TO LIVE FOREVER: Episode 11 – 20

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 15?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Adrian’s P.o.v?

After driving home,i went to my room, thankfully my mom wasn’t around to ask me questions.

I laid on my bed, facing the ceiling,images of Derek and Claribel in the hallway clouded my head.

I don’t know why i feel this vulnerable?

She’s making me feel things that i don’t want to feel, it’s like she has control over me.

I took my drawing pad and a pencil,this is the only thing that calms me down.

I started drawing having no idea what i was drawing,i just kept moving so fast against the drawings pad.

I stopped when i realized what i drew,it was Claribel,i drew her without even noticing.

I took the paper into pieces and threw it away.
? Claribel’s P.o.v?

“What do you mean you two fought?” Shannon asked over the phone,after Adrian dropped me off,i dressed up and went to work.

I called Shannon and told her everything.

“We fought, Shannon and honestly i don’t know why”

“Clary,i think Adrian is jealous”

“Jealous of what? He is my friend”

“You are still not getting it”

“Getting what, Shannon?”

“That Adrian is in love with you,he obviously has feelings for you”

“Oh,no,Shannon, don’t start with that,He doesn’t love me,we are friends”

“Yes,he does and you love him too” Shannon said and i sighed.

“Shannon,we will talk later,i have to work”

I ended the call and resumed attending to customers.

I was taking the order of a man and his wife.

“Can you take my order?” A voice said,i turned and it was Derek.

He looked surprised as i was.

“What..what are you doing here?” I said quietly trying not to cause a scene.

“Claribel? You work here?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know,am sure you followed me,Stalker”

“I swear to you,i didn’t follow you,i came here to eat, that’s all”

“We need to talk” He added while i just rolled my eyes.

“No,you are causing trouble between i and Adrian,he doesn’t trust you and i don’t too”

“Claribel, Please,i really need to talk to you” he said with an innocent face.

“Okay,fine but it has to be after my shift,so you will have to wait”

“Okay, let’s talk” I said as we sat down on a bench in front of the restaurant.

I can’t believe he waited for me to finish my shift,it was really late in the night.

“First of,am really sorry if i caused any rift between you and Adrian,it was never my intention.

I only took a liking to you because you remind me of Marnie”

“Who is Marnie?”

“My Girlfriend”

“Okay,so i remind you of Marnie,why don’t you go meet her?”

“She’s dead”He said with a really sad tone.

“Am really sorry, I didn’t mean to..

“It’s okay, it’s not your fault, the first time i saw you in class,you reminded me of her so much, with the hair and the way she smiles and the fact that the library bis like her favorite place in school”

“How.. how did she die?” I managed to ask.

“Car accident,she was coming back from a trip with her dad, the car brakes failed and she died on the spot.

I..i didn’t get the chance to say goodbye,we were apart for 2 weeks and i was so happy when she told me that she was coming back”

We were both crying,on the outside he looks so emotionless, but on the inside he has alot of pains.

“ sorry,so sorry,Derek”

“I moved to America so that i could forget her”

“But now i keep reminding you of her,how do i stop that?” I asked and he chuckled.

“You can’t, you are just being you, it’s only a coincidence that you both behave alike.

It’s a good thing, seeing you brings me closer to her”He said and we chuckled.

“Am sorry for asking you out”

“It’s okay,Derek,i just hope we can be friends”

“Friends,it is” He said and i stood up.

“I have to get going”

“Let me drop you off, I came with my car”


The drive home was quite interesting,Derek and l kept telling stuffs about each other,he seemed to have really loved Marnie because anytime je mentions her name,his face lits up.

“This is my house” i said as we stopped in front of my front porch.

“Isn’t that Adrian?” Derek pointed out,i looked through the window and Adrian was there looking at us.

“I have to go, thanks for the ride”

I quickly got out of the car and ran towards Adrian.

There was slience between us, Adrian kept looking around.

“If you came here to talk to me,at least look me in the eye” i said and he sighed.

He turned to face me.

“Am sorry” he said while dipping his hands in his pocket.


“For yelling at you,for over reacting,am sorry”

“Well,i forgive you even though you didn’t let me explain myself”

“Am sorry,i messed up”

Adrian looked at the direction of Derek’s car leaving.

“So he picked you from work?”

“Yeah and he apologized for anything he caused”

“Let’s not talk about him,how about we go to the garden tomorrow?”

“Sure thing” i said and we hugged.

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