?{I never knew her,never met her but she gave birth to my child}?

Written by Bella writes???


?Max pov?
“Am so sorry sir,I tried to stop her but she won’t listen to me” my secretary said to me

” since when do I need to have the permission of a lousy secretary before I go into my fiancé office”she said standing up to glare at her

“You can leave now Gracie” I said to her

With what happen with Lucy, I decided to fire her,not wanting anything to go wrong between lily and I

“And you?won’t you leave” she yelled at Chris who immediately got up and left the office

“What’s this Brenda, why Are you here” I said

“To see you,babe am sorry okay,I made a mistake by asking you to leave me Alone but I want us back now,let’s continue from where we stopped” she said coming to kneel in front of me

I gently stood up and went to stand by the door

“That can’t happen again” I said

“But why?”

“Because am now married” I said

“Married?to whom and when had that happened” she said

My marriage to lily had been a secret thing,the press hasn’t gotten hold of it yet And apart from the rest who knew no one else knew until Brenda now

“I got married to lily” I said

“The one who gave birth to your child”

“Yes the one and only”

“I can’t believe this? How can you leave me for her,she is a liar and you also dont want the child,then how come you are married to her”

“Thats because she is the mother of my child”

“I can’t believe this,how could you do this to me,why leave me for her,why?”

“You dare to ask me that,I called you wanting to explain,to make you see reason and take me back but no you said you dont want to have anything with me anymore and I stick to your advice and have also moved on with my life”

“Your breaking my heart max”

“Not as you did to mine in the past” I said and she stood up

“You just can’t leave me okay,I love you and I know you love me too” she said walking towards me to hold my cheek

“Thats all in the past,we’ve got go move on ”

“And you think that by being with her,she would make the perfect woman?well you are wrong because she won’t make you happy as I did,she wont please you as I did”

“Lily is more of a woman to me okay,you threw me away and now you say you want me well am sorry lily is the woman I want now in my life and no one else okay” I said

“She won’t give you what I did,she won’t make you as happy as I did and I swear I won’t let you go,I won’t let you be, you are mine” she said and left my office

I knee then and there that Brenda would be a big problem

?lily POV?
“Grandpa let me read the princess story once again” Dora said as she read to her grandpa

“Fine then read again for me” he said happily enjoying his grandchild company

I sat with his mom watching little Dora play with her grandpa

“Thanks for staying lily,you both are the joy in our life” she said

“Am glad about that” I said feeling happy about it

It’s been five days,five days since have agreed to stay

And I wouldn’t deny that its been great though max is really trying

Maybe to win my heart or to get me into his bed I don’t know

But what I know for sure is that have never given him the chance to get close to me

He tries hard to take me out,buy me things and he even opened an account in my name

Something I refused,not one of those things would let me get close to him

But there are little things he does that make me consider him sweet

Like the way he loves his parents and also with the way he treats dora

For someone who Hates kids,he is truly getting along with his daughter

And Also with his never ending ways of complimenting me or by getting me little things like chocolates,icecream and flowers.

“Dora you are wearing your grandpa out,stop reading and let’s go” I said

“Not so fast okay ” he said through the door way

I watched him walk in with a smile on his face and he looks so very handsome and sxy

“Daddy” Dora yelled and went to hug him

He gave her a kss and also the chocolate he bought

“Mom,dad,lily and I are going out, so would you please stay with Dora for a while” he said

“We would love to” his mom said and before I could say jack he pulled me out of the ward

“Where are we going to Max” I said

“Somewhere, you will know soon dearest” he said as he walked me out of the hospital

?Brenda POV?
“Yes there they are, she is the one,the one I want you to work on” I said to the guy beside me

“She looks hot and I don’t doubt that she will be good in bed” he said

“You know what you have to do,one wrong mistake and our plan backfires” she said

“There won’t be any mistake okay,this babe will be mine” he said laughing evily

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