THE CONGRUENCE Episodes 18 – 21

He told me how he became a Christian at age 14 and had learned to hear from God. How he had never regretted following any of God’s instructions…even those that seemed ridiculous when he got them.
“I really didn’t have to come to Nigeria, I already got a Job where I was but God instructed me to come to Nigeria to meet my wife.
I was dating a girl from college but never had God’s approving peace in my heart.
Coming to Nigeria to work meant I had to go through NYSC…my folks thought I was crazy but when I insisted, they had to let me.

God told me specifically to choose Abuja…there was a mix up with that but it was later fixed which was why I got to camp late.
God told me I would know her when I saw her
The day I saw you at the Camp, I knew…I had no shadow of doubt.
But then you started avoiding me like a plague
I went back to God…who told me to keep praying that your heart be healed because you went through a very rough relationship.

I thought I had lost you after camp…I was shocked that they rejected me at Schlumberger. My uncle is friends with one of their directors. The man could not explain how my name got dropped from the list. He told me to go anywhere else and come back after Youth service for an actual job. He called the Managing Director of the Bank where we are serving at the moment, to get me a spot at their Abuja branch and it was done just like thatWhen I stepped in the Bank for training and saw you, I just smiled in my spiritOf course, if God said it, He will do it.
I had wanted to tell you this from the first time I said hi to you but I didn’t want to freak you out”
“Too late…you just did” I responded.

To be continued