THE DIAMONDS-By Faith Lucky: Episode 11-20

(She likes him,
but he’s cold-hearted?)

Episode 12

By: Faith Lucky

Cali’s Pov:
I felt like slapping myself at that moment, knowing I was half dead.

Oh! Cali; what have I done?

How…How did it even happen???

He looked at his stained dress, then slowly took his eyes to me and I felt my heart give a mighty leap.

All the students were already moving away, trying to create a big distance like a storm was about to take place.

The guards beside him raged immediately and tried rushing at me, but he stopped them, signalling them with his hand.


I gulped nervously and my eyes watered as he started coming towards me.

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

I panicked and took a few steps back but suddenly stopped myself, knowing I couldn’t get away from it.

He walked levelly with his hands crossed behind his back and finally got to where I was.

“I’m….I’m sorry. It wasn’t intentional” I stuttered pathetically, staring into his dark eyes which were boring into mine.

G0sh! I may be stubborn and all that, but this particular guy…he’s different.

The air around him…that look…fragrance….aura…they were just something else.


I felt my heart beating rapidly and slowly, he lifted his hand to my chest, making me flinch.

What the h*ell is he doing?

I was about thinking otherwise when he suddenly took hold of my necklace and pulled it off my neck.


My eyes widened in shock as I stared at the necklace in his hand. What does he think he’s doing??

My precious necklace I use in remembering mum.

“You’re never gonna see it again” he whispered only to my hearing and turned around, walking out with the boys.

I felt cold shivers run down my spine as I watched him leave.

Oh my God! What the hell just happened??

My necklace. He can’t take it.

I found myself running after him but the guards stopped me from touching him when I got to where he was.

“Please, I’m sorry. The necklace is important to me. I need it back” I pleaded as his guards held me and suddenly, he gave me access to his thoughts.

*I know it’s important. And that’s the reason I’m taking it* I heard him say in his head and I became weak.

He walked out with the guards while I stood, watching helplessly.
Hours Later
I sat quietly with Cali at the field and while she kept herself busy with a pack of chocolate, I just sat quietly and didn’t say a word.

“You sure you don’t want some?” She asked, holding out the chocolate to me but I shook my head.

“Oh! Cali, you need to get over it, okay? Seriously, you should be happy he only seized your necklace and didn’t do worse to you. I was actually kinda scared he was gonna hurt you pretty bad, you know. Nobody messes with Miquel and goes scott free” she preached.

“You don’t understand, Diane. That necklace is d@mn important to me and I simply can’t lose it. Its the last gift I’d gotten from my mum before coming into this d@mn institute and she wanted me to always put it on. She wanted me to value it. So, I can’t lose it simply because I made a flimsy mistake” I explained with a huff and Diane sighed .

“Well, nobody planed for this, okay? So, we just have to go along with it. The necklace is gone and that’s it!”, she concluded and took a bite from her chocolate.


Definitely, there’s no way I’m letting go of that necklace.

We didn’t say a word to each other for a while and in the process, an idea popped into my head.

“Diane” I called anxiously.
“What if…I sneak into his room when I’m sure he isn’t around and take back the necklace?” I asked and her eyes widened in shock.

“What?? Have you gone mad or something???” She growled and looked around, trying to be sure nobody had heard us.

“Seriously, Cali. You better flush that idea of your head if you don’t wanna get killed. How can you even think of sneaking into Miquel’s room? Like…breaking in. Are you okay???”

“But…I won’t be caught. I’d only go in when I’m sure he isn’t around and…”

“And how are you sure he wouldn’t come in when you’re in?? Do you really wanna die? Going into the lion’s den with your clear eyes???

“I’m guessing he didn’t really punish you at the cafeteria because he knew it was a mistake. But going into his room, if you get caught, he’ll know you did it on purpose and is definitely gonna punish you severely. So, I’m warning you – barbie. Don’t even think about it” she enthused and continued eating and I just sighed and looked away.
Diane and I spent the rest of the evening together and it was late enough, we decided to head to our separate rooms and on our way, I spotted Miquel and his guards – around the management department.

The thought flung into my head again.

This only means…he wasn’t in his room.


“Goodnight, Cali. Make sure you’re up in time tomorrow” Diane said as we got to the entrance of my apartment.

“Um…okay. Sure. Goodnight” I smiled and waved at her and we went our separate ways.

I slackened my steps as I walked along.

Miquel wasn’t in his room. The thought kept niggling at me.

My precious necklace.

Suddenly, I turned around and headed for the exit.
G0sh! I just couldn’t let go of it..

I got out to the open floor and looked left and right for Diane, but thankfully, she was nowhere in sight and I took in a deep breath and proceeded on my way.

Diane had pointed out his room to me yesterday while she was showing me around and it was actually close to that of his guards.

I walked for a long time before getting to the tall building and my heart leapt as I spotted his room.

Oh! Cali; am I really doing this???

I observed and discovered his window was open.

Then,,I looked around and thankfully, no student was passing by.

The area was so quiet like it was restricted or something.
Without a second thought, I reached for the wall, climbing it like a *spider-woman* A slow spider woman.

I was sure to be very careful and after a while, I finally got to his window.

Oh my God!!! I made it!

I smiled happily as I passed through the window and got into his room.

Yes!! Yes!! I did it.

I chuckled and looked around the room.


Oh, boy! Is this really a room?


It was so d@mn big and classy.

The bed was a king-sized and dressed with a blue sheet.

The bulb light was blue – giving a soft glow to the room.

The floors were tied blue as well and so were the colors of his curtains.

Hold on; it seems his favorite color is blue. But he’s always putting on white.

G0sh! The room was soo cool and looked really inviting to sleep in.

I saw a drawing board in the room, having an enchanting image of a car.

Hold on; did he draw this??



I shook my head and touched the board.

It was so amazing and real.

I was so lost admiring it that I’d almost forgotten my main reason for being there.

Come on, Cali! I snapped out of my thoughts and set out to work.

I scoured my eyes around for a possible place he could’ve hidden the necklace and my eyes caught the sight of a drawer.

I rushed to it and opened it, but nothing. It wasn’t there.

I checked the tables and was about checking his wardrobe when I suddenly heard footsteps.


I paused and listened to be sure I wasn’t mistaken and the steps became clearer.

It was coming towards the door.

Oh my God!!!

In one swift turn, I dived under the bed as that was the only place that’d come to my mind.

Please, tell me this isn’t real. Tell me I’m dreaming, please.

First, I heard the sound of keys and next, the door opened.



I covered my mouth with my palms to prevent myself from screaming as conniption gripped me.

what have I done???

My heart pounded and sweat covered the top of my face immediately.

I heard his gentle footsteps and soon, his feet showed up at the side of the bed where I laid.

It was him!!

I confirmed it!! He was the one! Miquel.

As soon as I saw his white trouser, I knew he was the one.

Oh, Cali! You’re dead.

Please, just tell me he’s going out.

I bent my head and prayed. If only I’d known, I’d have listened to Diane.
I’d have listened to her.

Now, what have I gotten myself into?

What do I do??

For the first time in a long time, I felt this scared. I couldn’t explain it.

I heard the sound of a bottle and next, a splashing sound and I figured he was pouring himself a drink.

I winced and wished there was a way I could just vanish.

And suddenly, I heard that cold voice of his:

“You have 3 seconds to come out of the bed”.

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