THE LONGEST NIGHT Episodes 5 – 8

Episode 6

There I stood transfixed, I looked up at Uzor to see his face, maybe he was joking I thought to myself , maybe he just wants to see my reaction. He was serious and could barely maintain eye contact. I was the victim, but it didn’t seem like that anymore. I felt like the perpetrator of a crime I knew nothing about.
“Sorry, you said?” I asked again for better clarification.
“I’m filing for a divorce Sinach”. He said
“I’m not granting it . I cannot be a divorcee, my child won’t grow in a broken home, I stand against divorce. I refuse this Uzor”. I replied amidst tears
“This might be coming at a bad time, but I want out of this marriage. We are not happy, I have morphed into a violent person and you are stubborn and all in my face. I can’t take this anymore. We deserve to be happy and I think we need to do that separately”. He said.
He stood up and left the room. It seemed my heart was ripped out without any drug to numb the pain and handed to me.

I was surprised I didn’t cry as usual. After Uzor dropped the bombshell and stepped out of the room, I took some time to recollect my thoughts and prayed afterwards. I asked God for strength and direction
. I was determined not to be the victim but rather the victor.

Eventually, I stepped out of the house and headed straight for the police station, signed some papers and got Uzor’s car after which I proceeded to the hospital.
Seeing Dera made me smile. She was in high spirit and telling her about my impending divorce was going to be a buzz kill. After the hospital, I was skeptical about my next course of action. Soon I found myself pulling into my usual hair salon.
“Sinach!!!” Aunty Tina my favourite hair stylist screamed my name as I stepped into the hair salon.
“Good afternoon Aunty Tina”. She’s been my hairstylist since forever and she does a thorough makeover from nails to hair. Sitting on her chair makes me forget about everything happening out there as she shares her stories accompanied with jokes.
Aunty Tina was a devout Christian and never misses any church activity or event. I told her about Uzor’s attitude the last time I came to fix my hair. She promised to pray for me and she always called to check on me.
“How’ve you been, I tried your number yesterday and the operator said switched off”. She said.
I relayed the events of the last 3days to her ,which left her speechless and riled up for a moment.

We talked in subtle tones as she made my hair and dolled me up. I left the hair salon feeling better than ever with a new hope. She walked me to the car and said a word of prayer with me. Changed appearance, a new found hope and a plan, I was ready to conquer.
I pulled into my premises and met a car in our drive way. The sight of that car made me unhappy, I was down hearted for a moment but I remembered the words of Aunty Tina.

I entered the house as Ada opened the door and jumped on me.
“Welcome mummy, grandma is around”. She sounded excited.
“I know darling, I saw her car parked out front”. I replied trying to convene excitement with the statement.
I wasn’t happy my mother-in-law was around. She’s never supported my marriage to Uzor. Now she’s heard Uzor is asking for a divorce, she would beat it out of me if I refused to grant it. She wasn’t happy I couldn’t have another child for Uzor and my only child was a girl. She had always suggested to Uzor to get another wife so he could get a male child since my womb forbade a male child. Yes, she said that to me.
“Good afternoon mummy”. I greeted her as I walked into the sitting room. My husband told Ada to go into her room to watch Tv while I was offered a sit.
“Good afternoon Osinachi. I’ve been around for quite sometime now and you were nowhere to be found”.
I explained how my day went. She seemed less bothered. Uzor just stared at me. Maybe it was my different look that made him stare at me like a stranger.
“Your husband said he is tired of you and he is also tired of being married to you and wants a divorce”. She said sarcastically.
“I didn’t say it that way mum”. Uzor said
“Potato, potahto, we mean same thing and she gets my point. Since you can’t bear a male child for us. I think it’s time for someone else to come in before my son run mad”. She said.


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