By Vintage Library

Episode 20

“Love” Ariel called as she walked into the house. She went to visit a long friend.

“Love” she called more loudly walking into the room. She saw a p.ant on the floor and she furrowed her brows.

“Whose p.ant is this?” She asked no one as she raised it.

“Love” Norman called with an awkward smile as he walked out of the bathroom, sweating.

“You are back” he said trying to breathe normally because his breathing was hard.

“Yeah and I saw this” she raised a p.ant.

“What’s that? “He asked pretending not to know.

“An undie” she replied.

“What about it?” He asked.

“It was not here when I left” she said.

” Ohh, it is yours I was searching for a top so I went through your things” he explained.

” This doesn’t look like mine” she said.

“It is, whose undie will it be if not yours?” He asked.

That’s right only her and a maid are the female in the house. The maid couldn’t have forgot her undie here.

“Welcome ma’am” the maid greeted walking out of the bathroom, sweating too.

” What were you doing in the bathroom?” She asked the maid.

” I was cleaning ma’am” she answered.

“Cleaning?” She repeated, ” excuse me ma’am” she said and rushed out of the room.

“Come here babe” Norman said walking closer to her.

He pulled her into a deep kss. She didn’t reciprocate at first but when he pu shed her on the b.ed and lay on her. She knew what they were going do she reciprocate.



“How are you guys?” Grace asked Monica over the phone.

” Good” she replied.

“And April?” She asked.

“She didn’t come home” she answered.

Grace sigh,” be careful not to get in her nerve. I will visit you guys soon” she said.

” Alright take care” she said.

” You too and my regards to Maria” Grace said and end the call.

She sat on the bed as she thought, ‘where are you April? What are you up to? Why will you change out of the blue, it was a bad idea coming here’.

“You okay?” Ethan asked snapping her out of her thought.

“Yeah, I’m fine” she replied.

“Okay” he muttered and walked into the wardrobe.

She sigh and checked the time on her phone, she sigh again. Ethan was watching her and he could tell she is worried about something.

But they are not the loving and perfect couple so he can’t just ask.

“It’s going to be a long boring day” she mumble.

” Wanna go out? “He asked and she flinch. She didn’t know he was there.

” What?” She asked.

“You said the day is going to be long and boring. Feeling down won’t be good for your health so do you want to go out. It’s alright for you to decline” he mumbled that last part.

” I want to go” she blunted. It would be nice spending some time with the president.

“I will clear my schedule” he said and brought out his phone.

After few minutes they walked down the stairs and all the maids and guards froze on the spot with their head bowed. They are in that position until they walked past them.

Blair was the only one who walked towards them.

“Your Excellency are you going somewhere?” She asked.

“Yes, we are going out” he said.

” Out? First lady, are you strong enough to go out?” She asked.

“Yes” Grace replied.

“Do you want me to come with you?” She asked.

“That won’t be necessary, I will bring her home if her condition worsen” Ethan replied yet and she smiled before bowing.

” Let’s go” he said to Grace and they walked away.



“Thanks for this” Felix said and dropped the books in front of Missy.

“You are welcome, I’m glad I could help” she said.

He nodded about to walk away when Missy held his hand.

“What?” He inquired.

“Wanna eat lunch with me?” She asked and he shook his head negativily.

“I eat with my friends” he said.

“Friends? Who?” She asked as she balled a fist with her other hand. She knew he was talking about Monica and Maria.

“Monica and Maria” he replied. Just then Monica walked in holding a textbook close to her chest.

She was smiling with her hair packed in a messy bun. The smile dissappeared as soon as she saw Missy holding Felix hand.

She stopped walking and stared at them. Felix was unaware because he was staring at Missy who said, “we can be friends too”

“No I don’t want that” he replied.

” Monica” a girl called and Felix raised his head to stare at her. Their eyes met but she was quick to walk towards the girl.

“Why don’t you want us to be friends?” She asked but Felix withdraw his hand from her’s and walked towards Monica but a guy stopped him.

“Felix Winter?” He asked.

“Yeah” he answered.

” Coach wants to see you” the guy said and he groaned. Why does it have to be now?.

“Your phone is so beautiful and expensive, how were you able to afford it? “A girl asked.

” My sister bought it for us” she replied as she watched Felix walk out of the class.

“Where does your sister work?” A boy asked and before she can reply the bell rang.

“It’s time for break” the students mummur and rushed out of the class room.

Monica stayed back in the class, she brought out a novel and started reading it.

It was almost time for break to end when a bottle of juice and cake was dropped in front of her.

She raised her head to see Felix smiling at her, she didn’t return the smile.

“I heard you didn’t eat lunch so I brought you this” he said

” I never said I was hungry” she stated and return her attention to the novel she’s reading.

” I know you are” he said and sat beside her.

” What are you reading? “He asked.

“Bird box” she replied.

“I watched the movie. I never knew there was a book” he said.

” The book came first” she said and he nodded.

” Are you okay? You look like you are angry?” He stated but she didn’t say anything.

She is mad at him but she doesn’t know Why she is.

“I will like to concentrate on my book, please leave” she said and he knew that she is mad at him, but why?.



“Do you feel better?” Ethan asked Grace who has been smiling since they got to the park.

They tried all sorts of game. They bought a lot of sweet things. It was like a date.

“Yes” she replied.

“Should we go to a restaurant or home?” He asked.

” Ummm, where will you like to eat? ” She asked.

” You should decide”

” No you should”

They were still arguing when some ran past them and pushed Grace. She could have fallen but something held her close. She raised her head to see Ethan’s eyes staring deep into hers’.

To be countined


One word for Ariel.

Why is Monica angry?

Is something going in between our favorite couples.




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