?The Billionaire’s

Girlfriend? season 2

?(She is mine)?

By: Kebby NG

Episode 19

? Khalid ?

I stood outside the detainment room watching as the interaction between the police and they guy.

They’ve been at it for a long time and they aren’t getting anywhere.

It’s driving me cr@zy, insane!!

We were all sure about June’s location so where the h.ell did she disappear to?

I swear if i don’t find her within the next twenty four hours, I’ll… I’ll fk!!

I can’t take it anymore.

I kicked the door open and walked in. Before the officer reacted, I took his gun and pointed it at the guy.

“Now I’m going to say this once or I’ll blow off your head. Where is June?” Once I saw he wasn’t going to reply, I threatened him”If I repeat myself again, I’ll search for your family and trust me when I say this, I’ll kill them all”

The officer tried to take the gun away from Khal but a glare from him made him stop. He was truly ashamed that his gun got stolen from him without him knowing.

He glanced at the culprit Whose face was ashen and pale”So what do you say?”

The guy immediately fell on his knees”No please don’t harm my family, they’re only just kids. I’ll speak.. Please”

I lowered the gun and sat down”Good, start talking”

He nodded”It’s Ma’am Melissa, she asked me to kidnap your girlfriend. I was too blinded by money and needed it badly.. please don’t Kill me”he wept

I was quiet at first studying him when a thought occurred to me.

“Why were you naked when we found you?”

My eyes narrowed as I thought about, if this guy really did hurt my June them he’ll definitely spend the rest of his life in prison.

?? Ryder ??

I knelt down in front her in my panicking state.

G0sh I couldn’t afford to loose her, no… She’s my only family for godsake! I know I’ve hurt her from the way she spoke.

She sounded hurt…

I really felt bad for not telling her the truth all this while. I really regret it. Now I know that family isn’t something one joke with,their happiness is also yours.

“I know June, I’ve hurt you so much please forgive me. Tell me one thing to do to gain your forgiveness” I said eagerly.

She was quiet at first then an evil gleam appeared in her eyes. I suddenly regretted asking her that. “You really want to know?”

I swallowed, hmm it’s not like I could back down now. I wanted her forgiveness anyways so I nodded”Yeah”

“Tell me why Khalid hate you so much and also, you’ll have to beg for his forgiveness. Only then can I let this go”

I froze trying to process what she just said.

Did she ..

Huh.. does she want me.. me of all people to apologise to Khalid? What the fk!!

Has she gone cr@zy?

I gazed at her uncertainly wondering if she meant it and of course she did.

“June…” I started but was cut off before I finish my statement.

“You can’t do that right? I know it!” She shook her head”I don’t want to stay here anymore. I need to leave”

? Kayla ?

I sighed and decided to check out the kitchen.

The maids glanced over at me when I got there”Do you need something ma’am?”

I shook my head”No ..”


Is this really someone’s kitchen?

It’s so big and beautiful!

Khalid definitely has a good taste.

A thought popped into my head as I stared at the kitchen. Cooking.

I suddenly felt like cooking.

Okay so let me make one thing clear to you guys, I don’t know how to cook but I just want to try that in other to take my mind off things.

It was June who usually cook while I clean up at home.

I’m still anxiously waiting for update about June so maybe cooking will do the trick.

With my mind made up, I walked over to the cooker and asked for a frypan.

I decided I’m going to cook for Charles, I just hope I don’t mess it up.

“Leave it, I can help you do that” a young maid suddenly said from behind me. She’s really pretty, I wonder why she’s working as a maid.

“No, I want to do this myself”

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” She asked looking at me.

I pursed my lips stubbornly”Of course! I know what I’m doing. It’s just eggs.. it’s not like anything could go wrong right?”

She shrugged”Whatever you say miss”

I watched her go with a frown on my face…Hmm is this girl trying to ridicule me?

I’ll show her how this is done.




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