THE PRINCE AND I : Episode 1 – 10

?(he saved me…now I have to marry him)?

?Episode Six?

Khalid’s POV?

‘Where do you think you’re going?!!’..i asked again and she trembled…

‘i…I just want to go home!!’..she cried out and i smiled..

‘This is your home sweetheart and you’ll be mine very soon so you better go rest cause our engagement party is tomorrow’…i said without any hint of remorse and she hissed….

‘Stupid prince’..she said.

‘Guys take her away and lock her up in my room!!’..i ordered..

I walked towards Nita’s room after the incident and knocked on her door…

‘Nita it’s PK,is the stuff ready?’..i whispered and she opened the door…

‘This is it PK’..she replied and gave me the wrapped parcel…

‘Good,not a word about this to anyone of my brothers okay??’…


Madison’s POV?

‘Ahhhhh!!!!’..i screamed when I opened my eyes…

Khalid was sleeping next to me…

And he was half n@ked…

‘G0sh what are you screaming for?!!’..he asked..

‘Y…’re sleeping next to me half n@ked??’…

‘Yeah and so?,it’s my room for crying out loud so why shouldn’t i sleep in it?!!’..he replied drinking a glass of water….

I instantly covered myself with the blanket cause i was wearing a pretty short nightie….

‘Don’t worry nothing happened,and why are you so scared? This is how we’re going to be after our marriage!!!’…he said and stood up revealing a pair of baggy trousers….

I gulped when i got a sight of his great body…

He looked so handsome with his muscular body and broad face…

Even those blue eyes are a killer..

Snap out of it Madison…

‘Who says I’m going to marry you?,no way!!!’..i fired back at him and he sighed…

He dropped an envelope on the bed and walked away after wearing a native white shirt….

I didn’t want to touch it but my curiosity got the better of me…

I opened it and what I said shocked my bones…

The Royal Family declares the Marriage of our Beloved PRINCE KHALID JEREMY NEPHTAR and MADYSON CASTELI….
The date will be announced soon…

Oh God this sh!t is really happening?!!!..

They even spelt my name wrong?!!..

I’m in so much trouble…

‘Good morning Princess’..someone said and when I turned a young lady was bowing before me….

‘G..good morning who are you?’..i asked.

‘I am Nita,The royal attendant and also your escort for the royal transform’….she said and when she raised up her head i smiled…

She’s actually really pretty…

‘Uhh what is a royal transform???’..i asked and she laughed..

‘Don’t mind my formality,it’s just shopping,in the most expensive boutique in Egypt of course’…she said and i nodded….

She handed me an iPad and i furrowed my brows…

‘This is your itinerary for today Princess’…she added when she saw the confused look on my face….

I scrolled down and smiled…

It contained;

*Manicure and pedicure
*Saloon treatment
*Spa treatment
*Car shopping
*Makeup and cosmetics
*A boat ride in the Nile river.
*Entertainment(Mimi center)
*Phone shopping
*Camel ride
*Engagement party…

‘All these for me?!!’..i asked obviously shocked…

‘Uhh that’s just page one’..she said and i gasped…


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