The post REMEDY FOR SNAKES appeared first on ThingsCouplesDo.
]]>Please be aware of your pet, if you notice any signs of trembling, vomiting, salvation, weakness, collapse, difficulty breathing, red urine and/or dilated pupils seek medical attention right away! It is vital for snake bites to be treated ASAP.
When taking your pet on walks, stay away from creeks and keep them on the lead to prevent them from going into long grass and potentially being bitten.
Anytime you hear the chickens at home making strange noice check well if this reptiles have creeped in.
Hearing heavy or strange sound movement in ceiling check if the snakes have come for rats….
Below is a powerful remedy to keep them away.
Things to use:
? 2cups of Dried corn
? 4cups of Dried bitter kola
Grind the two well, spray it around fence and areas you know they can hide,and they won’t near again.
Note: if they are inside already be careful how you sprey because they can jump out for fear of death.
The post REMEDY FOR SNAKES appeared first on ThingsCouplesDo.