THE PRINCE AND I SEASON 2: Episode 11-The End

?(He saved me…now I have to marry him)?

??Season 2??
?(Love me like you do)?

?Episode Twelve?

Madison’s POV?
‘Please don’t do this My Lady’..Nita begged as i walked into Kyra’s dressing room..

‘Just check if anyone is coming Nita,I don’t care if she catches me,she destroyed my dress and I’m gonna do the same’..I replied…

I caught a glimpse of what she was going to wear_a green nppless gown which had a split by the thigh area…


No wonder she decided to ruin my own dress…

I slipped my scissors inside the split area and cut it to the bodice of the gown…


Take that Kyra!!..

‘Lady Madison someone’s coming’..She said and we both ran off…

Kyra’s POV?
‘What happened to my dress?!!!’..i screamed in h0rror as Kai brought out my shredded dress..

The whole thing was in pieces and i can’t even mend it anymore…

‘I know Madison is behind this’..I muttered and stomped angrily out of the house..

Before i could turn i bumped into someone and it was Khalid..

‘Where are you off to??’..He asked and I scoffed..

‘Are you kidding me right now?!!,your stupid wife shredded my dress!!’..i screamed..

‘Huh?,Madison won’t do that and let me warn you,don’t ever call my wife stupid!!’.
He fired back..

‘She ruined my dress Khalid she ruined my dress just because I….

‘You what??’..

‘I…oh forget it..Kai let’s go get a new dress’..i said and walked away…

Madison thinks it’s over well sorry to burst her bubble it’s not…

I’m gonna make her pay for what she did to my dress…

She’s gonna pay!!!..

In fact the whole Nepthar family is gonna pay tonight and that’s a promise…

Madison’s POV?
I got a much more better dress from Khalid’s personal seamstress and laid it on my bed…

Minutes later he came in holding a bag and dropped it also on the bed..

‘What’s in the bag??’..i asked..

‘What did you do??’..He countered and I frowned…

‘Answer my question first,what’s in the bag??’..i said .

‘Well it’s money actually,there is five million inside this bag Madison and i want you to keep it’…he replied..

‘You want me to keep it??,why??’..i asked. .

‘Well because i have a bad feeling about today,i don’t know why but the feeling is there’..he said..

I smiled and walked up to him kssing him lusciously…

He tried to reach for my zipper but I stopped him..

‘No way PK,no lovey-dovey today and besides i want to dress up,the ball is almost starting’..

‘Ughhh let’s do a quick one’..he whispered huskily and touched me in the place i normally loved…

‘K..Khalid your father is behind us’..i replied and he jerked..

I laughed heartily when he fell for the joke and just then King Nepthar walked in…

‘Father’..Khalid said as he bowed..

‘Hmm please leave Khal,i want to speak with Madison alone’..the King replied..

I stood there and watched as he left and then King Nepthar gave me a red pouch…

‘Madison I want you to have this,it’s a locket’..

‘Ohhh your high….

‘No seriously i want you to have it,I always wanted to give this to my first daughter on her wedding but since i was blessed with only boys I want you to have it,it’s Khalid mother’s locket,she gave it to me when she died and now I want you to have it’..he said..

Tears streamed down my cheeks as i clutched the red pouch..

‘i would forever cherish this gift King Nepthar,i would never take it off’..I said and he smiled then walked away…

No one has ever given me something like this before…

Not even my own father…

I took out the locket from the pouch and it was the shape of a scorpion (?)

A very beautiful scorpion…

‘What was that all about??’..Khalid asked as he walked inside the room and I hid the locket inside my shirt immediately…

‘Uhhh it’s nothing,your dad just gave me a piece of advice’..i lied and he smiled..

‘Okay wifey the guests are arriving,go get beautiful for me’…

Khalid’s POV?
I changed into my royal regalia which was white with a touch of gold at the Hems and slowly placed my crown on my head…

It’s been so long I put on my crown and now it feels so different…

‘Ohh you look good’..Madison said as she walked in the hallway wearing a white dress that was totally backless…

Her hair was dyed blonde again and i smiled as she adjusted the tiara on her head…

She looked magnificent…

‘Hmmm and you have the most beautiful face and body a prince could ever want and also the most sexy lips that i would love to nibble on’..i replied and she smiled in return…

‘Let’s go PK,the guests are waiting’..she said…

I linked her arms with mine and then the huge golden door opened with the pall bearer announcing our names…

‘His majesty,Prince Khalid Jeremy Nepthar and his loving wife Princess Madison Nepthar has arrived’…

Madison and i walked down the stairs slowly and she waved her hands lightly…

‘No need to wave let’s dance’..i whispered and took her to the dance floor..

‘No i don’t want to dance PK,I want to get your father a drink,look he’s tired’…she said..

Before I could object she walked off and took one glass of champagne from Kai’s tray and gave it to my Dad…

I guess she said something funny cause my dad’s laugh echoed through the walls of the room..

I’ve never seen him so happy ever since mom died and I have one person to thank for it…


The woman I love…

After the festival is over am going to take her out of the country and treat her like the princess she is…

‘Khalid can I speak with you for a……’..Nita tried to say but suddenly the lights went off…..

‘What’s happening?!!’..i screamed as i tried walking in the darkness…

Suddenly I heard a gunshot and when the lights came on…

‘Reeshad!!!!’..i screamed as I ran over to my bleeding bodyguard…

What’s going on??..

‘Khalid!!!’..Madison screamed and when i turned around my father was on the floor…

With bl00d rushing out of his mouth!!!?..

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