Mary Ann Adams

Chapter 42


I woke up in Hayden’s arms and a smile appeared on my face. I remembered last night. I can’t believe I actually did give Hayden my vrgnity.

“What’s my beautiful wife thinking about this early morning?” I heard Hayden’s voice and I raised my head up a bit to see him staring at me.

“Last night” I replied biting my lower lip.

“Can’t stop thinking about it too” he said making my heart skip a bit.

I gulped down nothing and made to stand up from the bed but Hayden drags me back making me land on his chest.

“Where to?” He asked.

“I need to prepare for school and you should prepare for work also” I said.

“I don’t get a morning kss?”

“I haven’t brush” I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t care”

He made to kss me but I turned my neck and hurriedly rushed to the bathroom laughing.

I am still feeling slight pains beneath my legs but it wasn’t as severe as yesterday night.

After having my bath, I dressed up and Hayden went to the bathroom for his bath.

I was in the bedroom in front of a mirror brushing my hair when Hayden walked into the room already dressed.

He walked to where I am and collected the comb from me and started brushing my hair.

I closed my eyes loving the way he is carefully brushing my hair.

I opened my eyes when he stopped and saw him staring at me.

“What? Something on my face?” I asked feeling a bit nervous.

“I love you” he says and I felt butterflies in my tummy.

My heart seems to go crazy whenever he says that.

He placed his lips on mine. He stopped and caressed my hair.

“We would continue in the night” he winked.

“I don’t understand you” I said feigning ignorance.

“You will understand. Common, let’s have breakfast” he said and we walked out of the room, a smile on my face.

His hands found his way to my waist as we climbed the stairs going downstairs.

Nana was setting the table when we got to the dining. A mug was in her hand. She looked up at us and her eyes moved to Hayden’s hands on my waist.

The mug dropped from her hand landing on the floor. I flinched scared at first.

“I’m so sorry. So so sorry. Will clean this up now” she said bowing down her head.

“Do that now” Hayden said and she rushed out of the dining.

“I don’t think she is fine” I said to Hayden.


“She seems distracted. Will talk to her later”

Hayden looked at me amusedly.

“What? I can be nice too” I shrugged.

“I see…” he nods.

Nana arrived and cleaned up the broken mug and left. Hayden and I sat down to have breakfast.

We chatted throughout and finally left the house. Hayden took me to school again in his car which I want anyways.

I want to be around him always now. Getting to the university, I looked at Hayden pouting.

“I would pick you up after your lectures okay?”

“You don’t have to.” I said but I just said that because I want him to insist.

“You are not saying no. “ he said missing my forehead.

“Okay” I said and waved at him as he entered his car and drove off.

I took a deep breath as I watched his car until it was out of sight.

I am surprised at the change in me after falling in love.

I sighed and walked to my class.



The day was unusually boring. Boring lectures, Brenda ignoring me and Andy minding his own business.

I was tempted to leave the class and just go home but I decided to endure until it was at over.

20 minutes to the end of the last lecture, I brought out my phone to text Hayden but his text came in almost immediately.

HAYDEN- sorry I won’t be able to pick you up. Stuck in a business meeting. I will tell Jacob to pick you up. Love you.

After packing, Jacob was already waiting for me outside. He opened the door for me and I got in.

“Take me to Hayden’s company” I said deciding to give him a surprise visit.

Jacob nodded and started driving. He got to the company shortly and came out to open the car door for me. I got out and marveled at the gigantic building in front of me.

I entered and noticed a few eyes on me but I ignored anyways.

“How do I get to the CEO’s office?” I asked one of the staff.

“Who are you?” She asked scanning me.

“His wife” I replied and her eyes widened on looking at me again and an apologetic look appeared on her face.

“Take the elevator. When you get upstairs, you ask the secretary” she said and I nodded muttering a “thank you”

I got to the elevator. Someone was already in it but her back was turned to me.

The elevator was about closing but I rushed in on time before it did.

The lady in turned to look at me and her eyes widened. I expressed shock too.

“You!” She gritted her teeth.

I ranked my head trying to remember her name. “Oh yes, Layla” I finally remembered and smiled at her.

“We are not friends” she shakes her head.

“I never said we were”

“Good. What brings you here?” She eyes me.

“I can’t come see my husband anymore?”

She smirks. “Your husband you say, enjoy him while it lasts”

I laughed. “Whatever that means…”

“Incase you don’t know, ‘Mrs wyatt’ I work here. I am with Hayden almost every time. In case he didn’t tell you, we have lunch everyday and very soon, he is going to leave you and come to me. Just letting you know so you wouldn’t be so sad when it finally happens”

I took a deep breath trying not to allow her words get to me.

“Layla or whatever it is you are called. You aren’t ashamed are you neither do you have self respect. Chasing after a married woman. Well, let me tell you something. You can never get Hayden because he loves me and not you. So stay away, bch!”

“I won’t have you talk to me like that” she said her eyes turning red.

“And what are you going to do?” I snickered.

She clenched her first and was about saying something but the elevator stopped.

“See you later Layla” I smiled innocently opening the elevator while she was burning in anger.

“Just enjoy it while it last” I heard her mutter as I walked away.

I was a bit scared but I tried my best not to show it.


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