TO LIVE FOREVER-By Tamara Blair: Episode 41-The End

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 52?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Claribel’s P.o.v?
“Gosh, mom,these cookies are so good, You will have to give me some for Adrian” My mom and i were in the massive living room eating the Cookies she made.

“No problem,am happy you like it”

“I love it”

“Speaking of love, let’s talk about Adrian,we haven’t had the time to.

How is he to you?”

“Mom, He’s amazing,he loves me just the same way i love him,he cares about me,i don’t really see myself with any other man”

“Am happy seeing you this happy,i can tell he loves you very much”

After staying with my mom for a while,i decided to head home,i walked in and saw Adrian’s mom checking out some pills.

“Hello” She smiled at me.

“Who are all these pills for? Is Adrian alright?”

“He is, he’s feeling a little sick” I ran upstairs and Adrian was on the bed looking pale,i rushed to his side.

“Are you okay? Is something wrong?” He smiled at me,then held my hands.

“Am fine, it’s just a fever”

“Are you sure? You look pale,Have you been taking your pills?”

“Yes,i have,Am actually going to the hospital tomorrow for the regular check-up”

“I forgot that tomorrow’s Saturday,Am coming with you”

“No,you can’t”


“Because you have to submit your final projects,your graduation diploma depends on it” I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

“I almost forgot,but i want to be there when the doctor checks you”

“I’ll be fine,Go take a shower and come lay beside me,okay?”

“Okay” I kssed him slightly before heading to the bathroom.
The Next Day
? Author’s P.o.v?

After Adrian’s check up,he and his mom walked out of the hospital.

“Are you going to tell her?” Adrian’s mom said,Adrian sighed.

“No,not yet, She’s so happy with her mom and i don’t want to ruin it”

Adrian’s mom was about to say something when Claribel bursted into the hospital.

“I..i..made it” She was panting heavily like someone who just finished marathon race.

“Babe,did you run?”

“Yeah,the cab was going so slow and i really wanted to be here so i ran”

“You didn’t have to do that,plus,am done with my check up”

“So how was it? Are you okay?”

“Yeah,am fine,it was just a fever” Claribel heaved a sigh of relief.

“I thought it was something bad”
A Week Later.

? Claribel’s P.o.v?
Adrian and his mom have been acting so weird, it’s like they are hiding something from me and i need to know what it means.

It was late at night and i and Adrian werr on the bed,i couldn’t sleep because something keeps telling me something is wrong.

Suddenly, Adrian started coughing,he ran to the bathroom and i followed himbuy before i could enter the bathroom,he closed it.

“Adrian,are you okay?” He came out looking pale.

“Am fine,babe, let’s just go back to sleep”

“Sleep is something i haven’t had all night” He came closer to me and cupped my cheeks

“And why’s that?”

“Because am worried about you, Adrian please tell me the truth, what’s going on with you?”

“It’s.. it’s nothing,babe”

“Adrian, I know you so well,i know when you are lying,Tell me the truth, please”

He ran his hands through his hair and sat down on the bed,i also sat beside him.

He faced him and took my hands in his.

“Claribel,i didn’t want to tell you because you are so happy spending time with your mom and Trevor”

“What is it, Adrian,you are scaring me, What’s wrong?”

“Last Saturday that i went for my check up, the doctor said that the hole in my heart has gotten bigger”

“What? How’s that possible? You don’t drink and you take your pills regularly”

“She said that the pills are no longer strong”

“Then she should give you stronger pills”

“It doesn’t work that way, the truth is my condition has worsen,Am dying,Babe”

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