? Chapter 12

?Written by Jchrist

? Nina’s P. O. V

The dinner was really delicious! I can’t forget about it.

I lie down on the bed and pull the blanket on my body.

I’ve gotten a separate room as I’m his guest. I thought there was no other room in this rest house. But there is! But he didn’t let me stay in a separate room yesterday as I was his hostage.

I sigh and hide my face under the blanket.

Tomorrow will be my last day I’ll be seeing him. Then, maybe I’ll never see him again. He’s a busy person, not a stroller like me.

I close my eyes to sleep. A drop of tears gathers to my eye corner.

I’m standing beside a black car and waiting for him to get in. But…. Is there something wrong with his car?

The hood of his car is opened and he’s burying his face between machines and hood.

“Is anything wrong?” I can’t help but ask as I’m a restless person.

“No, I think… we’ll be able to go..” he says shutting the hood down.


I wish the car were disturbed and I could stay here some more times.

Ug! Err! What am I thinking??!! I really want to get out of here! He has turned my life to other way, different from everyday life.
“Go inside.” He says and gets in the driver’s seat.

Where should I sit? Seat beside him or the backseat.

When I’m having a hard time to find out, he says pointing at the seat beside him.

“Sit here…”

“Um…” I nod and sit opening the door.

He is buttoned-up from the morning. Maybe his mood depends on the dress he wears. I’ve noticed, when he wears casual dresses he’s normal and charming but when he wears formal, he’s moody, seems arrogant.
Oh God, you know better.

I lean against the seat and look outside. This is morning and people are jogging, going to office. But I feel sleepy. I couldn’t sleep properly last night because I am always afraid of an unknown place. They seem like haunted place to me.

My eyes are being closed slowly. As the car is moving smoothly, it makes me more sleepy.

? Rohan’s P. O. V
I bring out a cigarette from the cigarette box while controlling the steering wheel.

“Nina.. Help me to light the…” I stop as I find her sleeping putting head on headrest.
You can’t sleep like this…

Sighing, I put the cigarette between my lips and get the lighter. Then I light the cigarette and open the windows and turn the AC off.
“Um… Who’s… smocking?” Suddenly Nina says turning to right side.

She’s talking in sleep. How odd!

I smile and keep smoking and driving.

“You’re not listening to my words… I don’t like smocking.. It offenses me.” She says and I look at her. She’s looking at me with sleepy yet frowning eyes as if she’s ruling me.

I give a grimace smile without hearing her words.

I feel her moving from her seat. She leans at me and hitches the cigarette away. Her hand goes around my neck and her face comes closer to mine. Her eyes full with craze and her lips fall on mine..

! ! !
I keep staring at her face dumbfounded. Her long fingers griping my hair.

What’s she doing? Has she gone mad?

I brake the car instantly in the middle of the road and my hand is grabbling to close the windows while another one is supporting her not to fall down. Both of her hands cup my face as my hand goes around her waist.

It’s soft and present yet heartwarming. My breath gets heavier. I did like this many times before but my heart and breath didn’t react like this.

Her head slowly slides down on my shoulder and she sits on my lap being limped. Her warm breaths are touching my neck, she’s pressed to my chest and I’m holding her in my arms.

“I really do like you, perfume holder.. I wanted to tell you… but…” She says in sleeping.

Perfume holder? What’s this again? She used it instead of ‘he’. Can it be someone male whom she likes but can’t tell and she’s imagining me in his place?

My heart skips a beat and I suddenly feel anger welling up in my head.

Could it be Adam, her cousin? I have found her weakness for him…. and she herself said that she liked him!

? Nina’s P. O. V
I yawn and rub my eyes. When I open my eyes, I find Rohan driving car. He seems angry as well but a bit more than usual, as his eyebrows are frowned.

I’ve seen a dream. It’s very embarrassing but truth to said I have seen a dream about the perfume holder. That was really embarrassing .

I was kssing him in the same car we’re now. I was really sleepy and mumbling fumble. And I called him perfume holder. I also did hold his hair. It was really so soft to touch,
though it was mere a dream. Everything was like real. But I don’t know what happen next. I fell in sleep in my dream.

A smile comes across my lips as I feel my cheeks becoming warmer.

I sigh and close my eyes. The familiar perfume hits my nose.

I will not be able to smell the perfume again. I feel sad, really sad.

I have to ask him the name. When I’m about to open my mouth to ask. The car stops and he says,

“We’re here….” Without looking at me.
I look around me and find my apartment standing tall beside the car.

I get off the car but he keeps sitting inside.
“Thanks for the lift… I owe you.” I say bending and peeping inside.

“Bye. This is our last meeting. I’ve no time to waste for you.” He glance at me one more last time and turns on the engine.

I move and stand and see him go away.

He didn’t let me to ask the name….. Does he hate me? He hates me that much that he ignores me.

I feel heartbroken. My heart have been broken into pieces. I never felt like this before. No one ever hurt me like this.

Before tears can roll down my cheek, I quickly get in my apartment building.

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