STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End


By Naomi Cindy B

“Cal!!!” Rachel screamed as more tears rolled down his cheeks, bIood gushed out of his mouth and he held the $word in his stomach

“Your highness!” Darrin s¢reamed out, catching him before he’ll fall, Darrin fell on the ground and placed his head on his laps

Rachel bent beside them, shedding tears too

“No Callum, you can’t do this you know…. You’ll be fine ok?, You’ll be ok” she said tearfully, holding his face

” You led me wrongly since I was a kid, you made me end up the way I ended today….. I hope you die miserably, and if you’ll live Rachel, I hope you live the rest of your life in misery, I regret having you as my mother, I regret not being like Royalty, I hate you…. A lot” he gasped and poured out more bIood from his mouth

He looked at Darrin and smiled sadly before giving up right there

“No…. Cal … Cal are you joking?” Rachel said, placing her ear on his chest but he’s not breathing anymore

Rachel spranged up and faced Lioness who’s smiling satisfactorily

“You killed my two children, what have I ever done to you!, Why are you so cruel!” She screamed and Lioness laughed loudly, it’s derisive and full of scorn

“I told you you’ll cry a lot right?, Since the day you defied me, you’ve already planned to cry, and I just helped you, you’ve always been ungrateful” Lioness replied, moving closer to Rachel who’s still crying

“You still have a lot to take care of and I just stopped him from killing you, I’m summoning a demon from the underworld five days to come, I’ll have him posses me, with that, I can take care of Kimora and Petal, if those two are gone, war will be a piece of cake” Lioness smiled

” So?” Rachel said

” Five days to come, think of a way to bring Kimora here” Lioness replied

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End



? Who’s he?

? He’s so handsome!

? Must be on a visit

? Gosh!

The maids drooled on Minho as he came down from his horse after entering the palace with it

The palace guards took the horse to the stable at Jimin’s orders

“Welcome to Miryang” Jimin said, hugging him immediately he got to him

“You got taller, it had only been a week and some days since you left Goryeo” Minho said

” Stop the joke, the palace is heated right now” Jimin said

“I heard about everything” Minho replied

” And you decided to visit at the heated moment, how many years are you spending?” Jimin said and Minho laughed

” Let’s go in” Jimin said and led the way into the palace

“I can’t share a room with a prince” Minho said when they got to the front of his room

” Stop joking and come in already” Jimin said, pulling him in

“Always Clean, where’s the wife” Minho said

“I have no idea and I don’t care,but if you ask about Kimora, I’d say she’s perfectly fine with my baby in her belly” Jimin replied

” Really?, How did it happen” Minho said and Jimin rolled eyes at him

” Did you seriously just ask that?, How dumb” he said

“Was just trying to make a joke, you should at least laugh” Minho replied

” Just be careful around, queen Rachel has still not been found and because of that, Morris exe¢ution has been held cos they must be exe¢uted together” Jimin said

” I’m not a weakling, you’re aware” Minho said and Jimin laughed

” Of course….are you ready to tour round the palace?” Jimin said

*I guess so” Minho replied as they both stepped out of the room

“Miryang palace is one of the best palace I’ve ever seen, it’s bigger and beautiful than Goryeo’s” Minho said

” That’s Cal’s chamber, Suzy’s chamber, king’s chamber and the Queen’s…the kitchen is over here and the guards chamber there, my flower garden is at the back, then the maids chamber” Jimin said as he took him around

” Want to branch?” Minho asked

“Of course, she has been drawing since daybreak” Jimin replied and without caring if anyone is watching or not, he entered the place and went straight to kimora’s room

He peeped in and saw her sitting in front of her drawing table, drawing with Tania beside her

“Kitten” he said and she looked up, smiles covered her face when she saw him

“Min-Min, what are you doing here”

“Obviously to see your face” he replied and came in fully, Minho came in after

“Minho!” She exclaimed, standing up

“Maiden Kimora” he smiled

” You came to visit?, It’s so pleasant to have you here, don’t worry, I’m done with the painting, I’ll make you something delicious” she said

” Can’t wait” Minho smiled

” Meet my friend, Tania” she introduced

“Annyeong” Tania smiled

*Nice to meet you” Minho replied..

” Are you still on it?” Jimin asked.

“No, you guys came in immediately I finished up, I painted fifty copies” she replied and Jimin hugged her

” I’ll massage your fingers for you tonight” he said

” I can’t wait” she replied

” Lady Kimora!, His majesty calls for you in his chamber !’ a servant said by the door

“Let’s go together” Jimin said, leaving the room with her while Minho followed

Tania came out and yawned, she swiftly saw Cory behind her but she pretended like she didn’t

He kept tiptoeing and just when he thought he’s about to get her, she looked back

“He¢k!, You scared me!” He said, holding his chest

“I’m glad I did” she replied and Cory’s eyes turned wistful, he stepped closer and touched her face

“Hey I never said you could do that” she said

He stepped more closer and hugged her

“Hey .. I’ll pinch you” she said, slightly hitting his back

” Your dreams came to pass, prince Cal was found dead in the woods some minutes ago, he died by his own sword” Cory said

” What!”

STRONG AFFECTION : Chapter 61 – The End

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