TO LIVE FOREVER: Episode 1 – 10

?To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 3?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Claribel ?
“Everyone was so shocked when you didn’t kiss Adrian”Shannon said as she drove us to school.

She has literally been talking about that party for 30 minutes now.

“Why didn’t you want to kiss him? I mean so many girls would jump right on that dare”

“Shannon,he and i don’t see eye to eye, the few times the two of us talk to each other,we were arguing and he is arrogant,he thinks it’s every girl who wants him”

“But you have to admit, he’s super hot,Clary,so hot”

Adrian is handsome,with all his features,he looks like an anime character.

Like the handsome bad boy who every girl is falling for,every girl except me,i don’t have time for that and besides i kinda have feelings for Dylan..i think.

“So..i saw you kissing Isaac” i said and she groaned making me giggle.

“Don’t say another word about that d**khead”

“But you literally sucking faces with the d**ckhead”

“I was drunk and..and he just came on to me”

“Shannon, it’s so obvious that you like him” i said and she sighed in frustration.

“You think am stupid for falling for a playboy,i just couldn’t help it,we literally see each other everyday,he’s my fcking neighbor”

“Shannon,i don’t think you are stupid,you are human with feelings so it’s bound to happen,i just want you to be careful, don’t give your whole heart to him”

“I will and thanks.. it’s really weird that you have never been in a relationship and yet you give the best advice”

She’s right,i am the one who gives her advice on every relationship she has and i can’t remember the laat time i had a crush on Someone..oh,wait,i don’t think i had a crush on someone,i was too busy fending for myself.
“See ya later,babe, the gym teacher wants to see me”Shannon said as we entered the school hallway.

I walked over to my locker to get my books for today.

“Hey,Clary”Audbrey said smirking at me.

“What do you want?”

“To tell you not to flatter yourself, don’t think just because you rejected the hottest boy in school doesn’t make you a queen here” She said and i laughed.

“Oh, Audbrey,i have always known you to be really stupid,so you think that you are a queen here? No, you are not, because a queen won’t sleep with almost every male teacher to get what she wants”

The smirk on herself was wiped off,she looked surprised.

“How.. how..

“How did i know that? Shannon and i saw you and the maths teacher in a d0ggy $tyle,you seemed to be loving it because your eyes were closed that you didn’t see us”

“You little…

“Say something offensive to me and i swear i will tell the whole school about this”

She scoffed and walked away, she’s such an idi0t.

I got pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of a locker beside the closing.

I turned and it was Adrian,he looked normal unlike last night when he was coughing out blood.

I won’t even bother to ask because i know he would only ignore me.

He looked at me, our eyes locked for a few seconds before he looked away.
“So i will be pairing you up for a project on the old American history,your names and the name of your partner is pasted on the notice board outside”The history teacher said.

I hated history,it was so boring.

Class was over and every student crowded the notice board,i had to wait to see my partner.

I could hear people grumble and some giggle,i think they were happy about their partner.

“OMG,I got paired up with Dylan, he’s so hot” a random girl said giggling with her friends.

“This can’t be possible,this definitely can’t be possible”Adrian said after looking at the board.

He looked at me with anger.


“I can’t believe i got paired up with this little Americana”

“What?!” I yelled in shock,i ran over to the notice board and behold it was written boldly “Claribel Johnson and Adrian Coleman”

“This is the worst combination ever”

“Come here”. He said and grabbed my wrist.

“Hey, let me go”

“No, because we are going to tall to the history teacher to give us new partners”he said as we walked over to the history teacher.
“Absolutely not”The history teacher said after basically listening to Adrian and i talk.

“But why?”

“Well, because,Claribel over here is an average in history and you Adrian were literally brought up in England”

“So? it’s just clearly means that he and i can’t work together”

“You two can work together to solve your indifference, that’s my final word”

With that,she walked away.

With all the people in the class,i got paired up with him, I would even like it of i was paired up with Jordan, that druggie with so many tattoos on his body, that would have been better.

“I heard that”Adrian said,wait..did i say that out loud?

“Don’t think you are kinda some special person,i also don’t like you but we have no choice and I don’t want to fail any subject so just like the history teacher said,we will have to work together”

“Okay, fine,so send me the address to your house”

“No,we will do it at your house” He said and i scoffed.

“No, we will do it at your house”





We started bickering like little children.

“Okay,stop.. Apart from the fact that i don’t want to fail any subject,i also don’t want to be seen bickering like a little kid with you,i have a reputation” He said while i rolled my eyes.

“So where are we meeting up?”

“Let’s meet at library,yeah, everyday after school”


At least i can have more excuse not to go home to my dad.

“And please while we are together, don’t you dare try to seduce me”He said and i laughed.

“Please,i rather seduce a horse than seduce you, Bonehead”

“Whatever, remember, library after school starting from tommorow”

“Yeah, yeah”

I turned and started walking away but i stopped, turned around to face him.

“What?” He asked and i moved closer.

“I forgot something”



I stomped on his feet, making him start limping.

“That is what you deserve for being a j*erk”

“You little…

I didn’t hear the rest of what he said because i walked away.

If he is going to be a j*erk then am going to put him in his place.

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