STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 1 – 10

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 1 – 10


By Naomi Cindy B

Kimora’s hand got hurt as a result of the fall and she winced hurtfully before looking at the face of the person but he’s masked, only his eyes are visible

His visible eyes reminded her of someone and her mind went to prince Jimin, just exactly how Jimin’s eyes is, she made to look at the eyes of the sleeping guy on top of her again but Cory held him up and carried him in his arms

“Why is he addressing him as his highness?” Ginelle wondered

” He’s…. He’s my master, my noble master… And I love addressing him like that, he’s just tired that’s why he’s like this… ” Cory said awkwardly and faced Kimora who’s just getting up with Ginelle’s help

” I’m sorry miss, hope you aren’t hurt?” He asked

“Oh… No I’m fine, it’s fine” Kimora replied though her hand hurts like crazy

” I’m sorry once again” Cory said and left quickly with Jimin in his arms

The people started dispersing and Kimora inhaled

“That’s surely the prince, the fact that he fell asleep here is an evidence.. his narcolepsy” Kimora thought slowly and Ginelle hit her lightly

” eonni! ” Kimora said

” Why will any normal person fall asleep like that”

” It’s a bad illness” Kimora replied

” By the way how’s the palace doing?, I heard the rumours that prince Jimin is more handsome than prince Cal, how true is that huh? ” Ginelle asked

” Well….. His face is shinning like million stars, and his eyes are so beautiful, like the sunset” Kimora replied, picturing Jimin in her mind

” Whoa!, He must really be handsome!, Well that aside, is that brat still bothering you?, That ugly duckling” Ginelle said and Kimora smiled, knowing she’s referring to Suzy

“No, I can manage don’t worry about me, at least they feed me and I have a place to sleep” Kimora replied and Ginelle held her face

” If she bothers you don’t hesitate to tell me, I’ll come to that palace and give her a good beating” she said seriously

” I know you’re a troublemaker but can you please not step into the palace?, The king will kill you if you touch his princess” Kimora said seriously too and they both laughed

” Well I don’t mind dying for you cos you’re all I have… It’s hard sleeping in our small house alone and I always miss you, please, just be ok huh? ” Ginelle said, rubbing kimora’s cheeks

” I understand, you have to be ok too and…. You told me you got a job, you haven’t told me what it is” Kimora said and Ginelle smiled

” You don’t have to know now, I’ll tell you later” she said

” eonni…. ”

” I promise” Ginelle said and Kimora nodded

“The strange things kept happening to you right?”

“Yes, just an hour ago I got bitten by a snake and my blood burnt it to ashes, I didn’t feel any pain from the bitten area too, more strange things kept happening” she replied

” It’ll be fine, you’ll be fine ok? ” Ginelle said..

” I know, I’ll be fine” Kimora said and dipped her hand into the money purse, she brought out some of the coins and dipped it in her own purse then gave Ginelle the remaining one

“You’re giving me all these?”

“You helped me to collect it anyways, I have less things to do with money cos I eat in the palace, you still have to feed and cloth yourself” Kimora said and Ginelle hugged her

” I love you Kim-Kim”

” I love you Gin-Gin” Kimora replied and they laughed

” Don’t forget, tell me if that ugly duckling bullies you again” Suzy said

” Sure, I need to return to the palace right now and the next time I come, you’re definitely gonna tell me what your job is” she replied and pecked Ginelle before rushing off

Ginelle smiled sadly, watching her till she’s out of sight

“Can I really tell you what I do for a living?” She muttered and heaved

” Kimora…. Are you really not a human like grandma Gemma said? ” She thought.

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 1 – 10


Royal palace**

” Here you are, I’ve been waiting since forever” Janis said Immediately Kimora entered the palace, Janis is waiting in front of the maids chamber

“Janis…” She smiled, going to him

“Where have you been?, Tania said you went to deliver a painting” he said

” That’s true, aren’t you going home? ” Kimora asked

” You don’t want me around? ” Janis said

” Oh.. no no no… That’s not what I meant, I mean… It’s getting dark already so… ” She said slowly

” I plan to sleep in the palace tonight so I could watch the stars with you” he replied

” Jinjja? (Really?)” She smiled

” Yes”

” What about Brayden?” She asked

“He’s writing as usual, into stories again” Janis replied

” I’d love to have a copy of his book, by the way I have to join the maids in making dinner, I’ll see you when the stars come out, I’ll meet you by the fence” she replied

” Ok, I’ll be waiting” Janis replied and Kimora left

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 1 – 10


Prince Jimin’s room**

“The heavens should help, how come it got worse?, My son slept off in a the marketplace?, what if he didn’t use the mask?, You should have let him go in the palanquin” queen Sera said, looking at Jimin who’s still sleeping on the bed

“I tried to persuade him that do that your highness but he insisted on trekking” Cory replied

” You called yourself his personal bodyguard, you should have known what to do to make him agree, can’t believe you’re senseless” Suzy said and Cory went quiet

” He told me he went to various treatment places in France but they all couldn’t cure it after taking tons of medicine, is it a curse then?, Was my son cursed with this illness?, It doesn’t seem normal he has been battling with it since I gave birth to him, and he’s allergic to rain water too, is that another cur$e?, My dear son” Sera lamented

” I witnessed the day a drop of rainwater touched him, it was a pitiful sight” Cory said ..

” Keep quiet! ” Suzy said

” Suzy stop” Sera replied and Suzy rolled eyes

Royalty entered the room and Suzy flared up

“I thought I told you to stay away from my brother, what are you doing here in his room”

” Queen is he ok? ” Royalty asked worriedly.

” He’s fine, his illness is at it again, he’ll wake up soon” Sera replied and Royalty sighed then looked at Cory who has a look of worry on his face

“Get out” Suzy said

“Suzy…” Sera replied

” Her presence makes me feel uncomfortable” Suzy replied

” I’ll take my leave your highness” Royalty bowed and left the room.

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 1 – 10


King’s chamber**

He’s currently in a meeting with his men including the ministers and generals

“The rice supply was stopped from going to the city” king Jung said

” Your majesty, who’d dare stop your orders?” Minister Joo said

“Queen Rachel though she has been punished, the supplies will be doubled and will be distributed tommorow morning” King Jung said

” Yes your majesty”

” The King’s festival is coming up some days to come, i hope it’ll rain before that day or on that day” King Jung said

” I summoned the shaman as you requested your majesty” minister Joo said and the royal shaman came in

” My respect your majesty” she bowed

“What did you see?” King Jung asked

” Your majesty I saw a dark cloud and many people under it, hoping for rain but it didn’t rain till a creature appeared under the dark cloud and the clouds immediately let down rain” the shaman replied

” A creature? ‘ king Jung said

” Yes, it’s not a human but it has the appearance of one, a powerful mythical being, if she attends the festival, it’ll rain that day” shaman replied

” Who’s she? ‘

“Her face was not revealed your majesty, it was covered by the dark cloud and I think there’s a reason for that, I tried to use the fan of light to blow away the cloud from her face but I almost lost my sight, her face.. is hidden” shaman replied

” A non-human? ” King Jung said as his men murmured among themselves.

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 1 – 10


Cal’s room**.
Cal laughed loudly after Darrin told him about Jimin’s sleep in the marketplace

He laughed so much that he had to hold the table tight. “I knew it, he’s still battling with the illness, that ba$tard I just have to get rid of him” he said

” But that guy, Cory seems not easy” Darrin said

” Are you easy? ” Cal said, giving Darrin dangerous looks

” No I’m not” Darrin replied

“When father dies, Miryang belongs to me, it’s my rightful place and I’m the rightful owner as the son of Rachel, not that filthy son of a concubine” Cal said, smiling

” What’s the next step your highness? ” Darrin asked

” I’ll tell you soon” Cal replied

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 1 – 10

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