Aurora walked down the corridor, her smile fading as Atlas stepped in front of her. She tried to sidestep him, but he blocked her path.

“Greetings, my Prince,” she said, her voice polite but distant.

Atlas’s eyes locked onto hers, his gaze piercing. “I need to talk to you, pretty,” he said, his voice low and smooth.

Aurora’s heart raced as she tried to step around him again. “I’m in a hurry, my Prince. Please excuse me.”

But Atlas blocked her way, his smile growing wider. “Just a moment of your time, pretty one,” he said, his eyes roaming over her face.

Aurora’s skin crawled under his gaze. She tried to push past him, but he grabbed her arm, his grip tight.

“Let me go, my Prince,” she said, her voice firm but shaking slightly.

Atlas’s eyes gleamed with amusement. “Oh, I’ll let you go,” he said. “But first, you have to answer my question.”

Aurora’s heart raced as she tried to pull away. “What question?”

“Why have you been avoiding me, Aurora?” Atlas asked, his voice low and husky.

Aurora’s eyes flashed with anger. “I’m not avoiding you, my Prince. I’m just busy.”

Atlas’s smile grew wider. “Busy avoiding me, you mean,” he said. “But I’ll catch up with you eventually. And when I do…”

Aurora’s skin crawled at the threat in his voice. She tried to pull away again, but Atlas held her fast.

“Let me go, my Prince,” she said, her voice cold.

Atlas’s eyes narrowed, but he released her arm. “For now,” he said. “But I’ll be watching you, pretty. And soon, you’ll be mine.”

Aurora’s heart raced as she pushed past him and ran down the corridor.

Atlas licked his lips as he watch her run.




The throne room was dimly lit. Sebastian, paced back and forth in front of the throne, his mind racing with thoughts of power and betrayal.

Atlas stood opposite him, his arms crossed, his gaze never leaving Sebastian’s face, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity.

“We need to strike soon,” Atlas said, his voice low and urgent, his words hanging in the air like a challenge.

“Augustus powers grow stronger by the day. If we don’t act now, we risk losing our chance.”

Sebastian stopped pacing and turned to face Atlas, his eyes narrowing as he considered the words. “I know, but we need to choose the right moment. His guards are too numerous, too loyal. We can’t afford to fail.”

Atlas smiled, a cold, calculating smile that sent a shiver down Sebastian’s spine. “Don’t you remember…the full moon is near.

The emperor is always vulnerable then. His powers are weakened by the lunar cycle, and his guards are less vigilant. It’s the perfect time to strike.”

Sebastian’s eyes narrowed, his mind racing with the possibilities. He had always known that the emperor’s powers were tied to the moon

“You’re right,” he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper.

“His powers are weakened by the lunar cycle. But we’ll need to be careful. He’s not one to be underestimated, even at his weakest.”

Atlas chuckled, his eyes gleaming with determination. “My brother isn’t that strong but pretending to be, I’ve gathered a small army of men, loyal only to us.

We’ll join yours and we can attack under the cover of night, when the emperor’s guards are least expecting it. We’ll catch him off guard, and he won’t stand a chance.”

Sebastian’s eyes gleamed with excitement as he thought of the possibilities.

“Then let us strike on the full moon,” he said finally, his voice firm and resolute. “We’ll catch him off guard and take my daughter once and for all.”




Aurora’s heart raced as she entered the emperor’s chamber, the tray of food balanced precariously in her hands.

She had been avoiding his gaze ever since the night of the kiss, her emotions in turmoil. As she arranged the meal on the dining area, her stomach growled softly, protesting its emptiness.

“Oh my, I’m so hungry,” she mumbled, her eyes fixed on the tantalizing soups and chicken. Her mouth watered at the sight, her hunger pangs intensifying.

Where is he?? She thought.

Just then, the door to the inner chamber opened, and the emperor emerged, his tall frame commanding attention.

Aurora’s jaw dropped as she took in his appearance, a light robe that showcased his chiseled abs and broad chest. Her eyes lingered on his masculine form, her breath catching in her throat.

The emperor’s eyes narrowed, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. “What are you looking at?” he asked, his voice low.

Aurora jolted back to reality, her cheeks flushing. “Uh, nothing,” she stammered, looking away.

The emperor chuckled, taking a seat at the table. Aurora served him quietly, her eyes downcast. As he began to eat, he stopped suddenly, his eyes fixed on her. “Join me,” he said, his voice devoid of emotion.

Aurora’s eyes widened in surprise. “Meee?” she blurted, her voice barely audible.

“No, my lord, I’m not hungry,” she lied, her voice trembling.

Aurora’s stomach betrayed her, growling loudly at the invitation. She hesitated, her eyes darting to the food and back to the emperor.

The emperor raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips. “Your stomach says otherwise, sit” he muttered, his eyes glinting with amusement.

Aurora’s face flushed with embarrassment as she reluctantly took a seat opposite him. The emperor dished out some soup for her, and she began to eat, her hunger taking over. She moaned in delight, her eyes closing in rapture.

As she finished the third plate of soup and chicken, Aurora realized her mistake.

She had eaten too much, too quickly??

Her mouth was stained with sauce, her hands trembling with embarrassment.

The emperor’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled, passing his plate to her. “Take this too…I’m sure you’re still hungry.”

Aurora’s eyes widened at the offer, her mouth watering at the sight of the remaining chicken. She took a bite, her eyes closing in bliss.

As she finished the last morsel, Aurora stood up, her face still flushed with embarrassment. She avoided the emperor’s gaze, her eyes fixed on the floor.

She looked up and their gazes met, Aurora felt a spark of electricity run through her veins. Then, she looked away, her face still flushed with embarrassment.


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