STRANGE BEAUTY: Episode 1 – 10

Episode 10

?Strange Beauty ?
?[Diary of a beautiful she dev!l] ?
By: Blessing D writes
?Dana’s POV ?
After about two hours of miss Aurora’s teaching she stopped and dismissed us.

Immediately she left others students starter crowding me.

“Hey Dana” one greeted.

“Hi Dana, you look so beautiful” I heard another say.

“Dana, I love your hair” a voice said again.

I couldn’t point them out.

“Its okay, you can stop crowding her now, she might die from suffocation”a voice that sounded familiar because of the accent spoke up loudly and its happened to be Berry.

Students shifted away from me a bit as he came closer.

“Hey, will you like for me to show you where to grab breakfast? I know you must be really hungry after the teaching right?” He inquired and I nodded and looked at Jason.

He was just at a corner watching us.

“Jason?” I called and he blinked.

“Let’s go for breakfast” I said to him and he quietly walked up to us and spared Barry a glance.

“Let’s go, you can lead the way” I said to Barry and he nodded and processed out.

“Jason?” I called from behind and he looked at me.

“You look unhappy, what’s up?” I inquired.

“Yea, its just that man that got hurt because of me, I wonder if he has woken up now” he answered.

“You don’t have to worry about him Jason, you…….” I paused as I suddenly started seeing weird stuffs.

It’s was like a vision, its came in and left almost immediately it came.

“Are you okay?” Jason asked starring at me, even Barry was also starring at me.

“I’m..I’m..fine, its nothing” I flashed them a fake smile and we continued on our way.

Then few minutes later we got to the place that looked like a cafeteria.

I could identify because its looked like a normal day cafe.

Students were sitting down mostly in groups.

Barry told us to sit down and then he went to bring our meals.

He brought three different meals and kept it in front of us.

“Hope you like it” he said and smiled.

“Yea, thanks” I answered but was a bit surprised seeing the type of meal.

Geez its seemed like the meals prepared by our ancestors.

I starred at it weirdly for a while, even Jason was just starring at it.

“Dana, are you sure we can eat this? I didn’t even taste yesterday’s own” Jason asked with a crumbled look.

“You can eat, you have no choice, it’ll eventually master you” Berry replied him already eating and slowly I joined him.

Its wasn’t that bad but still tasted odd.
We left for another supposed class after eating and spent another two hours there.

Then another class.

There was a class where we were asked to display some of our powers but Jason and I weren’t allowed in because they said we still haven’t properly learnt how to at least control it and its true.

Its really different understanding what they were teaching, after that class we had another class then now we’re heading for the last and final class for today.

Barry was with us throughout explaining some stuff that seemed weird to us, Jason that normally talks didn’t talk much today.

He just kept listening to everything Berry said as walked and finally we got to the class which was being taught by that man.

The man whom registered us, who was referred to as the Dean.

Students sat down Indian style in an orderly manner which looked confusing to me.

But what to do? We had to also join them.

? Hidden POV ?
I stood facing the window trying to resist the urge, the urge that pulled me out.

I don’t understand this urge at all. Its as if something or someone out there needs me.

Its as if I also needed to see that person.

I’ve been in my office for months now,I only come out once in a year and I’ve done that already this year so its not just possible.

I can’t just go out again but the power that is pulling me outside seems strangely familiar and very very strong.

I haven’t felt such strong powers since 39 years now.

I wonder who’s or what power is it. But I’ll have to wait, I can’t show myself until next year.

?Dana’s POV ?
The teacher instructed us to breath in and we did.

He told us to remain like that and for ten straight minutes we didn’t breath out, I’m surprised that I can even do that.

All of us did it, guess because we aren’t just normal human being now, we are more like supernatural creature.

“Out” he ordered and we all breath out at once.

“Again” he commanded and we repeated the same pattern for a while.

“Now, its time” he said.

“Place your both hands on up on the air like this”he ordered and described it for us and we did.

“Now, slowly bring your hands down” he continued and we followed his steps.

“Shut your eyes now, we’re going into meditation” he said and everyone closed their eyes.

I also closed mine too.

“Feel it,let your mind control it, feel the powers in you, feel it…”

I suddenly stopped hearing him and started seeing the same image from last time.

Its was a man and another man that looked like a dem0n with the way he looked like.

They were both fighting and a baby was miles away crying his or her lungs out.

A woman was lying covered with blood next to the crying baby and then its looked like the demon sighted me and came to me and stabbed me right on the chest.

I grabbed – placed my hands on my chest and screamed out in agony.

When I opened my eyes the pains were still there, its looks like I’m gonna die anytime soon.

Someone help.


What do you think is going on with Dana?



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