THE LONGEST NIGHT Episodes 1 – 4

I turned off the shower and walked out to the room. The first thing I did was to look into the mirror, was I that ugly to Uzor?
I met Uzor and his girlfriend on the dinning table still eating. I walked into the kitchen to get my food flask and quickly make pap for Dera before Tunde arrives as I didnt want it getting cold.
I poured Dera’s pap into a food warmer and proceeded to gather Tunde and Ada’s food. I looked closely at Tunde’s food pack and I noticed the lid not properly nested. I opened the food warmer and noticed the pounded yam had reduced in size.

I was riled up as I stepped into the dinning room, knowing who the accomplice was, I was ready to react. I called Uzor into the kitchen, not ready to wash our linens before a stranger. Though it took him forever to stand up but he eventually came.
“Uzor, did you take food from here?” I asked pointing to the food flask.
Uzor stepped closer to where i was standing and gave me a slap.
“In my own house, you are asking me if i took food? The food I buy with my own money? You are a stupid woman”
The slap sent me flying against the refrigerator. I walked close to him again. I lifted the food flask and said
“Uzor, this food is packed for Tunde. I gave you your own and you slap me for asking just a question?”
“I would turn that slap to a full beating now, Idiot. Are you insane? You question my activity in my own house?”
“It was a question Uzor”. I said
“That shouldn’t be asked or even thought of. You want to embarrass me in the presence of my guest right?”
He walked close to me and tried to slap me again. I held the food flask close to myself.
. He slapped and hit me. He then resorted to dragging the food flask with me and along came slaps and insults. As we dragged on, the food flask hit my stomach repeatedly and at a point I had to let it go. It hurt so much, I couldn’t find my balance, I was dizzy and groggy.
As I fell to the floor, Tunde ran in and held me before I hit the floor. I looked around and there she was staring at me, Uzor stared at me too but I could still see and feel the rage.

My life flashed before my eyes as I imagined the discussion during my funeral. People would say I died while fighting with my husband because of food. The thoughts seemed distant. I saw Ada’s face in my thoughts, what would happen to her? She would grow up in a terrible home with series of girlfriends. I wanted to yell at Tunde to please adopt Ada when I’m gone. But I couldn’t voice out the words. Next thing i heard her scream
“She is bleeding “
gradually I didn’t see or hear anything anymore.

To be continued