To say I’m confused will be an understatement…Gary carried me to his room.

“I need explanations” I said in a serious tone as he put me on the bed… “You need to rest…I’ll tell Belinda to come and keep you company” he said and walked out

“Gary !” I kept on shouting but he ignored me and walked out

“Argh” I screamed cause I was starting to have a headache…I hate being confused and anxiety ain’t my thing too

I buried my head between my legs and soon the door opened to reveal Belinda

“Hey”she said with a smile which was kind of weird coming from her…”huh…Hey I guess”i said returning the smile

“Uhm…Selena I just want to say I’m sorry for being rude to you earlier. It’s just that I was jealous of you. I mean coming from the streets and being taken care of like you are family or something and for the glass I’m sorry for being clumsy” she said and I smiled more

“It’s okay and for the glass it was my fault” I said in a chuckle and she laughed nervously

“Friends ?” She furrowed her brows as she extended her hand i grinned “Friends” I took her hand gladly. At least I’ve got a female friend in this house

“For a moment I thought you were gonna refuse” she realesed the breath I didn’t realise she was holding and I laughed

She sat on the bed and looked at me “Seems like you are bored..how about we go for a house tour in the mean time “She said and I nodded

She helped me up and we walked out the room…”So where we are going first ?” I asked curiously cause we’ve been climbing stairs I didn’t notice before

“The lobby…Maids are not allowed to go there but with you I think I’m out of trouble.” She said with a small smile

“Oh” was all that come out of my mouth “Don’t worry I’ve been there before so I know how to enter” she said and i just shrugged

She pressed some button when we got infront of the a glassy door and the door opened automatically

A wow escaped my mouth as I looked down…There was a huge pool which I didn’t notice before

Many cars were parked on the other side of the house…I could see everything from where I stood

Is he the president’s son or what…My eyes suddenly fell on Gary,Josh and many guards

It’s like they were discussing something important…I tried too much to stop the thoughts of what happened earlier but I was still curious to know

Why did Gary freak out when I told him I’m Selena Baldwin? And how did he know that there was a micro tracker on my body?

And he mentioned something about a son of bch, who was he referring to?

Too many unanswered question,I sighed as I ran my eyes around the yard…”Looks like this is making whatever that’s eating you worst…let’s just go and play some fun games” she said and I sighed

“That’s not the spirit”she teased making a funny face and I laughed

“Let’s go before you kill me”i said as I realised the car that Gary and Josh sat in was driving out



12 hours later

I sighed heavily as I jumped on my bed…I really felt tired after making sure the tracker got to China with my five best guards

The motherfker doesn’t know what’s coming his way…I don’t really want my money back all I want Is to see him suffering after using Selena’s body like she’s some wh©re

I went to the bathroom, freshened up and went to Selena’s bedroom to find her sleeping

“Selena” I whispered into her ear as I snuggled my body close to hers “Wake up” I whispered again but she didn’t budge

“I wanna tell you something” I whispered and she immediately opened her eyes “Tell me” she said and I laughed

“I thought you were sleep”i said looking into her eyes and she scoffed as she looked away

“Tell” she said in a more serious forcing me to explain everything to her

“I can’t believe this..so you tried to buy me ?” She questioned

“Yeah” I said licking my lips “Why?” Her voice came out in more like a whisper “Cause you are beautiful” I said before i could even stop myself

We kept on staring at each other and my eyes moved to her lips. I started bringing my head close to hers


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