THE CONGRUENCE Episode 5 – 8

The following day, I paid Mr. Sesan the money he had demanded to fix my score…I remember raining curses on the money before taking it to him. I felt like he robbed me but I was helpless.
I still had a lot of money left; I don’t think I had ever owned that much money in my life, before that day.I took Deola out for lunch because I didn’t know what to give her and while we were eating, she asked what I was wearing to the weekend party.
“I’m not sure I want to go o
I just said yes because I couldn’t bring myself to say otherwise

I was caught up in the moment and overwhelmed so I had to say yes to Chief”
I could tell Deola was not very happy with what I said…I quickly begged her not to be mad at me and that I would think about it.
“Better…if you choose to go, I have the perfect dress for you. But I won’t let you see it unless you are going and until we are leaving” She responded
“Haba! Let me see the dress now” I whined but she insisted that she wouldn’t show me.

All week I was devising a way to avoid the party without incurring Deola’s anger. I didn’t want her to see me as “knowing how to eat from it, but not wanting to be part of it”.I later decided to tell her that my mum asked me to come. I would stage it as if I got the call that morning and since she knew my mum’s condition she wouldn’t stop me from going.

Friday evening, after we got back from our classes, Deola told me to come with her and we drove to a beauty salon off campus. It was a pampering session as we went through the entire beauty regimen…hair, nails; it was my first time having a professional manicure and pedicure. I looked totally different in a good way and almost couldn’t believe my eyes.

When we got back, Deola made a call…she didn’t tell me who she was calling but it wasn’t long before I could tell she had called Sister Grace. She said she wanted to say hi and find out how mama was doing. She also added that she needed my sister’s permission because she was thinking of visiting her uncle that weekend and wanted me to come along. My sister granted the permission and they talked some more; Deola then passed the phone to me…

To be continued. Thanks for reading.

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