TRUTH AND LIES Episode 40 – 43

“What is wrong with you Nigel? Why did have to be so rude to the customer? Don’t you know customers are always right?” She asked.
“What stupid right? she was complaining of the price as if she can prepare it herself”.

She looked at me and slapped my head.
“Are you trying to chase my customers away? You’re just trying to make things worst for me.
Give it to me” she said as she snatched the bucket from me and I opened my mouth in shock.

God, I hope you’re watching this.

She resumed hawking and after some time, she was done selling.

She walked up to me and I threw my face away.

“Hold on; are you trying to be mad at me?” She asked but I didn’t say a word as I just started walking away.

“Hey!” She called and ran after me.

Then she ran ahead and stood in front of me.
“Fine! I’m sorry, okay? You’re not trying to make things worst for me” she said but I still maintained a straight face and folded my hands.

Then she walked over to the roadside and returned with a round flower ribbon and placed it on my head.

“Are you happy now?” She asked and I scoffed.
“Are you trying to turn me into a dull or what?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.

“But you seriously have no sense of business, Nigel.”
“Not business, but hawking” I replied.

“You’re unbelievable. Someone like you can actually run down a business in less than two days” she said and I laughed.

“Well at least, it’s going to make me stop hawking” I replied and next, she covered the empty bucket on my head.

“Leave it on, Nigel. It’s your crown. You’ve just been crowned the new king of hawking” she said and I laughed.

I tried taking it off but she held my hand.
“I said leave it on” she said.
“You’re crazy” I told her and tried taking it off again and this time around, she slapped me lightly on the cheek.

I looked at her painfully and she started running away and I ran after her.

She kept laughing as she did and soon, I caught up with her and gripped her wrist.

“Nigel! I’m sorry” she said while laughing and I tried hitting her on the cheek as well but she kept hiding her face from me.

Just then, a car drove to where we were and that was what saved her because the car actually stopped in front of us.

I let go of her wrist and wondered who could be in the car and why they had stopped in front of us.

The door opened and…Jesus Christ!
It were my cousins – Angelo and Michael.

They both came out of the car with their mouths open as they stared at me from head to toe.

I think therthere’s a burning candle on my head.

I looked at Alyssa and she also looked surprised, probably wondering why they were there.

God, no.

I looked at Angelo and Michael and their mouths were still open.
I was still wearing the empty bucket on my head.

This is a dream.

They were shocked beyond imagination and I think Angelo was now trying to call my name.



Click 6 below to read episode 43