He thinks he is smart right but I will show him I’m smarter than him…I knew something was up with him yesterday…she thought…

This noodle would be one of his favorite meal by the time I’m done with him in this mansion…she smiled to herself…Brace yourself up Mr Bossy…she smirked

She added a lot of spice into the noodles…By the time he eat this he would know what hit him…She smiled and left for his room



Can I come in boss…Maria asked

Come in…Bryan answered

Maria came in and saw Bryan on his bed still covered with duvet…She place the plate of noodle on the table and when she was about to leave…he stopped her…

Stay here..till I’m done with my food…Bryan snapped

Should I be looking at your mouth or what…Maria asked

Whatever…just stay here…Bryan smirked

Ok boss…your wish is my command…Maria said and smiled…Good job boss…I knew you would stop me from going because you don’t want me to sleep right but you won’t sleep either…she smiled secretly…

Bryan put a spoon of the noodles inside his mouth…he looked at Maria and continue eating…

I know she intentionally added too much spices but I won’t make her win this…i will eat this noodle so she will know no one dares me…Bryan thought to himself

Boss…are you ok…you are sweating a lot is something wrong with your AC…Maria asked

You brought noodle for me…what about my milk…can’t you see I’m thirsty…Bryan snapped feeling so hot

But if you are thirsty then you need to drink water not milk boss…Maria replied
But I want milk…so get that for me right now…Bryan answered

Ok boss…Maria responded and left him…

She thinks she is smart right but I will prove I’m more smarter than her…He said coughing..he stood up to check if she is not coming…he immediately remove a lot of tissue paper and pour some of the noodles inside and hide it at the back of his bed…now you will know who the boss is…He smirked but still feeling uncomfortable…Then Maria walked in

Here boss…Your milk…she gave Bryan

I hope you did not add anything silly to my milk this time…he said

I did not…Are you scared boss..Maria asked

And why will I be….you should be scared of me…Bryan replied

Wow…you are almost done with the noodles…Maria asked looking at his plate

Well..this is one of my best noodles so for…Bryan replied

Ohhh really…I’m glad to here that…Maria smirked…I know he is pretending to be ok…but he can’t pretend for long..she thought

This noodle is so spicy…she is a wtch…Bryan thought looking at Maria…she is trying her best to frustrate my life but I can’t allow her to succeed with her plans…

I know she is so happy right now seeing me in pain but she is pretending…I just hate her…but I won’t allow her plans to work.he kept thinking

Boss..can I go now…you are taking too long…Maria snapped

Don’t ever raise your voice at me again..who do you think you are…Bryan yelled and started coughing…

Boss are you ok…Maria said but his cough increased…Maria rushed out to get water from the kitchen…she came back in a jiffy

She gave him the water immediately and he gulps
it down in a goal

You came here to kill me right but I won’t allow that…Bryan said

Rest for a while boss…your eyes are already red…you can’t get sick again…Maria replied feeling concerned

Get lost and stop pretending as if you care…Bryan responded

Maria left him and went back to her room…

I’m so tired…and I’m feeling sleepy..she said and slept off…




I heard some noise from the kitchen in the midnight…Ximena asked

Yes…I came out to make noodles for boss…Maria answered

Really…you should be in your dreamworld by then…Lyla replied

He just woke me up to make noodles for him…and I have no choice but to do so…Maria said

You look weak…you should get some rest..and I will take care of the rest..Lyla replied

I know but I need to prepare his breakfast…then I will get some rest…Maria answered

We can do that…you don’t look good..Ximena responded

I will moreover it’s just breakfast…Maria answered

Ok…but at least we can give you a helping hand…Lyla added

Sure…and where is Alora…Maria asked

She should be in her room…Ximena replied

Forget about her…when she is ready…she will come out…Lyla answered

Ok…Maria replied


Bryan’s Room******

Boss…are you ok…Maria asked when she entered his room

I’m…what did you expect…Bryan smirked

It was just a question…can’t you be respectful for once..Maria said

Are you trying to teach me what to do…you are too full of yourself…Bryan replied

And you are too rude and arrogant…you think you are superior to everyone right…Maria questioned

Can’t you do without talking…Bryan asked

If you stop then I will..Maria replied

You don’t dictate things for me…Bryan answered

Here is your food boss…Maria replied placing it on his table..

And what are you still waiting for…Bryan asked

I’m waiting for you to finish your food…Maria replied

Just go…seeing your face every morning makes me angry…Bryan answered

Likewise me…Maria smirked and left him


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