By Authoress Rhema

Irish slowly stood up from the bed and began walking towards the living, Peter leaving is really hurting her but it’s not something she can really cry about maybe it’s because she don’t really feel that way for him, maybe it’s all a stupid crush and crush don’t last at all

“Mummy, there you are, I was wondering if you won’t eat breakfast anymore” Jenna smiled

Irish just let out a simple smile as she came to sit beside Jenna

“You don’t look too good, are you okay?” Jake who’s sitting opposite her asked

Irish looked at him and sighed a little

“I’m sure I’m ok” she muttered as she grabbed her cutleries

Jake took some meat from his plate and added on hers while she looked up at him

“You should eat more meet, since you just recovered from the hospital and will start working in my office, it’s not something to joke around with, I need you to have energy” he said

Irish nodded and began chewing on the meat quietly

“So, who’s gonna drop me off at school, since mummy will be working with daddy in the company?” Jenna asked

“Suzy will” Jake replied

“Suzy again!!!!” Jenna groaned

“Why, is anything wrong with her?” Jake asked

“She talk too much, she’s a talkative and she’s too playful” Jenna pouted

“It’s not nice to say that about someone” Jake frowned


“Young lady,!!”

“Fine, I’m sorry I won’t say that again” Jenna rolled her eyes

Irish just chuckled watching them

“So did you sleep last night?” Jake faced Irish back again


“Last night, when I told you to imagine yourself in my arms, did you do it, did you fall asleep?” He asked

Irish looked at Jake then Jenna.. why must he say that here for crying out loud!!!

“Ahh… Yes, surprisingly it worked” she replied

“And I told you, you weren’t having rest of mind that’s why you can’t sleep, something in your memory, nightmares, all those are making you not to sleep, have you ever seen medical advice?” He asked

“Yah, I did that once, the doctor recommended some night yoga class for me, I went to that class for a month and it didn’t changed anything” she replied with an eye roll

“Then your only solution is me, why don’t you just move here, all my workers in this house, sleeps,in this house” he said

“Nah, I don’t think I can… If I do then my friend Della will be alone, I don’t think I can leave her there alone” Irish shook her head

Jenna was just listening to them and eating

“Kaylee can stay with her” Jake said

“Kaylee left, we had a fight and she left” Irish rolled her eyes

“Oh, okay then you can do what you want but, make sure you do what I asked of you every night, I don’t like seeing your face looking pale or your eyes looking swollen” he said

“Yes boss” Irish chuckled

After breakfast, Suzy took Jenna to school while Irish and Jake went to the company together.



JM Entertainment**

Irish smiled the moment she stepped in with Jake

“Why are you smiling, acting like you haven’t been here before?” He chuckled as he led her to his office

“I’m not smiling because the place is beautiful” she rolled her eyes

“I’m smiling because I can’t believe I’m going to start working in a company, do you know how much I’ve always wanted to work in a company” she added

“Anyhow” Jake chuckled arranging his things on his desk

“So where is my office?” She asked

“Kaylee’s office but!!, I had my men decorate it for you, you’ll go in there and here” he brought out a heavy book and slammed it on her hands

“Here’s what you’ll need to know to be a secretary, you’ll need to read this book” he said

“You’re kidding right?” Irish laughed

When Jake didn’t smile her laugh turned to a frown

“I’m I really going to read all this?” She asked and he nodded

“I… I’ll need my glasses then” she dropped the book on the table and began searching her bags, then she took out get glasses and wore it

“You use glasses?” Jake asked

“No, I just wear them to make me look serious” she replied and shifted it with a smile before carrying the book to get office

Jake just looked at her chuckled, Eric passed the office and met Irish sitting there and reading a book

“She must be the new secetary, she’s pretty” he smiled

“Eric” Jake called from his office, his door is tinted glass so he can actually see Eric looking at Irish and smiling

Eric rushed into Jake office

“Boss” he replied

“Don’t you have any work to do other than just stand there and look at the new secretary?” Jake asked and Eric gulped

“To your office now” Jake ordered

Eric nodded and rushed to his office immediately

Jake breathed and looked at Irish over where he is, Irish looked at him too, she smiled and waved happily.



Lorry’s Beauty’s Spa**

Della just came back to get desk with two handbuggers and a huge fruit juice

“I deserve to eat this, after all I didn’t have breakfast this morning” she muttered and took a big bite

Suddenly Beau entered the office with a kind of look on his face, his eyes first went to the food she was eating then back at her

“Um, miss Lorry said you should help her sign on this from your department” he said

Della nodded, she dropped her food aside and signed on it

“There” she smiled and resumed eating

Beau took the sit opposite her and looked at her face again

“Um, can we hang out later on Wednesday, we can go to the island restaurant across the bridge” he said

“A date?” Della asked

Beau nodded

“And Sally?” She asked

“Nothing is going on between Sally and I, she’s just to clingy” he replied

Della took her lips in and nodded, she took her handbugger and took a quick bite

“Easy… You don’t wanna eat so much, you’re still a girl remember” He said awkwardly

Della paused eating and cleared her throat

“I’m sorry, I’m not trying to stop you from eating but it’s just that you’ve been adding weight recently, it can make you look unattractive” he said and cursed inwardly for saying that

“I’m unattractive?” Della asked

“No I didn’t mean it like that I mean if you gain anymore weight then you can get unattractive” Beau replied and cur$ed himself again

“Oh, don’t worry about me then… Pfft, I don’t care if I’m unattractive” she rolled her eyes

“But I do” he replied and she looked at him

“I don’t want people to notice you as the girl that love eating too much, I don’t people to see you as classy, yunno just like Sally, she has a really great body you should learn from her” he said and pressed his lips together

‘What is wrong with me today’ he thought

Della just stared at him silently without replying, she stylishly shifted her food away till it fell on the floor

“Oops, what a mess, I don’t think I can eat this again” she muttered

Beau looked at the the food on the floor and looked back at her

“I’m really sorry,I hope I didn’t offend you with my words?” He asked innocently

“Not at all” Della forced a smile on her face

“Okay, I’ll get going now” he smiled and left with the file

Della smile turned to a frown and nervous look, she immediately grabbed her laptop and began

~Booking a house gym near by, how much for to enroll tommorow or today evening~ she typed.


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