TRUTH AND LIES Episode 49 – 54

I smiled and looked back at my food.
I can’t believe Mico had apologised to a maid.
And the way he had been staring at me…could it be possible I was the reason he apologised?

We continued eating and after a while, we were done and we all went back to the sitting room.

Mico was yet to return from his room.

Karen took TV remote and turned on a movie which wasn’t exactly interesting.

“Why’s Mico taking so long? He needs to come down for the game” Olivia groused and I wondered which game she was talking about.

But why was Mico taking long?

“Alyssa,” Karen suddenly called and turned to me.
“Could you help us go to his room and bring him down, please?” She asked with a smile and my heart skipped.

Is this lady crazy or what?
How can she send me to Mico’s room?

“Alyssa?” She called and I scoffed.

“I…I can’t” I blurted.
“Come on Alyssa. You guys are just friends right? There should be no room for negative thoughts.
Please, just help us out. ” she said with appealing eyes.

This has got to be a joke.

“But, I…I don’t…”
“His room is by the left on the second floor. Don’t worry, when you see his room, you’ll definitely recognise it” she cut me off and I remained mute.

“Please?” She added and I sluggishly stood up.

God; hope I’m not making a mistake?

I walked slowly to the stairs and climbed on it.
But why didn’t she send a maid instead? Why does it have to be me?

I looked back at her and she was smiling.

I climbed the stairs and headed for the passage.
I can’t believe I’m going to Mico’s room alone.
I suddenly feel nervous.

To be continued