While everyone knows that Okra is eaten as a vegetable for taste, but has anyone ever thought about the medicinal properties of Okra while eating it. It is endowed with vital nutrients such as vitamins, potassium, calcium, carbohydrates, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids.

It also contains polyphenolic compounds, carotene, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C and amino acids. Along with this, it has cardioprotective, renal protective, neuroprotective, anti-cancer, analgesic, anti-ulcer, anti-bacterial and antifetting properties. These medicinal properties and ingredients found in it may be beneficial for health.

1)For Diabetes……

Diabetes is a common problem, which is caused by an increase in the level of glucose present in the blood. The use of okra can reduce this problem to some extent.

According to research, okra has anti-diabetic and anti-hyperglycemic properties, which can help reduce the level of glucose present in the blood. The glycemic index of okra is very low, due to which the blood sugar level in the body does not increase rapidly due to its consumption. In addition, the fiber found in it may be beneficial in controlling blood glucose . This is why okra can be a good diet for people suffering from diabetes.

2)For Digestion….

Impaired digestive system can often cause trouble in daily life. The medicinal properties of Okra can help improve digestion.

Okra is found in good amount of fiber and fiber is beneficial for the digestive system. Fiber intake can be helpful in improving the digestive system as well as in removing the problem of indigestion associated with it.

3)For Heart….

Okra can also be used to reduce the problem of heart disease. There have been many researches on this subject. According to research, okra is found in good amount of fiber. Actually, the intake of fiber helps in lowering the serum cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of cholesterol related heart disease.

4)For Constipation…..

Constipation is a problem in which there is difficulty in passing stool and this can also cause stomach problems. Consumption of okra can act as a panacea for constipation.

okra is rich in fiber, which can help in digestion and relieve constipation. In this case, consuming fiber in the form of Okra can be good for constipation.

5)For Eyes….

Along with good health, okra can also be used for better eyesight. According to a research paper, beta carotene in okra which gets converted into vitamin A in the body, which can be beneficial in increasing the light of the eyes. Along with this, okra can also be used to improve eyesight and remove many diseases related to the eyes.

6)Rich in antioxidant properties….

Oxidative stress can act to damage the body in many ways, including cancer, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and heart disease . The use of okra can be effective in reducing oxidative stress to some extent. Indeed, a research suggests that dry okra peels and powdered seeds of seeds have antioxidant properties . On this basis, it is said that okra can be used for its antioxidant properties. At the moment, further research is still needed on this topic.

7)For Skin…

As well as health and eyes, okra can also be used for skin. According to a research related to this, vitamin-C is found in okra, which has antioxidant properties. It can be helpful for building and repairing the tissues of the body. In addition, the use of Okra can be helpful in making the skin young again.

8)For Hair….

Okra can also be used for hair. According to scientific studies related to this, okra can be used as a hair conditioner. Also it can be a good moisturizer for scalp. Okra can also be used to relieve scalp itching, lice and dandruff. In addition, its use can help make hair shiny . At the same time, another research found that vitamin C found in okra can help give new life to the hair again .

9) For weight….

Containing only 33 calories in every 100 grams, Okra is a good option for people wanting to lose weight. The high fibre content makes you feel full for longer and lowers intake of calories.

10) For cholesterol…

Okra contains no cholesterol of its own and in fact contains a component called pectin which helps in lowering bad cholesterol. Bad cholesterol is a cause of heart diseases and it can be controlled by increasing consumption of Okra.