TO LIVE FOREVER: Episode 31-40

? To Live Forever ?

? Chapter 39?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Claribel’s P.o.v?
My head is spinning around in circles at what Adrian said.

“Please,tell me you are joking” i said and he looked away,i looked around andJace was busy smirking.

“Look,Claribel,our gang wasn’t those type of gang where we kill people,so don’t be scared” Nathan said and i was relieved.

“So what’s the big truth?”

“After my dad died, I got even more angry at life,i had no reason to live or be happy,so i joined Jace and his friends,we would go to drug stores and steal drugs,then sell it.

I got my tattoo when i was just 16,i forged my mom’s signature”

“Tell her the main thing, Coleman”

“The boys and i used to bet on girls we would sleep with,we would challenge ourselves on who could sleep with the most girls in a week,it was fun at that time and it made me forget my problems.

Until,Hailey came into the picture”

“Who is Hailey?” I asked and Adrian tried to come close to me but i moved back.

“Adrian,who is Hailey?”

“Hailey was one of the girls we bet on,she was hard to get and we found out that she was a vrgin,So Jace and i made a huge bet, that whoever slept with her would get a hundred thousand dollars.

I didn’t care about the money,i was just doing it to make myself feel happy”

“So what happened next?”
? Adrian’s P.o.v?
“So what happened next?” Claribel asked,i could see she was already disappointed in me.

“Babe, please, let’s just…

“No, Adrian,tell me everything,now,i deserve to know”

“So we started in our own ways to make her fall into our trap but it turned out that Jace fell in love with her and begged me to not go forward with my plan.

I pretended to agree with him but i went behind his back and slept with her,the group didn’t believe so i brought the bed sheets with blood stains on it”

“Oh my god,Adrian,how could you deceive someone like that?”

“Jace didn’t believe me so i recorded myself sleeping with her for the second time”

Claribel had a shock expression on her face.

“You what?! You recorded her sleeping with you, You are monster”

“That’s not all,Claribel”Jace said and i gave him a hard glare.

“Tell me everything”

“Claribel,you don’t..

“Adrian,if you try to touch me one more time,i swear that i will slap you”

“When i showed Jace the recording,we got into a huge fight and at that moment i uploaded the video on the internet,i edited my face out.

Everyone saw it including Hailey’s parents,she was kicked out of the house”

“So where is she now?”

“After her parents kicked her out,she came over to my place telling me she loves me and asked if she could stay over but i kicked her out, since then i don’t know where she is”

“So you are trying to tell me that you ruined her life and after ruining it,you didn’t offer to help her”

“I was a j*erk at that time”

“You are still a j*erk,you lied to me about everything, about your past”

“Am sorry”

“How am i even sure you love me just like you always say?”

“Babe, you know that’s not even up for discussion,I am crazy about you,i love you”

“You lied to me about all this so how am i sure you are not lying to me now”

I tried to touch her but she resisted.


She ran her hands through her hair.

“You are only right about one thing,You don’t deserve me,i told you that if i find out you were lying to me,our relationship will be on the line” She said and walked out the door.

“Now,you know how i felt when Hailey left”Jace said to me.

? Claribel’s P.o.v?
I walked out of Adrian’s house feeling so confused, it’s so late and i don’t kmow how to get back home.

I can’t believe he lied to me about everything,now I can’t help but think about that girl called Hailey,She must have gone through alot.

“I can drive you home” Adrian’s voice broke through my thoughts,i looked at him then looked away.


The drive to my house was so quiet, I could feel Adrian’s stare at me from time to time,my mind kept wondering to Hailey.

What if she committed suicide because her situation was horrible.

How did she cope when Adrian destroyed her life?

“We are here”

I came out immediately without sparing him a glance,i got to my front porch,i saw someone leaning on the wall.


She looked up at me and she was crying,she hugged me immediately.

“He..I saw them kssing,Isaac and Bella.. kssing” She managed to say as she was crying.

“That sick b@stard,how dare him?”

“Babe, please i can explain” Isaac said as he jumped out of his car.

“Get out..both of you,leave us alone” i said to both Adrian and Isaac.

“Shannon, please just..

“Didn’t you hear her? Get out,i don’t want to see your face”

“Let’s go inside”

Shannon and i went inside and i locked the door.

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