By Authoress Popcorn

Chapter Sixty Three

Erica got ready for her evening shift. She wore hot leather pants and a jacket. She brushed her hair and let it fall on her shoulders. She slipped her phone into her pocket and stared at her reflection in the mirror.
“I have a bad feeling about going to work today” she murmured.
As Erica walked into the club, all eyes were on her. She wondered what happened. She walked towards the counter and wore her apron. That was when Mr Roger walked towards her.

“Hey, that’s my star” he said. Erica rolled her eyes and stared at him.

“I’m not a star” she said as she knot the apron. She leaned forward towards Mr Roger.

“What’s going on? Why are they all staring at me?” She asked.

“Seen like you haven’t checked the internet yet sweetheart”
Erica heard a familiar voice. She turned and saw Olivia with a glass of whiskey. She wasn’t drunk but she was tipsy.

“What happened?” Erica asked as she checked her phone. She saw that she was hotest topic of the day. She clicked on the news and shot her eyes wide open.

“No, no! I never wanted anyone to know I work here. How’s this even possible? Who must have uploaded this sht?” She asked angrily.

“Relax, it’s not something you should get angry of. You are the reason that there are a lot of customers today” Mr Roger said in a happy tone.

“I don’t know sir. I…”

“Don’t listen to them, it’s no bad news. Come on Erica, just for today, I need to sell a lot today so that I can pay for this building. My rent is almost due” he said.

“Fine” Erica groaned and rolled her eyes. She could see some people taking pictures of her. She rolled her eyes and diverted it away from them.

“Now you are here, help me take this to the VIP lounge. The other waitress complained that he’s mean” he said.

“Who’s he?” She furrowed her eyebrows.

“Your ex fiancee” he replied. Erica shook her head and leaned it on the counter. She hears Olivia giving her some mocking laugh.

“Seriously? All you can do is to laugh?” She asked but Olivia didn’t stop laughing. Erica grabbed the bucket with the wine and ice in it and head upstairs. She knew she wasn’t supposed to come to work that day. She stopped by the door and saw his bodyguards with by the door.

“His orders!” She said, showing them the bucket. They stared at each other and back at Erica.
Kelvin heard her voice and purposely yelled.

“Who’s that?” He asked.

“It’s your special Str!pper master!” Erica scoffed.

“What? I’m no one’s special… Argh!” She groaned again and sI.apped her forehead.

“Oh, let her in. I bet she has some new moves for me” he said jokingly. They shoved out of the way for her to come in. Erica quickly walked in, stomping her feet on the floor.

“Who the h’ll is your special str!pper huh?” She yelled at him.

“Relax hunnie, I’m the customer here. Try to be nice to me” he said and adjusted his suit.

“Here’s your drink” she said and dropped the bucket in front of him and walked awsy

“Serve my drink” he said. Erica stopped and walked back to the table. She tried to opening the wine but it was hard. She groaned and let go of the opener.

Kelvin sighed and sprung up. He collected the bottle from her and pulled the opener.
“That’s how you open a bottle” he said, smirking awkwardly at her.

“If you know how to open it, why can’t you just do it yourself?”
Kelvin didn’t have any reply to her questions. He grabbed a glass and poured some wine into it.

“Here, have some” he said.

“I don’t want to” she said and walked away from him. He pulled her back and pinned her to the wall.

“Why do you hate me Erica?” He asked.
“What did I do to you that’s making you avoid me?” He added.

Erica shook her head, glaring hard at him. She slipped her hands out of his hand.
“I don’t want to see your face” she said.


“You’re ev’l. You’re a m®nster!” She said and pushed him. She found her way out of the lounge. Kelvin nodded his head as he started to think wild.

“M®nster huh?” He murmured and faced the door.
“You haven’t seen a real m®nster in me before” he growled angrily.


Erica was on her way to the prison to see her brother. She wore a coat and a warm cap. It had rained that morning.
“I’m Erica Bruno” she said to the cops in charge.

“Oh, welcome Erica. It’s nice to see you here again! I mean, here! I know you’ve not been here before” he said and chuckled.

“Hi detective Josh” she greeted, with her hands still in her pocket.

“You care for some hot coffee. We have a lot to offer. It’s a cold morning” he said.

“I’m fine. I’m here to see my brother” she said.

“Right this way” he said.
Erica followed him behind. He have to appear at the court tomorrow so he that he can be sentenced. Your brother has committed a lot of crime. He mvrdered three people, tried to kll three, kidnapped you and also…”

“Three? Who are they?” She asked.

“Your parents and the security guard at his house. He killed him because he heard him talking to the truck driver who ran over Calvin. He was going to report to George klled him. He saw that the security camera caught him so he destroyed everything so that he won’t be caught. He also deleted the footage and pretended to be beaten up. He was actually beaten up but everything was planned. He also attacked Ava that night. He was also the one who gave you the bomb gift. He has committed a lot of crimes and he will be charged”
Erica sighed deeply and shook her head in disappointed.

“I can’t believe he killed mom and dad. He was so sweet and innocent meanwhile, he was the wolf in sheep clothing” she said slowly, like she was pained.

“Sure, I’m going to bring him now” Josh said and went to the other side of the building. Erica waited in the visitor’s room for her brother. She sat at the other side of the chair, waiting patiently. Josh walked in after some minutes with her brother.

“You should have told me who my guest was before bringing me here” George said to Josh rudely.

“Shut the fk up and have your seat!” He said and pushed him to the chair.

“Josh…” Erica called out softly. Josh diverted his gaze to her and shot her a hard glare.

“What do you want?!” He asked.
“You’ve gotten me in jail huh? Where you’ve always wanted me to be?” He added.

“I never wanted my brother to go to jail. I had no idea that you were the culprit I was after” she said, referring to herself.

“I don’t want to see you Erica. Just leave from here. You disgust me!” he said and sprung up, wanting to leave. Josh blocked the door, folding his arm.

“Are you done talking to him Erica?” He asked her.
Erica stood up and walk towards George. He still had handcuffs on.

Erica sI.apped him across his face.
“That’s for klling mom and dad” she said and sI.apped him again.

“That’s for Calvin!” She slapped again.

“That’s for every other person you tried to harm. You are the one who disgust me George. You are a bI.oody fool!” She yelled and walked out of there. Josh pulled him back to his cell.
He walked to Erica outside afterwards.
“I’m really sorry Erica” he said. She wiped the tears off her eyes and turned to stare at him.

“I’m fine. I actually need your help, I need to go to driving school. I got a car from my dad’s properties and I have to learn to drive it” she said. He nodded and brought out his phone. He gave her a contact.

“Here, he owns a driving school” he said.

“Thanks” she said, smiling at him.


The next minute, she was heading to the company. She got in and went straight to Kelvin’s face. She received a lot of stare from her former colleagues.

As she was about to knock, Ava appeared from no where and walked into the office. She closed the door behind. Erica didn’t believe Ava was really going to avoid her. She knocked the door softly, waiting for a response.

“The door is unlocked” she heard. She marched into the office and towards his table.

“Here!” She said, placing her resignation letter on the table.

Kelvin took it without staring at her. He opened it and glanced at it.

“Ava, a little help here!” He said. Ava catwalked towards Kelvin and grabbed the letter from him. She read it loudly. Kelvin was staring at the computer as he listened to Ava. She finally completed it.

“Okay!” He collected the letter from her and stamp it.

“It’s done. You can leave” he said. Erica saw that he didn’t even glance at her at all. She swallowed her lower lips and turned to leave.

“Hold on! You also terminated the contract. You will have to sign another one for terminating the contract. But that would be when Calvin’s back” he said, finally looking at her. Erica saw the different look in his eyes. They were filled with anger. She nodded and walked away from the office. She closed the door behind and leaned on the wall. She never expected Kelvin to act that way to her. She didn’t know why she felt disturbed about it. This was what she’d always wanted.


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