Can we go now…Maria asked

Yes..Bryan replied..

Just tell me were we are heading to…Maria asked

On one condition…Bryan answered

What condition…Maria replied

You have to stay in my room till I fall asleep tonight…so are you in..Bryan responded and smiled

Not possible…Maria replied immediately

Then I won’t tell you..Bryan winked at her

How mean…ok I tell me..Maria smirked

Good…One of the famous NightClub in Korea…Bryan replied

NightClub!What you should have informed me…Maria snapped

Why…Bryan asked

I don’t like nightclub…I’m not always comfortable there..Maria replied

Don’t worry…it’s a high class club so you will be fine…trust me..Bryan answered

How sure are you…Many celebrity,famous business man and rich people would be there…this is ¢razy…Maria replied

Just calm down….I will be there with you…Bryan answered

That is even worst…all eyes will be on me…I can’t do this…Maria responded

Just ignore them…Bryan replied

Really…the other day at Owen’s birthday…I was feeling uncomfortable…people were just looking at me as if I collected their boyfriend and that is so frustrating…Maria responded

Ain’t you my girlfriend…Bryan teases

I’m not…Maria smirked

The birthday party was for couples so you were my girlfriend then…Bryan said and smiled

You are crazy…Maria replied and smiled back

You made the decision to come along with me so there is no going back…just relax…and smile more often…you look more cute when you smile..Bryan replied looking at her

I see…just concentrate…because I don’t want to d!e…Maria responded

Are you scared…don’t worry we will die together…Bryan replied and started laughing

Ain’t we there yet…Maria asked

Soon…Bryan replied

Minutes later******

They got out of his car…then Bryan gave his car keys to the security and went in with Maria holding her hand..

Are you ¢razy…what are you doing…Maria asked

Keep quiet and calm down…Bryan replied smiling…immediately people started passing comment

***Look who is here Bryan Thoredore..My crush***

**Isn’t she the girl we saw with him at the other club**

** They are holding cute***

**I saw their pictures on every social media..Are they dating***

**I’m so jealous of her…I wish i was his girlfriend**

**A nightstand with him would be crazy**

People started taking pictures of them…Bryan ignored them as usual

Did you enjoyed that…Bryan said smiling at Maria

Why did you have to do that…Maria smirked

Just to make people go ¢razy…Bryan replied still smiling

Really..stop smiling people are looking at us..Maria answered

It’s so fun isn’t it..I’m enjoying this..Bryan winked at her

Are you ¢razy…it is not fun for me..Maria replied

Your loss..Bryan replied and hold her hand

Let go of my hand or else I will scream..Maria responded

Then scream..Bryan answered

Ok…wait and see…Maria replied

If you scream I will do something ¢razy…and you don’t want that to happen…Bryan responded..they were interrupted by Sebastian

Hello buddy…Sebastian shouted

And why are you shouting…I’m not deaf..Bryan smirked

Here comes Mr Rude…you guys are late..why??Sebastian replied

You should be asking her that…Bryan pointed at Maria

Why me…ain’t you the driver…Maria smirked

What!You just called me a driver…Bryan snapped…immediately Sebastian started laughing

You were the one driving…so you are a driver..Maria replied

You are ¢razy…I’m Bryan Thoredore remember…Bryan answered

So…Maria replied

It’s not your fault…Bryan smirked

This is ¢razy…Sebastian said

Hello dear…Sophie greeted coming toward them

I’m good…Maria replied

You look good as usual…Sophie complimented

Thank You…You look good too…Maria replied

Thanks..Sophie answered

Let’s enjoy the party..Sebastian replied and dragged Bryan to the bar



You two look good together…Sebastian said

Me and Who…if I may ask…Bryan replied

You and Maria of course…Sebastian answered

I don’t know…Bryan responded

Stop pretending..You have something for her but you don’t want to admit it…Sebastian replied

I..I don’t have anything for her…you know I hate women right…Bryan answered quickly

You don’t want to admit..your feelings for her…the way you look at her is different from the way you look at other ladies and you know that…you even took her to your hotel today right…that is the first time a lady except your secretary enters your office…you even allowed her in your room..she is even the first lady to enter your car…so stop the pretence and open up…Sebastian replied

She is the cause of my sickness…so she is taking care of me…Bryan responded

Really…you are just deceiving yourself and trying to hide your feelings..Sebastian answered

Can we stop this discussion…Bryan snapped

Ok…but you can’t hide it for long…Sebastian replied



Do you like him…Sophie asked

Who…Maria questioned

Bryan of course..Sophie answered

I don’t know…Maria replied

Hmmm…you don’t know but you have been staring at him…Sophie asked

I’m not staring at him…just that…Maria paused

Just what go on…Sophie questioned

Nothing…Maria replied quickly

Don’t hide your feelings you can tell me…I won’t tell him…Sophie assured

I.I don’t know…Maria replied

Ok…But your eyes says otherwise..Sophie responded

Something entered my eyes…Maria said pretending to clean her face

I see..Sophie replied and smiled

Wow…your dimples make you more reminds me of someone…Maria said unknowingly

And who is that…Sophie asked

Hmmm…B…Liya my friend…Maria answered

Ok…Let’s go and dance…it is getting boring…Sophie replied

You can dance…Maria asked

Yes of course and you..Sophie answered

Yes I can but I’m is too crowdy…Maria responded

Come on…Sophie replied and dragged her to the dance floor

Sophie started dancing and Maria stand still because she was shy but Sophie dragged her into the crowd and Maria joined her

Isn’t that Maria…Sebastian asked

She is here with us…Bryan replied

I know…look over there…Sebastian answered pointed at Maria who is still dancing

Is that Maria…Bryan replied…he closes his eyes and opened it but he still saw her dancing…this is not a dream…he said to himself…He was so surprised to see her dancing like that…he kept looking at her…By then Sophie is already with Sebastian…They were all surprised with her dance moves…

This is ¢razy…Sebastian said

Her moves are fking mad…Sophie replied

She is klling me..Bryan answered…Sophie and Sebastian started laughing

And why are you guys laughing…Bryan asked

How is she klling you…Sebastian questioned

Keep shut…Bryan replied

Then Maria noticed people were staring at her…she stopped dancing and went to meet the others

Why did you leave me all alone…I told you I was shy right…Maria questioned

Ohhhh…sorry but your moves are mad…Sophie answered

You are amazing…Sebastian added

You guys are kidding me right…Maria asked

Ask him…Sebastian replied pointing at Bryan

They are kidding me right…Maria asked but no response from Bryan

Bryan…are you there…Sebastian shouted

Yes…what is it…Bryan replied

I understand…Sebastian answered and started laughing…Sophie too joined him

So you can dance…Bryan asked

Not really…Maria answered

Are you kidding me…you almost klled me with your dance moves…Bryan replied

Kll you…Maria asked

Never mind…have something to drink…Bryan replied

Maria ordered for lime drink and Sophie ordered whiskey

Why lime…drink something else…Sophie asked

Don’t worry I’m ok with this…Maria smiled

Minutes later****

Let’s go…it is late already…Bryan asked and they all left the club

Goodnight…Maria said

And you too…Sophie replied

Maria entered Bryan car and he drove off



Don’t forget your promise…Bryan said

I won’t…I just need to refreshen up…Maria replied and they both left for their room


Bryan’s Room******

Maria entered his room…she is already in her nightie…Bryan staring for a while and look away before he was caught

Sing me a lullaby…Bryan asked

Are you a baby…Maria replied

Just sing one…Bryan asked

I won’t…just sleep so I can go to my room…Maria answered

Are you feeling sleepy…Bryan asked

Yes…Maria replied yawning

You can sleep here…Bryan teases

Are you ¢razy…just please sleep..Maria replied

Ok…Bryan answered

Minutes later***

Bryan opened his eyes and was surprised to see Maria In his room..she is fast asleep

She looks so cute…he thought and remove her hair from her face and he smiled…

He carried her to his bed and use his duvet to cover her body and stared at her for a while..then he took another duvet from his closet and lie down on his couch and slept off immediately


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