THE PRINCE AND I SEASON 2: Episode 11-The End

?(He saved me…now i have to marry him)?

??Season 2??
?(Love me like you do)?



Madison’s POV?
Seven Months Later?
‘So you mean to tell me that you’re married to the Prince of Egypt?!!,the same Prince Khalid Nepthar?!!’..Mom asked in horror and I smiled..

‘Even I can’t believe it Mom but yeah I’m a princess and just so you know we’re expecting a baby’..I said..

Few months after the death of Kyra and Arnold Khalid decided to take me to Miami and we had a fun time there…

With incredible s*x also..

I almost thought that I would get pregnant the second time..

‘Well that’s all,i knew from the start that you wouldn’t be an ordinary wife Madison that’s why I always let you go wherever you wanted to go and now you went to Egypt forcefully got married so that your life could be saved and fell in love with him later on??what should I call this?!!’..Dad exclaimed..

I let out a hearty laugh and kssed him on the cheeks…

‘Well you always said I’m filled with surprises right??,well maybe you all would come to visit me one day on Egypt but right now I’ve got to go’..i said standing up..

‘Yeah that’s a great idea and tell Khalid that we have some things to discuss’..he replied and i chuckled lightly…

I dragged my bags outside and entered the car which was waiting for me..

‘Hey Reeshad’..I said patting him on the head..

‘Good morning my Lady how’s the baby??’..he asked and I laughed..

‘Well he’s been kicking more than you could ever imagine and it’s just 8 months old..

‘Hmmm okay your highness shall we leave for the airport now?the king awaits your presence’..he said..

‘Yeah let’s go’..i replied and the car started..

Well even though I’m the queen i still don’t like it when I’m addressed as ‘Queen’..

I guess the ‘Lady’ title is stuck with me..

It’s been weeks since i left Egypt for America and i miss my husband already…

He refused to come with me saying that he isn’t comfortable in America for some reasons that i don’t know about…

We even fought about it but right now all i want to do is hug him and tell him I love him and I won’t get him angry ever again…

Ten minutes later????
Reeshad and i got to the airport and before i could come out my phone rang..

I checked the caller as i came out and it was Khalid…

?:Hey Babe’..i muttered with a smile on my face..

?:Hey Wifey i miss you’..he replied..

?:I miss you too and I’m sorry for being disrespectful’..i added..

?:Ohhh you know i can’t stay angry at you for long by the way look behind you’….he said and i turned around to get the shock of my life…

There he was…

Standing near the private jet..

Wearing a white shirt and jeans with a ball cap…

Oh God!!!..

‘PK!!!’..i screamed and ran towards him but he got to me anyway…

I laughed heartily as he kssed me so hard on the mouth that I could hardly breathe…

‘You should have told me that you were coming’..i managed to say and he kssed me again…

‘Then it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore would it??,how’s my baby doing anyway??’..

‘Ohhh I’m….

‘i wasn’t talking about you,I was talking about him’..he cut in and bent down to kiss my protruding belly…

‘Oh is that so?,well he’s fine,He’s been kicking a lot lately and i think he’s gonna come earlier than expected’..i said with a scowl on my face..

‘Really???,then we should get home to prepare shall we,i love you’..

‘Awwww I love you too’..

?Do you love the rain does it make you dance when you’re just with your friends at a party….

?What’s your favorite song does it make you smile do you think of me??…

?When you close your eyes tell me what are you dreaming??..

?Everything i want to know it all…

?I’d spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 more…

?Well if that’s what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours…

?And I might never get there but I’m gonna try…

?If it’s 10,000 hours for the rest of my life I’m gonna love you…

Khalid’s POV?

A Week Later?
‘So this is how we’re gonna build the new Royal Villa’..I finally said to the board members after an hour of presentation…

They clapped and i smiled placing the marker in between my lips..

‘There’s a call for you your highness’..Nita said as she walked in..

‘I told you that i won’t take any calls Nita what’s wrong with you??’..i snapped..

‘It’s your wife PK and it seems urgent’..She said and i groaned before taking the phone..

?:Babe look I’m…

?:Khalid you’ve got to come home quickly!!!’..Madison screamed and started panting..

?:What?,why?’..i asked..

?:W..well i just decided to go take a quick nap a..and…my water’s broke Khalid,the baby is coming’…

?:Ohhhh shit hold on!!,I’m on my way!!’..I screamed and dropped the phone…

‘What’s the problem??’..Nita asked..

‘Madison water’s broke,We’re going home now!!,call Reeshad and tell him to get the car ready ASAP!!!!’…

Ten minutes later
‘Everything’s going to be okay baby,I’m here with you okay??’..i cooed as Madison cried…

Slowly I helped her get downstairs and opened the door to the car..

‘Ohhh God i can feel the head!!’..she cried out and i wiped a trickle of sweat from my head…

Who knew that it would be like this??..

I’ve always claimed to be a strong and brave person but now seeing the woman I love being in pain is really wearing me out

‘Just stay there baby,we’re almost at the hospital’..I said as i drove like a mad man on the road..

Reeshad and Nita who are planning on getting married later on were behind us in a smaller car..

‘Khalid am i going to be okay??’..

‘Yeah Madison you’re going to be okay just hold on okay,look we’re at the hospital already!!!’..i replied taking the curb and parking the car inside The Royal Hospital…

Two nurses came rushing inside the car and helped the crying Madison out of the car…

I tried following but one of them stopped me..

‘You know you can’t come in here your highness’..She said and I groaned..

‘But she needs me in there!!!’..

‘No she doesn’t,you can wait in the lobby if you want but you can’t follow us inside the theatre’…

I finally gave up and sat inside my car waiting eagerly..

If anything happens to my Madison or my baby then I’m gonna kill every freaking person inside the hospital…

‘Your highness the king of Northside is waiting for you’..Reeshad said and i made a sign of impatience..

‘Look Reeshad tell him that my wife is in labor okay?!!,I’ll see to him later on’..

‘But you know how he is and you’re on the brink of signing the peace treaty’..

‘Then to h*ell with peace!!,if he doesn’t understand my predicament then he doesn’t deserve a peace treaty!!!’..i screamed hitting the car horn….

Oh God i wonder how she’ll be doing now…

She needs me in there…

Twenty minutes later
‘PK..PK?’..i heard as someone tapped my shoulder and i opened my eyes…

Oh I even fell asleep.

‘Hey Nita what’s up??’..i asked awkwardly and she smiled..

‘I think you should be jubilating,your son is finally here’..she said and I jerked..

‘Really?!!!!’..i screamed and ran inside the hospital…

My son is finally here?!!..

My son I finally here!?!..

‘Congrats your highness’..A nurse said…

‘Yeah whatever where’s my wife??’..i asked..

‘She’s in Ward 12B’..

I ran towards Madison’s room and when i got there tears came down my cheeks as Madison held my crying baby in her arms..

Our crying baby ..

Whoa she cleaned up so fast..

‘Hey’..i managed to say as i walked towards the both of them..

‘Hey’..she replied with tears coming out of her own eyes..

I kssed her softly on the l!ps and then carried my son from her hands…

‘What should we call him??’..she asked and i smiled..

‘His name would be Jamal,Jamal Jeremy Nepthar’..i replied and she smiled back at me…

‘He’s got your blue eyes’..

‘Yeah and he’s got your pretty nose,i love you’..

‘And I love you too now if you’ll excuse me i think i want to sleep’…


****** ******* ******

Madison’s POV?
I smiled broadly as i walked inside my room only too Jamal jumping on it with his father…


The King of Egypt Jumping on the bed with his two and half year old son…

‘Jamal?!!,PK?!!,Really I left just an hour ago and you guys are already messing up the whole place!!!’..i scre@med..

Khalid stopped dead in his tracks and carried Jamal down from the bed..

‘Hey baby how was your meeting??’..he asked and I frowned…

‘Don’t baby me Khalid,is this what you’re teaching our son,i thought you were a King the last time I checked?!’..i replied..

He grinned full force and then walked closer but I put a finger on his chest to stop him…

‘Stop it’..

‘Should I??’..he whispered and covered my l!ps with his kssing me slowly and sweetly..

Oh God I love this man..

‘P..P..Pk’..we heard Jamal say and laughed…

‘Ohh come here little guy’..Khalid said and carried him up in his arms..

Just before i could say anything Lai came in with Marilyn a friend of his..

‘Look Mari they’re playing lovey-dovey again’..he said..

’Ohhh shut up Lai,here take Jamal you all should go out or something’..Khalid replied giving the already giggling Jamal to his brother…

They all left and it was down to only both of us..

’What are you up to PK?’..i asked as he circled his arms around my waist..

‘Uhhhh well i was thinking about adding another member to the Royal Family,Jamal needs a baby sister don’t you think’..he replied zipping down my red gown..

‘Ohhh you’re cr@zy!!’..i laughed aloud as he carried me bridal-style…

‘Yeah that’s why this story is called The Prince and You or if we put it your way it would be called the Prince and I now shut up and let’s make a baby shall we??’..

‘We shall my Prince,We shall’…


Writer’s note?:

I’m here again guys?..

As you all know me as your female writer..

Katrina Ebitimi Adams?? or as you know me Kay Writes…

We’ve come to the end of Madison’s and Khalid’s Love story??…

There’s nothing I love more than a happy ending and you all made this happy ending possible….

Never forsake those who love you guys?
If you love someone never treat them bad?
Love is a wonderful thing and we should all enjoy from it?

And lastly ev!l never pays or you’ll end up like Kyra who was killed With a Frying pan??…

I love you guys….?

Watch out for the next story which would blow your mind but i won’t reveal now…


©Kay writes..


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