THE HUNTED HOUSE 2: Episodes 1 – The End

The Hunted House 2

Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

Episode 9.

Jadeshola kept on walking through the bush part , the villagers were now familiar with her since the day she went on knocking from door to door. Some pitied her as she walked tiredly alone in the bush. Some shook their head for her why others gossipped about her. Finally she arrived at the house.

She suddenly became scared when she got there. She turned and looked back to see if anyone had followed her but she discovered she was alone. ”What if Mary was not in there?” She thought to herself, then she would have endangered and sacrificed herself for nothing. ” But what if she is there inside the house waiting for her mom to come for the rescue. What if she is in there” As these thoughts ran through her mind, the fear she had suddenly disappeared. She marched forward towards the house like one who was ready for war.

She finally got to the door. Then she raised her hand and knocked so hard on it. ”Who is in this house?” She shouted, hitting the door harder and harder.

”Mary! Mary! Are you in there? Can you hear me? Mary” Jadeshola kept on hitting on the door with all her strength shouting and screaming so hard. But no response came from the house. She decided to go round to the back of the house to see of anyone was there.

Jadeshola moved round all the way to the back of the house, she saw another door there and she started knocking again. She knocked and knocked, she shouted and shouted but got no response. She even tried to look through the windows but she saw no one. She decided to leave. Just as she was about to leave, she saw human bones, skeletons scattered round the back of the house. She saw droplets of blood and they seemed fresh.

”Jesus” she shouted as she took to her heels running as fast as her legs could carry her all the way from the house.

Meanwhile Mary saw her mom through the curtains and she heard her so well as she called out to her. Mary was screaming and jumping and hitting on the door too, but it seems like her mom couldn’t hear her.

Mary: mom am here. Mom I can see you, I can hear you, am trapped in here, mom help me! Mom.

And then she saw her Mom running away in fear. She didnt know if her Mom had seen the horrible m0nster or not but she screamed and shouted at the top of her voice.

Mary: Dont go, come back, mom come back. Am here, dont leave me here! No………….. Mom……..

But Jadeshola couldn’t hear her daughters cries. She ran so fast away from the house back to the village and straight to the house of the old man.

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