THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 41 to The End

The Five Colored Stones

Supernatural Story

? Phoenix high school ?

?? Written by Joan lkponmwosa ??

? Episode 42?

(Phoenix high school)

? Clarissa ?

“Bye Skylar, bye Maya” l said and waved at them as l headed to my class.

It ve been a week since l last saw Lonrenzo.

He have not been in school and not come home either.

I seriously worried, today have decided to go to firmament to look for him.

I would have gone to firmament since the other week but am scared of the firmament master, it’s obvious he doesn’t like me.

But today am gonna go anyways.

I got to class and everyone gathered around my locker.

What’s happening?

Why is the martial arts teacher with them?

“What are they staring at?”

“And here she comes”Aries said and everyone turned to my direction.

I halted and stared back confused.

“In my office miss Clarissa, everyone to your seats” she said and walked out.

Aries gave me a mocking look,the class was staring at me and murmuring things l don’t understand.

I left the class immediately heading to the teacher’s office, for some unknown reasons l felt uncomfortable.

What really is happening, what’s Aries up to this time?

I entered the teacher’s office and she told me to seat.

“Miss Clarissa don’t lie to me, l want you to tell me everything you know about miss Chloe’s death” she said and stared hard at me.

“How do you mean?” I asked perplexed.

“You heard me miss Clarissa, tell me what you know about her death.”

“I know nothing, l don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Then how do you explain this? someone saw it in your locker” she said and gave me a piece of paper.

I opened it and hurriedly glanced through it, my eyes widened in shock and the paper fell off my hands.

I terribled in fear and stared at the teacher who stared back at me.

“I don’t know what it’s talking about, l really know nothing about this” l said in tears.

“Shut up Clarissa, since you are denying l will take you to the emperor for questioning.”

“This was found in your locker and there is no way you can lie to me.”

“Security” she called and he came in.

“Take her to the palace, l will meet you there” she said and the man dragged me along with him.

“Someone is framing me, someone is doing this on purpose”l yelled as they dragged me away.



“Greetings your majesty” the martial arts teacher greeted the emperor, as l was made to kneel before him.

“Is she the one?” The emperor asked.

“Yes your majesty” the teacher replied and prostrated.

“Young lady, why did you kill your principal?” The emperor asked.

“You are too young, is there anyone manipulating you?”

“Speak” he said.

“I don’t know how it got inside my locker, l really don’t have anything to do with her death” l said and sobbed.

“Don’t play games with me young lady, l can kill you with the snap of my fingers” he said and fear grip me.

“Please don’t kill me your majesty, am innocent, l swear, l know nothing, please investigate this, l think someone is trying to frame me.”

“Take her away and lock her up,wait for the crown prince to return, l have given this case to him, he will be the one to handle everything” he said.

“Thank you your majesty” l said.

“Report” A guard yelled

“Speak” the emperor said.

The guard hestitated to speak as he stared suspiciously at us.

“Go on speak” the emperor urged.

“Yes your majesty.”

“The crown prince is in great danger, according to what we gathered, he has been unconscious for a week and the firmament master couldn’t wake him up.”


“What happened to my son?”

“Send my order, the prince should be brought home immediately” the emperor said.

“Yes your majesty.”

“Lonrenzo, what happened to Lonrenzo” l thought and sobbed more.

“Take her away” the emperor said and they took me away.

I was thrown into prison and the martial arts teacher used magic to create a barrier at the entrance of the prison so l can’t escape.

“It’s better you tell the truth, if you don’t want your family to get involved” she threatened and walked away.

When will this end?
From one problem to the other?
Who is trying to frame me?


Ok!but why will she frame me like this, this is so unbelievable, l doubt if Lonrenzo can help me this time, and now that he is unconscious, am going to suffer.




“Master,there is trouble” Finn said as he rushed in worriedly.


“The royal guards are heading towards your Chambers to get the prince,they came with a royal decree,all our men have been injured” he said and panted heavily.

“They can’t take him away, not now, l can’t allow it.”

“Send my order, the students should all teleport home and stay safe, l have to take Lonrenzo away from here,l will apologize to the emperor later, now go” he said.

“But master, it’s a royal decree, you can’t…..the consequences……….” Finn stuttered.

“Go Finn, the king doesn’t know how serious this is, we can’t act rashly, he is just going to send for a witch doctor and that won’t work, l will have the consequences, it’s all my fault l wasn’t able to protect my student, now leave and give my orders”he said.

“Yes master, please be careful” Finn said and disappeared.




? Dreyfus ?

“What happened” l asked as Skylar came running in crying uncontrollably.

“They took Clarissa away” she said and sobbed.

“What? Why?!”l asked.

“I don’t know, the security took her to the emperor.

“Where is Lonrenzo, please tell me l want to tell him to save Clarissa quickly” she said.

“Wait Skylar, Lonrenzo isn’t here and please stop crying” l said and wiped her eyes.

“He isn’t here, he is supposed to be here, he haven’t been in the palace for days, where could he be? Please save Clarissa, please save Clarissa.”

“The firmament, he must be in firmament, l will go find him there” she said and made to leave.

“Wait, you can’t go there” l said.

“But why, Clary is in danger.”

“Calm down Skylar, you are still on uniform, how about you change to something else, l will help you save Clarissa” l said.

“Really! Thank you so much” she said.

“But we can’t act rashly, she is in the palace, so keep calm l know what to do.”

“Does uncle Noah know about this?”

“No he doesn’t, l haven’t told him yet.”

“Ok, let me call a maid to change your clothes and bring you something to eat.”

“Thanks Dreyfus” she said.

“You are welcome” l said and gave a small smile.

I rushed to my room and as expected master was there with Lonrenzo.

“Master” l greeted and bowed.

“Dreyfus, he isn’t waking up, the emperor sent someone to spy on us and they found out the prince current condition, the emperor want Lonrenzo to be brought home and l can’t allow it” he explained.

“So what are we gonna do? it’s been a week already.

“Zeus, l will need his help this time.”

“Clarissa’s uncle? Do you think he will help us?”Dreyfus asked.

“Yes he will” master said.

“Azeez, how may l help you?”

“Zeus, you are here?”

“Yes you called me, didn’t you”

“I need your help, he used his inner energy and he is not waking up.”

“We was cursed by Hera, a god of destruction, he won’t wake up” Zeus said.

“What? But have done the reverse spell on him, l meditated for five days to be able to perform the reverse spell” master said.

“Lonrenzo isn’t just anyone, the reverse spell won’t work for him.”

“He only has an option,
“Clarissa’s blood!” but there will be consequences, if she breaks her third seal to save him, then she will lose the memory of him, become extremely powerful and hurt him if he tries to force her to remember.

“No we can’t break her third seal, it will be too dangerous” master said.

“Good luck Azeez, like l said the other day, what will be, surely will be, you can’t change it.”

“Clarissa has been captured, someone is framing her, if he doesn’t get her blood he will die before the next full moon.”

“Figure out how you are gonna save them both, my time is almost near, this will be the last time l will help you with matters like this, you are the firmament master, the emperor has high hopes in you.

Don’t disappoint him, remember he is not just your student but the heir to the throne of the five regions.” He said and disappeared.

“Master, we don’t have time left, the full moon is just in few days Lonrenzo can’t die,am leaving” Dreyfus said.

“Where are you going?”

“To get Clarissa, don’t worry master l can handle this” l said.

“No Dreyfus, take care of Lonrenzo, l need to see the emperor.”

“But master!”

“Shut up and listen to me, l sense a greater demon, and you know what it means,
Clarissa is in grave danger right now and might be dead of am a second late.”

“She have been injured, only her blood attract greater demons.”



Now the third seal will be broken?

What did they find in Clarissa’s locker and how is behind it?

We will find out from the next episode

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