By Cisca. H.

Chapter 37: ENYA IS BACK 2

Enya is brought to the palace. She doesn’t recognize her environment.

She attempts to leave but she is stopped by the guards.

” Will you excuse me, or do I have to beg you two for that?” She said with a stern expression.

” We were instructed not to let you go. ” One of the guards said.

” Who gave the order? ”

” The King. ”

” I don’t remember commiting a crime, now will you let me go? And why the he.ll am I in Brok and not Pendamour?! ”

” Because this is your home. ” Said Lord Rodriguez as he walks out if nowhere.

Enya turns to look at him. She chuckles. ” Excuse me, you said what?” She was getting vexed over their attitude.

She just want to go home and out of that place.

” Pendamour has stopped being your home since I brought you here. You belong here, Enya. ”

” Give me one reason why I have to listen to this nonsense?”

” Because you’re my wife, and I am your husband. ” He answered.

Enya bursted out into a loud laughter, forcing herself not to stop laughing.

” You know what, I was thinking I was who lost her sense coming to Brok for no reason, now I see it isn’t I who has lost a sense but you. ”

She chuckled. ” I don’t remember getting married either. ” She sounded serious.

The door opened and Arwen walked in. She sees Enya and paused for a while.

Enya rolled her eyes, ” Don’t tell me you brought her to preach the scriptures to me. ”

” She doesn’t remember anything. ” He said.

” Sister? ” She called, ” do you remember me? ”

Enya scoffed. ” Of course, I do, Arwen. And what are you doing here by the way?” She asked back.

” I came to pay you a visit, then I was told you were adopted. Where did she keep you all this while? ”

” Am I supposed to answer that? Because I do not understand what is going on here. It would be better if you just take me back to Pendamour. ”

” Enya, you left Pendamour since you got married to Lord Rodriguez.

It has always been your dream to be with him, don’t you remember? ”

” You know what I remember, I remember waking up from the dead. Do you know what it feels like seeing being dead?

It feels like seeing hell and then… all of a sudden you are in earth.

Lost in a place you are not meant to be. To cut the long story short, I’m getting out of here. ”

She turns to leave, ” You don’t have to let sister Anna take your home away from you.” Enya stopped.

” What other home are you talking about? ”

” Your marriage! ” She yelled.

Enya turns to her. ” Do I have to explain to you that I lost the man I loved all because of you and Anna? I had to quit for your sake, because I wanted peace.

Then I found a new love… ” Rubs her head,” I can’t even remember. ”

” You don’t remember anything because Anna poisoned your mind. She erased every memories you shared. ”

” I’m not too surprised. And I definitely do not remember anyone erasing my memory, sweetheart. I’m done talking about this. ”

Turns again to leave, then Riguez calls her name. ” Enya.”

She rolled her eyes, tired of listening to them. ” I’m sorry, it’s all my fault she did this to you. I failed my promise, I failed it all.

I was supposed to be there for you but… I wasn’t. And she decieved me, she decieved everyone. She made me believe she was the real you.

I would have known her tricks a long time ago if I was really a good husband. But I wasn’t, and I am sorry for that.

Please, you have to remember. I don’t want to stay away from you, I want you back.”

The door open, this time it was Anna and some few councils who had seen the guards escort Enya in.

They have come with concern to know what the problem was. Plus, seeing another version of Enya… the case seems complicated.

She was shocked to see Enya in the room. She wasn’t aware of Enya’s return.

It wasn’t meant to be now, was it?

” My Lord, what is going on here?” There was no escaping this time.

” I should be asking you that.” He replied.

Every faces still wears the same surprised look. The two ladies were so identical for one to easily identify.


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