!” He ordered.

Just then, the two other men snapped back to their senses, they instantly moved and held Kira’s arms.

“Don’t kll her. The boss still wants to talk to her!” The first man reminded.

“Hey!” Kira was about to attack the second man, but she was not able to move when the two men suddenly held her arms.

She struggled as she tried to let go from their grip.

“Let go of me!” Kira demanded, but the men did not listen. She hit the other man in between his legs with her knees.

“Ugh!” The man holding her right hand ?rinn?d as he lets go of her, but the other man suddenly put a piece of cloth on her face!

Kira can smell the chemical on the cloth, which made her feel dizzy, but she still tried her best to press the GPS on her watch before she passed out.

As soon as Kira passed out, an old man got off the car that was parked a few meters away from Kira’s car.

The old man approached his men, “Good job,” He said.
“Put her inside the car,” The old man said.

“How about these two bodyguards, boss?” One of the men asked.

“The four of you should dispatch them, ” The old man replied.

The four men looked at each other.

“Let me be alone with this woman, we have to talk one on one before I kll her,” The old man said with his sharp gaze.


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