?(He saved me…now I have to marry him)?

??Season 2??
?(Love me like you do)?

?Episode Two?

Madison’s POV?

Two Days Later
‘Are you ready??’..Khalid asked as I dragged my bags outside without any help from the maids and I nodded..

I can’t believe I’m going to Cairo just because of Khalid?!!..

Well it’s not like I don’t want to go but I don’t get why he’s so insecure about the whole situation..

We both entered the car and the engine started..

‘So what am I going to do in Cairo,am I going to be of any help??’..i asked..

‘Hmmm i don’t know,you could just stay at the Royal Villa and have some fun by yourself,it’s your call not mine’..He replied not looking up to my face..

‘Ohhh’..I conceded and he just nodded..

I’m trying to make a conversation here but he seems not to be interested at all…

He’s just so focused on what’s on his phone..

‘Beep,beep’..was the sound my phone made and when I checked it,it was a message from an unknown number…

That’s strange..

The only number I have in this phone is Khalid’s and Nita’s..

I tapped on the notification and read;

?:Good morning sunshine?i hope you slept well?Hope your husband didn’t disturb or touch you at all?…..I would love to be with you on your way to Cairo honey and I’m going to be with you very soon??,Your secret lover loves you???…..

‘Khalid take a look at this!!’..I said quickly and passed the phone over to him..

‘What is that,I’m…’..he tried to say then saw the message..

He read it aloud and when he was done winced loudly..

‘Godd@mmit!!!’..he said and the next thing I knew he threw my phone out the window..

‘Hey what was that for?!!!’..I screamed as I looked out the window..

‘Don’t bother about the iPhone,it’s only an xmax??’..He replied and I scoffed..

‘That was my phone for crying out loud and you threw it out the window just because of a message?!!,what is wrong with you?!!!’..

‘I’ll get you a new one okay,I’ll get you a new one so stop bickering with me’…

We approached the private jet and I marveled at the sight of it..

It had a gold imprint on it that said NEPTHAR AIRLINES…

‘You own this??’..I asked as we were ushered inside and he nodded..


My husband is a lot more richer than I expected..

Khalid’s POV?

Twenty Minutes Later
The plane was in motion and Madison was already fast asleep..

If only she knew how pretty she is when she’s asleep.

i don’t know why I’m even staring at her in this manner…

‘Your highness this is for Lady Madison’..the air hostess said as she dropped a box on next to my chair..

‘A box for me??’..Madison muttered under her breath as she opened her eyes..

‘Go back to sleep Madison it’s nothing’..I replied but she ignored me anyway..

I picked up the box and placed it on my laps,opened it and like before there was a note on it…

O-Outrageously beautiful??
N-Nicely perfect??

I love you Madison and i can’t wait for you to be mine???
Your secret lover??


Is this stalker mad or what?!!..

He acronised her name in a way that I can’t even imagine..

‘Awwww so sweet’…She said and I turned to glare at her..

‘Is this sweet to you,does this look sweet to you?!!,are you okay?!,someone’s stalking you,stalking us and you say it’s sweet?!!’..i screamed while tearing the piece of paper..

‘Jeez no one has ever given my name meaning before and even though my secret lover is creepy he’s kind of sweet unlike someone I know’..she replied and I hissed..

‘So you’re saying I’m not sweet?!!,really?!!’..

‘Hey chill will you!?! I said unlike someone I know i didn’t mention Prince Khalid Jeremy Nepthar so stop screaming at me we’re in a goddamn plane!!!!’..She fired back and i shut up instantly..

No woman has ever talked to me the way she has but I’m going to ignore just because we’re in a plane..

I’m going to find who this secret lover is even if it’s the last thing I do..

Nita’s POV?

‘What’cha doing??’..Reeshad said from behind me and I jolted in shock..

‘The h*ell Reeshad?!! How many times have i warned you to never scare me like that?,what is wrong with you?!!’..i replied and he laughed..

‘Forget that Nita what’s in this box??’..He asked and i shrugged my shoulders..

‘I don’t know to be honest,a maid gave it to me and said that a royal member said this should be mailed to Lady Madison in Cairo’..

‘Hmm is that so?,why don’t we check it out?’..He said.

‘Check it out??,are you outta your mind Reeshad,you know we can’t do that??’..i objected and he dragged me to a corner..

‘I’m Khalid’s chief security guard so if I check it then it’s for security measures so we’re not doing something bad are we??’..He countered and i laugh..

Reeshad always finds a way to turn the situation in his favor..

That’s why i like him even if he doesn’t know..

We opened the box and read the note and when we saw what was inside we both screamed..

‘Oh my God!!!!!’…

Khalid’s POV?


The car drove into the Royal Villa and Madison Oohed and Aahed all over the place..

‘Oh my God I’ve always heard about the Royal Villa but I’ve never been here in person!!’..She squealed and i smiled…

‘The Royal Villa was in ruins before,it was a place of war between the Marian’s and Egyptian’s,as a matter of fact Queen Nefertiti’s husband is buried right under this place’..I said and she squealed again..

‘Wow!!!!,so what are we going to do first??’..She asked.

‘What do you mean by ‘We’??,you’re going to whatever you want while I have some things to attend to’..i said..

‘B..but you can’t leave me here,i want to spend time with you’…

‘Well you can spend time with yourself i don’t care’…

‘Okay fine then i pray my secret lover comes over,at least he cares for me unlike you,Secret lover where are you?!!!!’..She screamed and i groaned..

‘What?!!,so you want to spend time with your stalker?!!’..i replied.

‘Of course’…

She’s right..

If i leave her alone then the so called creep will come to her..

Why am I so bothered about it??..

‘Okay fine Madison,let’s go out’..

What is this secret lover doing to me and why is he bugging me so much?!!!.


We don’t know who this secret lover is but I like him already??

Khalid is going cr@zy??.

I think Nita and Reeshad has given us a hint already..

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