TO LIVE FOREVER: Episode 31-40

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 35?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Claribel’s P.o.v?
“I can’t believe i allowed you to take me ice skating” Adrian groaned for the umpteenth time.

He kept whining about how he hated ice skating.

“It’s not that bad,we are going to have fun, let’s go skating”

“I don’t know why i always do what you say”

“Because you love me” i said and kssed his cheeks,i dragged him to wear our ice skates.

Some girls of our age kept giggling when they saw Adrian, I gave them a hard glare, they walked away.

“Btches” i said and Adrian chuckled,after putting on our skate shoes,we stood up and headed to the ice.

Adrian was finding it hard to walk,i couldn’t help but laugh.

“We haven’t even started and you are already making me laugh”

We got to the ice and in less than five minutes,Adrian fell down three times making me laugh.

“You are enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Yes,very much..okay,just hold my hands and you won’t fall”

We held hands and he was getting better at it,we ice skated for a while.

“Am so hungry” I said as we got off the ice.

“We’ll pass by Mac Donald’s on our way home”

“Okay,let me use the bathroom for a minute”

I walked away from him,on my way to the bathroom,i spotted some girls drooling over Adrian from a distance, Pathetic.

“Oh,am so sorry” i said as i bumped into someone on my way out of the bathroom.

“It’s okay”

The voice was British just like Adrian’s own,i looked up and it was a guy with blonde hair and hazel eyes,he had a tattoo on his neck.

? Adrian’s P.o.v?
Claribel was taking too long to come back from the bathroom,am already getting so uncomfortable with the way the girls were staring at me.

“Don’t you have something else to do other than staring at someone you don’t have a chance with” I snapped at them, they walked away.

What’s taking Claribel so long?

Just as i was about to go look for her,i saw her walk out with a guy,i think i know that guy.

They came closer and i saw him clearer,Oh my goodness, I know him, It’s Jace.

What’s he doing here and what is doing with Claribel?

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