She grins and hops off of me, heading toward the door.

“Lock it on your way out,” I say.

She pauses and turns around. “Why?”

“I need to finish what you started.”

She crinkles up her nose and rolls her eyes, but she locks the door behind her.

I jump up and check the lock, then turn around, just as whatever-her-name-is comes barging out of the closet.

She points her finger at me and practically spts venom when she speaks. “You sick!”

Grab the hand that’s pointing in my face and spin it around, wrapping her arm behind her back. I lean in to her ear. “Hey, hey,” I say quietly, attempting to calm her down.

I run my fingers down her cheek and lightly kss her lips. “I saved the best part for you.”


When she’s finally calm be.neath me, I roll off of her and hand her a shirt from the floor to clean up with.

“Get dre$sed,” I say. “I have a date tonight.”




I slip into the bathroom before class for a quick hair and makeup check.

I’ve never cared before if I looked like I just rolled out of bed, but knowing Carter will be sitting inches away from me for the next hour has me more concerned than usual.

The fluorescent lights are unforgiving. The bags under my eyes tell their own truth about last night.

Just looking at my reflection, all I see is a girl who stayed up way too late worrying about the guy who promised her a date but never showed.

Asa left with his friend Jon while I was in the shower yesterday, getting ready for him to take me out for the first time in over five months.

Despite the fact that neither of them were home, the house was still full of people.

I stayed up worried about him until I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore.

When he finally crawled in b.ed, then proceeded to crawl on top of me, I was so pissed I just started crying.He didn’t even notice. Or he didn’t care.

I cried the entire time he was on top of me, using me like he didn’t give a sht who was under him, as long as someone was under him. When he finished, he rolled over and fell asleep without a single word. Not an apology.

Not a thank you. Not an I love you. He just rolled over and fell right to sleep without a single thing on his conscience. I rolled over and continued to cry.

I cried for the fact that I allow him to do what he does to me. I cried for the fact that I feel like I have no other choice.

I cried for the fact that I’m still with him, despite the person he’s become. I cried for the fact that I have no way out, no matter how much I want to leave.

I cried for the fact that despite everything h®rrible about Asa, I was still worried sick when he didn’t come home.

I cried because I realized that no matter who he’s become, a part of me is still in love with him…because I don’t know how not to be.

I turn away from my reflection because I’m ashamed of who I’ve become.


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