THE FALLEN ANGEL: Episode 1-10

?The fallen Angel ??

?Chapter 3 ?

?Jun pyo’s pov ?

After driving off,I suddenly became restless…I tried to play some music to calm my soul…it was not helping matters at all….I tried to give myself some reasons not to go back to help her…. but still my conscience won’t stop bothering me..

Pheeeeew…I suddenly came to a halt

“Look Jun pyo, you are not that kind of person, you don’t care about don’t let her have any effect on you” I said battling with my conscience..I summoned courage, ignited the car and was speeding off, when the weather suddenly changed… looks like it’s gonna rain… before I could realize what I was doing, my stupid hands has reversed the car and was driving back to her….
When I got there,I met her squatting and shivering on the rain….

Pheeeeew!! She is really dumb..I checked at the boot of my car and luckily I saw an umbrella..
I quickly walked up to her ..and raised the umbrella over her head..

Boom!! That annoying voice came again…

“Give me one reason, you are acting like a chick”my head said making me feel like a looser….

“Uhmm…uhmm”I heart stammered battling with my head

“Look at you Jun pyo!! she has turned you into a woman… hahahaha”the stupid voice said

“Shut up”I said inaudibly..

Immediately, she looked up… oops, hope I wasn’t loud… before I could utter any word, she hugged me …And that pain came rushing again ??

“What the h.eck!! Get off me”I said gently pushing her away

She just looked at me and sadly bowed her head

“Look!! Am only doing this because you helped me push my car…I am JUN PYO.,and I owe no man any favour”I said waving my fingers at her

I turned and walked back to the car, but she kept on standing there with her head bowed…I went back and covered her with my jacket…

“Hey!!! Hop in let me drop you off”I said

“No” she replied shaking her head

“Why??” I replied.. I was shocked.. how dare her say NO to me

“It will swallow me up”she replied with that her innocent baby face…

“Hahahaha”I let out a loud laugh..

“Are you really that dumb?? Who told you that”I said still laughing

She didn’t reply… rather she just bowed her head

“Pheeeeew… don’t be scared am here” I said opening the door….

?? Her POV ? ?

When he said those words of assurance,I happily jumped into the car, and we drove off…due to how crazily he was driving, like he was the king of the road…I kept on laughing, shouting and even crying.. but he kept on laughing and making fun of me…
I didn’t know he could laugh like this..i wondered what made him became so harsh…
Finally,he stopped the car…

“Hey!! get down” he said opening the door

We entered into a building.. looks like it’s a restaurant..

“What would you like to eat” he asked handing over the menu to me

Sht!! Are all these, names of food??..I was given the ability to read and understand.. but i was confused on which food to choose..I just kept on staring at the menu

“Are you an alien or what??”he asked getting frustrated

“Waiter!! Just give me three plates of noodles”he ordered

After a while, the food was served..

I wondered if I should use my hand,fork, knife or spoon..

Jun pyo is already suspecting me,if I act more foolish, it will add to his suspicion…I looked around and saw some people eating noodles, they were using chop sticks..I smiled and picked up my chop sticks….

I tried to scoop up the noodles but it kept slipping away..
? JUN pyo’s pov ???

“Hey!!I will be leaving now…I have paid back your favor” I said walking away…..

I turned back and I caught her staring at me with sadness written all over her face..I turned and I went back to her…

“Hey!! What’s your name” I asked

“Uhm…uhmmm”she stammered

What a strange lady!!

“Since you have forgotten your name..I will just call you PUMPKIN”I said with a wry smile

“Hey pumpkin!! Take care of yourself” I said walking away briskly

??Minutes later????

I parked the car in the garage..I tiredly dragged my legs to my new mansion…I can’t return to my old house because it will keep reminding me of them ..

uncle has called me earlier informing me that my parents body has been taken to their ancestral homes and must be buried the next day..??

Pheeeeew…I tiredly dragged my feet the mansion when I noticed that I was been followed.. before I could try to make a move,two hefty men appeared before me …

“Who are you guys and what are you doing in my house” I asked trying to hide my fears….

” We are here to send you to your parents”one of them said and both of them let out a wicked laugh…

“Stay away from me”I said moving back

“Good bye..Mr.arrongant”one them said and brought out a knife…I closed my eyes to accept my fate, after all i really want to be with my parents….


I felt a pain piercing through my heart ??

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