THE WRONG LADY: Chapter 21-30


??°°his wrong sweet mistake°°??

By: Victoria Peter

??CHAPTER 25??


I looked up only to see my mom looking at me with a worried expression on her pretty face and i smiled warmly.

“Oh my god Bryan what are you thinking that you didn’t notice my presence and all my calls all this while huh?”
She sat beside me.

“Come on mom it’s nothing you should worry about you don’t have to think about it.”
I replied rubbing my temple and she frown.

“what do you take me for huh? I am your mother for Christ seek don’t i have the right to look out for my son any more huh?”
I asked.

“Come on mom i am a man now you don’t have to worry about me all the time i am grown and i can take care of myself.”
I replied forcing a smile.

“Don’t you ever give me that look young man even though you are grown you are still my little boy now tell me what’s bothering you.”
She ordered.
“Mom you never give up do you?”
I smiled.

“Don’t even try to ignore my question young man i can be old but i aren’t dume so start talking.”
She scoffed and i laughed.

“Okay mom i wonna ask you a question and i want you to answer it truthfully.”
I said.

“Okay go ahead.”
She replied.

“Mom how do you know when you’re in love with some one.”
I asked.

“So many ways dear when you want to hold the person everyday, when the person is annoying yet you fine it funny, when it hurts yet you don’t wonna let go.
That’s when you know you’re in love.”
She said and i sighed.

“Mom i feel everything you just said for my fiancee Ashley but what am i to do when i feel this same way for two people.

It’s like i am stuck in between two wonderful ladies and i am scared to lose the both of them.”
I said and she smile.

“You’re in love with her right?”
She asked and i stole glance from her and lowered my head not knowing what to say.

For the first time in my life i felt speechless i didn’t know what to say.

Was i in love with miss loud mouth or is it just a crush or maybe obsession i don’t think it’s love maybe its just lust.

“I just don’t know mom i don’t know if i am in love with her or I am lusting over her.”
I replied.

“Do you get jealous seeing her around other men huh? Do you feel like making her yours.”
She asked.

“Maybe a little.”
I replied and she smiled.
“You see Bryan i am not in position to make any decision for you but i can only advise you as a mother.”
She said and i nodded.

“Ashley is a very good girl i have tested her in all corner and found her worthy she’s everything i wished i was when i was a young lady.

And your fiancee at the other hand for the past two years you guys started dating she’s didn’t see it important to come see your family that’s a big F from be.

But anyway it’s still your decision to make even as much i will like you to end up with Ashley its your decision not mine and any decision you make i will support you.

But when you will see the beast i have been hiding all my life is if at the process of finding who you want to be with you end up hurting Ashley.

I swear by the heavens i will place a hot iron on your cock because no one hurts my daughter and goes free.”
She said and my eyes widened and i grabbed my cock

I yelled and she chuckled.

“Please don’t even say that again if you hurt my cock what am I going to use to give you more grandchildren huh?”
I said and she laughed.

“Thanks mom for being the best mom ever i don’t think i can love any woman the way i love you.”
I said and she smiled out tears making me wonder why.

“Thank you too for loving me the way you do you may not know but all this years it was your love that kept me moving and i will always want the best for you.

That’s why i want you to end up with someone who will understand the love you have for me, a person who won’t get jealous of me because any day you and your siblings stop loving me that day i won’t have any other thing to live for.”

“Its getting pretty late already try and get some sleep and leave the thinking for another day tomorrow is brighter than Today.”
She said and i sighed
“That’s the problem mom I can’t sleep i am finding it difficult to sleep tonight.”
I said and she smile.

“Wait a minute i will be right back.”
She said and left.

After few minutes she returned with a tablet and filled the glass of water for me.

“Take those drugs it will help you get some sleep because you need them don’t mind waking up early tomorrow you have no were to go i am giving you the rest of this week to rest.”
She said and i nodded and took the drugs.

“I will be in my room now don’t stress yourself when love comes knocking on your door you don’t have much to do.”
She said and exited the kitchen leaving me all to myself again.

I think i am beginning to like miss loud mouth her smiles her hot body she’s just too perfect and just looking at her makes me wonna keep her by my side till eternity.

I guess i have to take moms advise and leave the thinking for another day.

In few minutes time i started feeling sleepy so I went to my room collapsed on the bed and in no time I slept off.

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