Mary Ann Adams

Chapter 23

*Brittany pov*

“So what’s your name?” I decided to ask.

“Anderson. But I prefer to be called Andy” he smiled and I just confess, his smile is Cute.

“Okay. Nice meeting you too Andy….wait, Andy??” My eyes widened in realization and he smirked.

“Wait, are you serious? Like you are the Andy?” I asked finding it hard to believe and he nodded.

“How? How come?”

“I don’t get” He said.

“How are you here? Are you like stalking me?”

“Of course not. Just coincidence. I wasn’t expecting to meet you this way also”

“Wow” was all I could utter.

“I must confess, you look more prettier in person. You made me speechless when I first saw you” he complimented.

“Thanks” I said shyly tucking my hair behind my ear.

“You don’t look bad yourself” I said and I was serious about that.

“Uhh, thanks”

“Why didn’t you send me your picture if you are this cute” I utters.

“Oh Common. I’m not. You are just trying to make me feel good”

“I’m for real”

“I hear you” he said and we both look at ourselves silently for some minutes.

“So what made you choose Hilton?” He broke the silence.

“Let’s say condition” I replied and he had a confused look on.

“I wanted to go to Harvard but I couldn’t get in. So here i am, in Hilton college”

“Harvard is like far from here” He said thoughtfully.

“Doesn’t matter you know. It’s my dream school”

“Oh really? Then why did you choose Hilton later on?”

“My hus…I meant, I just decided to go to Hilton and then next session, I will apply for Harvard” I told him and I saw a sad look appear on his face but he quickly covered it up with a straight look.

“Why don’t you just finish in Hilton?” He asked.

“I would pass” he said and I nodded.

“So what about you? Why did you choose Hilton?”

“Just as harvard is your dream school, Hilton is mine” he answered.

“Wow okay”

We continued talking about random stuffs and I must confess, he is fun.

After the morning lectures, we went to an eatery beside the school for lunch.

We were about eating when someone joined us.
It was a brunette looking gorgeous.

“Hi” she said and I fell in love immediately with her voice.

“Hi” Andy and I said simultaneously.

“I don’t know if I can join you guys.”

“Sure” I said and she sat down and looked a bit nervous.

“My name is Brenda. I kind of like saw you when you came but I didn’t know how to walk up to you and talk to you” she started. “I just want to be your friend. I decided to approach you now when it seems you are always with your boyfriend”

I looked at Andy and then back at her.

“He isn’t my boyfriend. Just a friend, don’t get it wrong”


“Yeah and I’m Brittany” I introduced.

“Nice name. I love your hair” she said.

“Awn thank you. I love yours too”

Andy cleared his throat and we both looked at him.

I rolled my eyes. “Brenda. This is Andy.”

“Nice meeting you” Brenda waved.

“How about we exchange numbers. What do you think?” Brenda asked.

“Sure. No p”



The day ended well and I bade Andy and my new friend, Brenda bye when we were done with the day’s lecture.

Jacob was already waiting with the car and I just hopped in while he drove off.

My phone beeped and I checked. It was a message from Brenda.
Brenda- nice meeting you Brit.

I smiled and made to reply her. I can’t wait to get home and have a shower, eat and sleep.



I was done with work for the day. It was almost 7. I don’t like leaving work late so I prefer to go to work super early.

I entered my car and the my driver started driving. My mind went Brittany and I just sighed. She won’t stop being difficult and kept making everything hard for me.

Nevertheless I won’t give up. I won’t give up on her. I got home and the car packed in the compound.

I got out and took my briefcase and entered the house. The guards and maids greeted me and I just responded them with a nod.

I went upstairs directly and into my bedroom. Brittany was lying comfortably on the bed in a plain tee and biker shorts pressing her phone.

At least she is getting more comfortable in the house. The Brittany I newly married is always dressed up whenever I’m around and I know she did that because she things I’m going to Harass her. I can’t do anything she doesn’t want.

She seems to notice my presence as she looks up from her phone.

“You’re back ” She said.

“Yeah” I utters and left her to go to the bathroom for a shower.

After showering and dressing up, I went back to the room.

“Have you had dinner?” I asked Brittany who was back on her phone.

“Yes” she answered not looking up at me and I nodded and exit the room.

I told nana to serve my food and sat in the dining room alone eating slowly.

Nana walked into the dining with a glass of water. She dropped it on the table and I could still feel her presence.

I looked up at her. “Is their something wrong?” I asked her and she Scratches her hair nervously.

“It’s uhm… it’s nothing” she quickly said.

“Okay?” I utter unsure.

She bows slightly and left the dining room while I scrunched my brows in confusion.

After dinner, I went back to the room and Brittany was still on her phone.

I walked towards the door and sat beside her. I made to carry my laptop but on a second thought, I stopped and faced Brittany.

“Brittany” I called and she looked up from her phone.

“Yes” she replied.

“How was your first day at school?” I started by asking.

“It was good. Met new friends. The school is not so bad” she smiled and I can tell it’s genuine.

“I’m glad to hear that” I said and she nodded.

We looked at ourselves in silence.

“Uhm Brittany” I broke the silence and she gave me a questioning look.

“There is something I want to discuss with you.” I begins.


“I don’t know how to …” I was interrupted by the sound of my ringing tone.

I sighed and took my phone and a rush of adrenaline rushed through me when I saw the doctor’s name as the caller’s ID.

I picked the call and placed it on my ear. Brittany was still looking at me.

“Hello” I said my hands shaking slightly.

“She’s awake” The doctor said and I jumped off the bed.


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