THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 41 – 50

THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 41 – 50


“What is wrong? Why are you crying?” Prisca asked in alarm the moment she walked into the house and saw Kimberly lying down on the couch and sobbing. Kimberly didn’t say a word to her but just sat up on the couch and kept sobbing. She said nothing as Prisca approached her and embraced her while she cried.

“What is wrong? Did something bad happen? Did your father say or do something awful to you?” Prisca asked again after a while, when she felt Kimberly was beginning to calm down a bit.

“It’s Eric… I think he is no longer interested in the arrangement.” Kimberly finally managed to speak up while sniffling.

“What? He said that to you?” Prisca asked, already boiling with anger at the thought that Eric was messing with Kimberly.

“No he didn’t. It’s just that… I told him about how horrible I am.” Kimberly said looking away from Prisca shamefully.

“Don’t tell me he got angry and left?”

“He pretended like everything was okay and then he promised he was going to go home to arrange something and come so we go get married tomorrow, but he hasn’t been taking my calls since he left here.” Kimberly explained making Prisca frown.

“I don’t think Eric is the type to pretend…” Prisca said uncertainly.

“But he hasn’t been taking my calls. How else would you explain that? I shouldn’t have listened to him. I shouldn’t have told him anything. How am I supposed to explain to dad that he has disappeared?” Kim asked as she broke into a sob again.

“Stop crying so much. Eric seems like a pretty straightforward person and I think he would have told you, had he changed his mind about the arrangement, so please do not jump into conclusions and instead just wait until you hear from him.” Prisca pleaded as she patted Kimberly’s back.

“Whose side are you on, anyway?” Kimberly asked, glaring at Prisca even with the tears on her face.

“I’m saying stop crying. He probably left his phone somewhere. Eric can’t do that to you. So stop crying and tell me how it went with your father.” Prisca said as she moved away from Kimberly and took off her shoe and wig.

“They got along really well. Dad even likes him.” Kimberly said with a sniffle. She glanced at her phone when it started ringing, and turned to look at Prisca.

“It’s him abi?” Prisca asked knowingly when she saw the look on Kimberly’s face, “Take the call now. You’ve been crying like a baby since, and now that he has called you don’t want to take it?” Prisca hissed at her irritably. Kimberly glared at her, and then cleared her throat before receiving the call.

“Hey! Sorry I was out and didn’t take my phone with me. I just returned and saw fifteen missed calls from you. Is everything okay?” Eric asked in a concerned voice.

Fifteen? It was up to fifteen calls already? Kimberly wondered and closed her eyes in embarrassment. He even sounded okay like nothing had happened, so why on earth had she allowed her emotions get the best of her? She would die of embarrassment if he found out how much she had cried, “Yeah. Everything is okay.” Kimberly said while trying not to sniffle, making Eric narrow his eyes.

“Why do your voice sound that way? Were you crying?” He asked making Kimberly frown. How did he know that?

“Cry? Why would I cry? I’m okay.” Kimberly said, making Prisca raise a brow in amusement.

“No you’re not. I’ve seen you cry twice, and your voice always sounds different after you cry. Plus maybe you didn’t notice, but you sniffled just now. Did anyone say anything to upset you? Eric asked in concern, hoping Amaka hadn’t called her or told her anything.

“I said I’m okay. I just wanted to know if you got home safely. Since you’re okay, let’s talk tomorrow. We will have to go shopping tomorrow before going to the court, so swallow your pride like fufu before coming.” Kimberly said, and quickly dropped the call before Eric could say anything else.

“Swallow your pride like fufu?” Eric repeated with a chuckle and shook his head as he sat up on the bed. He knew without doubt that she had been crying, but he had no idea why. He decided to give Prisca a call to find out, since she was in the best position to know if something was wrong with Kimberly. He dialed her number and waited for her to take the call.

Meanwhile Prisca who was with Kimberly had a smirk on her face as she stood up from the couch ready to head for her room.

“How did you know he would call? I mean, why do you trust him that way?” Kimberly asked Prisca curiously.

“We both know he’s a very principled person… At least that is what he has shown me thus far, and…” Prisca paused when her phone started ringing, and dipped her hand into her bag to take it out.

She raised a brow when she noticed the call was from Eric, and then looked at Kimberly, “I will just go in and change.” She said as she took the call and headed for her bedroom.

THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 41 – 50

“Good evening!” Prisca greeted cautiously the moment she received the call and shut her bedroom door behind her. She couldn’t help wondering why he was calling her. Was it possible that Kimberly’s suspicion was right and he was calling to tell her he was no longer interested?

“Good evening. How was your day? I suppose you’re back from work?” Eric asked curiously.

“Yes I am. My day was great. What’s up?” She asked, wanting him to go straight to the point.

“I don’t know if you’re with Kim yet, but we talked just now and she sounded upset, did something happen?” Eric asked in a concerned tone making Prisca pause. He noticed that from her voice? She knew they hadn’t talked much just now so how had he noticed that?

“Yes. She was upset you didn’t take her call, and thought you had changed your mind about the arrangement because she told you about her past.” Prisca answered honestly even if she knew Kimberly was going to be mad if she found out. As far as she was concerned she wanted Eric to understand just how fragile Kimberly could be, that way he would be mindful of everything he did when it concerns her.

“What? Sht! Give me a moment, I’ll call you back.” Eric said, and quickly hung up the call so he could call Kimberly back. How could he not have guessed that Kimberly would think that way, especially seeing how upset she had been earlier when he had been about to leave? Eric wondered as he dialed her number.

“Why are you calling again?” Kimberly who had been washing her face, asked the moment she received the call.

“Come on WhatsApp, I want us to FaceTime.” Eric ordered.

“Why? Who says I want to FaceTime with you?” Kimberly asked with a smirk.

“WhatsApp. Now.” Eric said, and hung up before she could say anything else.

Kimberly scowled at her phone’s screen when she realized he has disconnected the call. FaceTime? Why would he want to FaceTime with her? Was it to see if she was truly crying? She wondered as she quickly went over to the mirror to dab a bit of powder on her face.

THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 41 – 50

Her phone started ringing before she could finish, so she ignored the call and hurried with applying the make-up. By the time she was done and she was sure her face looked good enough, her phone was ringing for the third time with the WhatsApp video call.

“Hi!” She asked with a cheerful smile immediately she accepted the WhatsApp video call and placed the phone in an angle where they could both see each other clearly.

“I take it you’re done with the make-up? What did I tell you about make-up?” Eric asked trying to sound stern even though he was actually feeling amused.

“Who said I was applying make-up? I had something important to attend to. So why did you want to FaceTime?” She asked as she tried to appear busy by picking up her journal which was on the dressing table in front of her.

“If you want to lie next time, don’t apply make-up. Don’t forget I left you a while ago after you cleaned your entire makeup on my shirt because you were crying. And now all of a sudden you have fresh make-up on your face.” Eric pointed out.

Kimberly tried not to sound irritated. She hated the fact that he could always figure out what she was thinking or doing, “Maybe I’m preparing to go out, you know?”

“Maybe. Unfortunately I don’t think you’d go out dressed in that shirt.” He said referring to the polka dot polo she was wearing.

“Did you call to talk about my makeup or dressing?” She asked irritably.

“I called to talk about the reason you were crying. You’ll have to stop wearing makeup when we get married, since I can’t afford to have you ruining all my clothes with your makeup whenever you cry.”

THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 41 – 50

“I don’t suppose I’m the hot nanny he was referring to?” Kathleen asked innocently, wondering why anyone would describe her as hot. She knew she was pretty, but hot was a description for someone like Ella who dressed to kill, and had the body of a killer.

“Do you always have to eavesdrop on my phone conversations?” Pete asked defensively making her snort derisively. Was this coming from a man who had stalked her lunch date? How funny.

“Eavesdrop? When have I ever eavesdropped on your conversation?” Kathleen asked in disbelief.

“What about saturday morning?” He asked, reminding her of the morning he had been on the phone talking to Ken about his sx with Kimberly.

“If you didn’t want me to overhear that conversation, you should have waited until you got inside your bedroom before making the call. What if Amanda had been the one who heard you?” She asked before remembering he had listened in on her phone call with Chuka that morning, “And don’t forget you also commented on my phone call this morning, so you have no right to talk about eavesdropping.” She said triumphantly.


“So?” Kathleen asked when it seemed he wasn’t going to say anything anymore. Somehow she had become more confident since she found out he had really tailed them, and was even pretending like he hadn’t.

“So what?” Pete asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

“Am I the hot nanny?” She asked, ignoring his annoyed expression, and flashing him a sweet smile.

“What difference does it make whether or not you’re the hot nanny?” Pete asked turning to spare her a curious glance.

“No one has described me as hot before, so I’m curious.” Kathleen said making Pete turn to look at her again.

“Why am I not surprised? I’m sure you’ve only been associating yourself with those holier than thou pastors, so you can’t expect them to call a fellow sister in the Lord hot. And there was also your stiff and boring clothes. At this point I think you should be grateful to that fire for being kind enough to destroy those awful clothes.” Pete said with a snort.

Kathleen was bent on not losing her temper tonight since it was obvious something was pissing Pete off and he probably wanted to get a rise out of her. She wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction. “So I’m the hot nanny.” Kathleen concluded and stuck her tongue in her cheek, feeling pleased with herself. Pete shook his head, but said nothing as he reached out to turn on the radio.

“So on tonight’s ogbonge episode of love and relationship, the question today na, you fit date your oga for work? (On tonight’s interesting episode of love and relationship, the question of the day is: Can you date your boss?)” The radio presenter’s voice drifted over them, making the side of Kathleen’s lips twitch with an amused smile. Of everything to talk about, they had to choose such a topic when she was with her boss? She wondered how many other listeners were probably with their boss at this time too.

They both listened as different calls came in, some claiming they couldn’t date their employees since it would cause over familiarity which wouldn’t be healthy in the office. While others claimed it wasn’t a big deal.

“Can you?” Pete asked out of the blues surprising them both.

“Can I do what?”

“Can you date your boss?” Pete asked making Kathleen’s heart skip a beat as she turned to look at him in confusion.

“You’re my boss.” Kathleen reminded him.

“I didn’t forget. So?” He asked as he drove through the main estate gate which led to his house.

“You said you are not interested in relationships.”

“That isn’t the answer to my question. So?” Pete asked again, disconcerting her.

“So what?” She asked wondering what he wanted to hear.

“If I were to ask you out, would you date me?” Pete asked curiously.

“Well, I… I don’t know. Maybe… I… just don’t know you… well enough to give a definite answer.” Kathleen said as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

“Relax. It was just a question, not a marriage proposal.” He said with a small smile as his gate opened up automatically and he drove into the compound.

“Sure. I know.” Kathleen said with a nod, as she waited patiently for him to park the car so she could disappear. She turned to look at him when he parked the car but made no move to get out of it.

“By the way, I don’t think it’s a good idea to date your friend.” Pete said with a straight face when she reached for the door.

“I beg your pardon?” Kathleen asked as she turned in her seat to take a good look at him.

“Don’t date him. I mean your friend. The one you had lunch…” Pete let his words trail off when he realized he had just screwed up.

“How did you know I had lunch with anyone?”

“Huh? I don’t know if you did. Did you? I was going to say the one you planned on going out with… So you went out for lunch?” Pete asked trying not to look too flustered.

THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 41 – 50

Kathleen considered whether or not to let him know she knew he had been stalking them. Her vengeful side wanted her to gloat and make him feel like a fool. That would be enough pay back for that morning when he had caught her telling him ‘waka’, but the voice of reasoning in her head told her to save it for later.

“Why don’t you want me to date him?” Kathleen asked, ignoring his question.

“I don’t think you have the time to be in a relationship. How are you going to combine that with your job and taking care of Amanda and the house?” Pete asked making Kathleen look at him with a slightly raised brow.

“Well, how I’m going to combine it isn’t exactly your business. For starters, there’s no part of the contract where it is stated that I can’t be in a relationship. And also, I won’t work for you forever. I’d eventually have to get married and move out of your house, you know? So how will I do that if I don’t date?” Kathleen asked with a sweet smile making Pete want to scowl.

“Yeah. Whatever.” Pete said as he got out of the car. He noticed the window blind move as he glanced towards the house. He didn’t need anyone to tell him that someone had been spying on them. And he could bet his last dime that it was Kathleen’s mother.

THE MIRACLE I NEED : Episode 41 – 50

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