TRUTH AND LIES Episode 55 – 58


(The kiss)

Episode 56

Writer: Faith Lucky.

A wild gasp ran across the room and Mico’s eyes deemed.

Mico scoffed and itched his head.
These brothers of his can really fix someone in a twist.

“We’re waiting sir” Angelo chipped in.

I looked at him and he was looking nervous.

What would his reply be?

Who’s name would he call as the girl he loves?

Alyssa’s Pov continues:
“Okay. Uhm…her name starts with an A and ends with an A” he replied and I looked at him.

“Hold on Mico, Alexa’s name also starts with an A and ends with an A” Michael said and Mico grinned at him.

“Damm you, Michael! Don’t mention her name here” he snapped and I felt a little surprised.
It seems his hatred for Alexa has really increased.

“Okay. So who exactly are you referring to? Because we have a lot of names that starts and ends with an A” Angelo said.
“Yes. Like the likes of Anastatia, Adrianna, Annabella, Alyssa, Ana…”

“Next person, please” Mico announced and they giggled.

Then next, it was Karen’s turn.

She chosed T and picked a name from the table and…Holy shit!
It was Angelo.
Why’s she so unlucky?

“I’m out of this game, guys” she grouched.

“You can’t quit, Karen. Now my question; how many guys have you slept with?” He asked and everyone busted into laughter.

“none” she replied Adamantly and rolled her eyes.

“Woah! You’re not supposed to lie in the game, Karen. She’s cheating” Michael said.

“And whoever said I was lying? Durrh!” She replied, rolling her eyes at him.

“So Karen Salvatore is actually trying to tell me she’s a virgin?”
“If someone like Karen is still a virgin, then I swear, I’m going to be a priest”

“Yes. She might end up being our own Holy virgin mother of our time. She might give birth to another saviour, just that, her own saviour would be three year old by the time she gives birth to him.”

There was an outburst of laughter in the room and even Karen couldn’t help but chuckle.

Gosh! Anyone who heard about the Salvatores might think they’re proud, grumpy and all that. But in reality, they’re too lovely.

I wish I belonged to such a family.

The game went on and it got to angelo’s turn and he chosed a D.
Then he picked a name from the table and…holy Mary!
It was Karen’s name.

He upended his mouth and Karen gasped.

He stood up immediately and tried running away but Karen followed him immediately and caught him and dragged him back to his seat.


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