Episode 8

Has my own not finished like this? Ifemide asked as she cried the more.

Stop saying faithless things Ifemide. We’re not even sure if the pregnancy is for him. Sikemi said staring at confused Ifemide.

I only pray this isn’t happening! Ah! God! Help me out of this and I will be a very loving wife to my husband. I will give him all it takes. God o! Don’t let this be true. Ifemi said as she made confessions that wasn’t paid for.

It’s now your regretting! I warned you enough my dear but all the same. The pregnancy had better not be for Ayomi else…. Sikemi said throwing her face away.

It won’t be so in Jesus name! Ifemide quickly said as she reached for her phone to call her husband.



She took an abortive drug and that was what caused the bleeding which led to her passing out. The doctor informed Ayomi.

What! How did that happened? Ayomi questioned.

I surely don’t know Mr Adedeji. The bar which she was brought her here when she passed out. You can ask them. Please excuse me! The doctor said.

Pregnant! How? She didn’t tell me she’s pregnant! Ayomi said disturbed.

And why would she want to abort the baby? Just this yesterday, she gave her life to Christ. What has happened? Ayomi soliloquies as he headed for his car, ignoring Ifemide’s call.

He got to the bar where they had planned to meet earlier.

Hello young lady! He said.

Welcome to **** sir! How can I be of help to you sir? She asked.

What happened to the lady they are talking about? He asked pointing at some fellows.

Oh! That!
A lady was here earlier today. I think she was waiting for someone. I went to take her orders but she told me not until the person she was waiting for comes. She said

So, what happened to her? Ayomi asked

Sir, what do you want to buy? She asked formally.

Help me with the information first. Ayomi said squeezing a thousand note on her palm.

She smiled as she continued.
A man walked up to her after about an hour of her waiting.

What did he look like? Ayomi questioned.

He’s lanky with a fair complexion. She replied.


She stood when she sighted him and her countenance changed. The lady said checking Ayomi’s expression.

Continue! He ordered

I watched as the lady said she should leave or she would call the security.

After some minutes of argument, the man made to kneel for her but she quickly drew him up.

I’m sorry Simi! The man said

Just go Tiresimi! She said as tears formed in his eyes.

I said I’m sorry! He said

I’ve come to accept you and the baby and I promise to marry you properly after the delivery. He said deceptive.

You’re sure about this? Simi asked.

Yes! To show I’m serious.

Bar girl! He said raising his hands.

Give us apple juice. He said as he sat the lady down.

See this drug, it for effective growth of pregnancy. I will add little. He said smiling at her.

So, he added the substance? Ayomi asked.

Yes sir! I still have it here with me. The bar girl said.

Let me have it please! Ayomi said.

Wow! Incredible! He said reading the name.

He left it in the tray I served them with, I guessed he forgot. The bar girl explained.

When did he leave? Was he here when she passed out? Ayomi asked

No sir! He left few minutes she took the juice. He’s gesture showed he had somewhere to go. She said.

Thank you for the information. Ayomi said shaking her hands.

You’re welcome sir!

Tell no one this again. I have everything you said in this. He said as the lady wondered in shock.

I am Detective Ayomi. He said raising his I D. Most of you know me to be a medical practitioner but I’m a detective still. I’m a psychologist, hence the privilege. He said assuring the lady her safety.

Don’t worry okay! He said patting her before leaving.

He checked his phone to meet numbers of missed calls from his wife.

He called her to save her disturbed heart.

She picked up at the first ring.

Ayomi! How are you doing? Hope there’s no problem? Is she actually pregnant? Are you responsible for it? She asked as Ayomi couldn’t help but laughed.

Calm it Ifemi! I will be home in few minutes. He said simply before cutting the call.

Lord Jesus! Don’t let this happen to us in Jesus name. I rebuke every intruding spirit. She prayed holding her phone to her chest.

Ayomi opened the door to see his wife praying earnestly, as she didn’t even know he was there.

And why would you think the pregnancy is for me? He asked interrupting her prayers.

Yee! Jesus! My husband! She shouted as she rushed to hug him.

I’m sorry Ayomi. I didn’t know what I was doing is bad. I promise to turn a new leaf. See, I’ve changed gan. Please,tell me she isn’t pregnant for you! Ifemi chanted as Ayomi read her lips smiley.

I asked you a question babe, why would you think she’s pregnant for me? He asked as Ifemi kissed him instead.

I’m sorry Ayomi. She said hugging him tightly.

I was just so engrossed with my spinsterhood. I taught those things are sinful act. Ayomi, just forgive me. She said not letting him go.

Ayomi just smiled as he thanked God inwardly.

I wouldn’t believe Ifemi can kiss me willfully. He thought as he hugged her back.

I know you will realize it one day and today is the day. I’ve forgiven long ago my love. If I haven’t, I would have gone out to please myself. But, I will never do that, you’re my wife and I have to take you as my yoke. The pregnancy is not for me! He said as Ifemi jumped on him in excitement.

I know my husband wouldn’t have done that! She said pecking him countlessly.

I don’t know you can be this free. Ayomi said teasingly.

If the son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. She said playfully as they both laughed.

I love you Ayomi and thanks for not letting me down. She said hugging him.

My pleasure my love!

Let’s go in! Ifemi whispered as Ayomi nodded smiley.


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