THE CONGRUENCE Episode 31 – 34

Folahan’s mum signaled to him to come over and he knelt down next to me. Captain prayed some more, he stopped abruptly and started to sob. Then he pulled Folahan up, hugged him and with tears said
 “I love you son
I love you so much
I’m sorry for the hurts of the past
Can we put it where it belongs?
Can we be one happy family again?”
 Folahan nodded and everyone else came over in a group hug.
 I was dying inside but many things were happening simultaneously and quickly that I could not pause to gather my thoughts…they were running riot in my mind.
 “What does this mean?
What should I do?
What would I tell Folahan?
Should I play along like Captain was doing? I knew I couldn’t do that because I was on the verge of “exploding”
What if I ran into one of the people I knew back at Captain’s guest house?

How could God let this happen?
How could He let this congruence happen? My past and future in an unholy matrimony.
All the merry-go-rounding only to end up where I thought I had walked away from.
I don’t see a way out of this…
I’m back to square one
I’m losing everything…God why? How could You let this happen?”
 I’m sure everybody else assumed my tears were tears of joy…they must have thought I was sharing in the emotional reconciliation of the family.
 After a while, Captain said he needed to go see a friend.
The wife discouraged him but he insisted that it was very important and had something to do with Folahan’s wedding…so she let him.

When the rumpus died down, I told Folahan we needed to talk, so we went into a room that had been prepared for us.
I wasn’t sure how to start but luckily, Folahan had something to say too
“Ara mi, what’s wrong?
Talk to me
You know I am very good at reading body language
I have been watching you since we got here
Did someone do or say something you don’t like?
Do you have something against Military people? Because that seemed to have triggered this whole thing.
If it’s still because I didn’t tell you before now, I already explained why and I am sorry for that.
Today is supposed to be a day of joy…
I finally made up with my father and my family totally adores you
Even my dad said it while we were talking outside
We shouldn’t let anything ruin it”.


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